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Quote:With black socks...cuz you're cool like that! :thumbsup:
No way jose, socks and sandals totally ruin the whole concept of sandals.

I rock my sandals totally nude in the foot department.
I own exactly 2 pairs of shoes. One for formal events, one for everything else. I don't really understand the need for dozens of pairs of shoes, but I suppose there are things that I do that others don't understand so I won't judge. :thumbsup:

Quote:I own exactly 2 pairs of shoes. One for formal events, one for everything else. I don't really understand the need for dozens of pairs of shoes, but I suppose there are things that I do that others don't understand so I won't judge. :thumbsup:

Please tell me you don't use the same shoes to walk in that you use for fishing. That's just wrong on so many levels.



Tommy, I watched that entire video this morning, I get collecting what interest you. :thumbsup:  I collect guns, and alcohol. (kidding aside) You can see how special those shoes are to that guy, especially that he was carrying on the passion of his brother. If every person had something they were that passionate about? ... It couldn't be a bad thing, could it?


Take some pics of your shoes, Tommy. I think we could enjoy seeing some of your favorites. Maybe add a little story line to how, and why you chose them. Smile
Quote:I like Skechers. Much to the embarrassment of my children. Smile


Quote: :unsure: I thought Skechers where the nice shoes, what do you think about my Walmart starter shoes?

Whats wrong with Skechers? 
Quote:Please tell me you don't use the same shoes to walk in that you use for fishing. That's just wrong on so many levels.



Tommy, I watched that entire video this morning, I get collecting what interest you. :thumbsup:  I collect guns, and alcohol. (kidding aside) You can see how special those shoes are to that guy, especially that he was carrying on the passion of his brother. If every person had something they were that passionate about? ... It couldn't be a bad thing, could it?


Take some pics of your shoes, Tommy. I think we could enjoy seeing some of your favorites. Maybe add a little story line to how, and why you chose them. Smile

I've actually never been fishing. I suppose if I went fishing, I'd buy a third pair of shoes.
I love looking at the Penny collection. I copped a pair of V's when they were released last year. Nothing like Penny.

Quote:I own exactly 2 pairs of shoes. One for formal events, one for everything else. I don't really understand the need for dozens of pairs of shoes, but I suppose there are things that I do that others don't understand so I won't judge. :thumbsup:

It's actually not good for your feet to wear the same pair of shoes all the time. The poor little work horses never get a chance to dry out from daily perspiration and it becomes a happy little breeding ground for all sorts of icky things.
Quote:It's actually not good for your feet to wear the same pair of shoes all the time. The poor little work horses never get a chance to dry out from daily perspiration and it becomes a happy little breeding ground for all sorts of icky things.

I bet this applies to skivvies too. If so, that would explain some things...
Shoes are a big part of my personality. 



Quote:I bet this applies to skivvies too. If so, that would explain some things...
Yes...this most certainly applies to that!! :thumbsup:

And turning them inside out does not qualify as changing them! Sick
After reading Sammy's reply I got to thinking. I used to make fun of Tommy's shoe fetish wether I actually posted it or just thought it. I remember as a kid getting a new pair of shoes was always really cool. I was excited about new shoes when I was little. Why? Idk. I got a new pair every year before school started and another pair throughout the year as I outgrew them. Sure, I never got the "coolest" shoes because my parents didn't have the money. Mom always had a set dollar amount she was willing to spend. Usually it was about 50.00 so I didn't get lame shoes but I didn't get the "cool" ones either. I was so excited about my new shoes I always wanted to wear them out of the store and thinking in my head "Elmo got new shoes!". I can't recall ever wanting to wear any other clothing out of the store. Never wanted to wear undies out the store or jeans. So, I guess I can understand reliving that experience over and over again. I for one, can go without now, as other thing excite me more.
Quote:After reading Sammy's reply I got to thinking. I used to make fun of Tommy's shoe fetish wether I actually posted it or just thought it. I remember as a kid getting a new pair of shoes was always really cool. I was excited about new shoes when I was little. Why? Idk. I got a new pair every year before school started and another pair throughout the year as I outgrew them. Sure, I never got the "coolest" shoes because my parents didn't have the money. Mom always had a set dollar amount she was willing to spend. Usually it was about 50.00 so I didn't get lame shoes but I didn't get the "cool" ones either. I was so excited about my new shoes I always wanted to wear them out of the store and thinking in my head "Elmo got new shoes!". I can't recall ever wanting to wear any other clothing out of the store. Never wanted to wear undies out the store or jeans. So, I guess I can understand reliving that experience over and over again. I for one, can go without now, as other thing excite me more.

