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Full Version: ***OFFICIAL Jaguars Vs. Cardinals Game Day Thread***
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If things stay the same we'll be tied with Houston in the division...
I just saw the TD. lol I'll be back at half time you guys are going ruin the game for me!

D looks real good already sigh.

Our LB'ers don't look very good at the moment

Quote:That's not Lewis

I think the feed im watching is behind, I was talkign about the first play
Quote:D looks real good already sigh.

They do?
Defense is pathetic...again.

ugh come on secondary slow them down at least

Their cornerbacks run WR routes better than the Jags WRs do... #Jags

Come on D, hold 'em!!!!!

No they don't hence the sigh. Defense is giving up the lead already.

Wow, dat pocket awareness 

frustrating watch teams march down the field like this

We might need Clowney more than TB. Smh
Quote:Go back to playing Madden and score lots of touchdowns with the Jags, please, Nostradamus. Love


Edit: This looks like a jerk post... No sarcasm intended.
Lol, I just thought it was funny.. like Deja vu
Hold em!
Missing Polz right now.


The Jags are actually winning. This is hurting our chances for Teddy!

That should've been a int
Andre Branch destroyed that play but overran the QB come on.

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