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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Broncos Game Day Thread***
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Same ol run play. Hackett using Fisch playbook still... Smh this whole staff needs to go...
Quote:Ya know? We really have to commend each other for still being here, gameday after gameday, with the same [BAD WORD REMOVED] show given to us for our loyalty. Lots of people have given up and walked, yet, we're still here.. We deserve so much better..
I've been a jag fan since the inaugural season and I can't see myself cheering for anyone else but lately I ask myself why can't cheer a decent team. I feel like my loyalty has been undeserved. 
Running out of the shotgun so stupid
I just got home. Is it true Bortles threw 2 pick 6s?
Quote:I've been a jag fan since the inaugural season and I can't see myself cheering for anyone else but lately I ask myself why can't cheer a decent team. I feel like my loyalty has been undeserved. 

As long as the Jaguars are in Jacksonville, I'm die hard.  
Quote:I just got home. Is it true Bortles threw 2 pick 6s?

Just one, but the other led to 7 points anyways. 
Quote:I just got home. Is it true Bortles threw 2 pick 6s?

Just one, so far
Our oline is doing okay so the color analyst needs to stop with the false narrative. Come on Parnell though you need to let the free play happen and not get the play blown dead. It sure is the little things that become big things for this team.

Quote:Just one, but the other led to 7 points anyways.

Hahahaha...not surprised AT ALL
Quote:I just got home. Is it true Bortles threw 2 pick 6s?

2 picks 1 for 6
I hate those donkeys.  How can any true Jaguar fan also be a fan of that stupid team???

One int but lotsa drops

What the hell was Bortles seeing there?
Stone-hands runs a lacksidasical pattern on replay

Wow. Good run from bbint
USE THOSE LEGS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow... Denver's D just watched him walk in on that...



Here's to Garbage Time!