The one thing that I hated about getting new shoes was that my Mom would always make me do that "schmuck walk" as Kevin James puts it, in a little circle in the middle of the store. I never knew how much walking was required before she would be satisfied that the shoes fit okay.
I mow the lawn in my low black canvas Chucks.

I remember playing high school ball and the school would supply our shoes. We had a choice of white high top Chucks or white low Chucks.

As a matter of fact there were four choices of 'cool' shoes. Low or high, black or white.
Quote:The one thing that I hated about getting new shoes was that my Mom would always make me do that "schmuck walk" as Kevin James puts it, in a little circle in the middle of the store. I never knew how much walking was required before she would be satisfied that the shoes fit okay.

"Where's your toe at? Let me feel your toe. Do they slip at all?"
I gotta say, it was a huge turn off seeing girls wearing keds. Ugh.
Quote:After reading Sammy's reply I got to thinking. I used to make fun of Tommy's shoe fetish wether I actually posted it or just thought it. I remember as a kid getting a new pair of shoes was always really cool. I was excited about new shoes when I was little. Why? Idk. I got a new pair every year before school started and another pair throughout the year as I outgrew them. Sure, I never got the "coolest" shoes because my parents didn't have the money. Mom always had a set dollar amount she was willing to spend. Usually it was about 50.00 so I didn't get lame shoes but I didn't get the "cool" ones either. I was so excited about my new shoes I always wanted to wear them out of the store and thinking in my head "Elmo got new shoes!". I can't recall ever wanting to wear any other clothing out of the store. Never wanted to wear undies out the store or jeans. So, I guess I can understand reliving that experience over and over again. I for one, can go without now, as other thing excite me more.

This actually sounds very much like how I felt as a kid. I never felt the desire to own more than was absolutely necessary though. I'd have much rather spent money on games or toys at the time. Now I'd rather spend my money on computer hardware or software because I'm a bit of a geek.



Quote:It's actually not good for your feet to wear the same pair of shoes all the time. The poor little work horses never get a chance to dry out from daily perspiration and it becomes a happy little breeding ground for all sorts of icky things.

I'm aware, but I don't wear my shoes all the time. I will often go a day or two without needing to wear my shoes because I'll be studying for my next tests/exams for my courses (all of which are online). I've yet to be able to find a job so I'm not on my feet all day as many of you are. Trust me, my feet are just fine with my single pair of shoes for now. It's not having a couple of pairs of shoes that confuses me, it's having a dozen. That said, I doubt that many of you would find a new stick of RAM to be all that interesting, so I'm not going to judge what other people collect.
Quote:"Where's your toe at? Let me feel your toe. Do they slip at all?"

Ahhh the good ol days.
Nothing wrong with wanting to look good. Personally, I'm not into the whole "hypebeast" scene but there's nothing wrong with a man having several pairs of shoes. I think one should always be dressed to impress. But that's just me; to each their own. I know Tommy gets a lot of flak for being a kid with "giving" parents but I think he's gotten less obnoxious about it.
Quote:Nothing wrong with wanting to look good. Personally, I'm not into the whole "hypebeast" scene but there's nothing wrong with a man having several pairs of shoes. I think one should always be dressed to impress. But that's just me; to each their own. I know Tommy gets a lot of flak for being a kid with "giving" parents but I think he's gotten less obnoxious about it.
Nothing wrong with it at all. I have several pairs. Only two of which are sneakers. I like my redwing iron ranger's the best
Quote:"Where's your toe at? Let me feel your toe. Do they slip at all?"

"Well, you need room to grow but they better not be so loose as to fall off your feet."
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