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Quote:Not the storm drain theory! Does that make any sense to you at all? And not a witness in sight?


You can believe whatever you want, of course, but come on.


And Oswald had "handlers"? And yet over 50 years and no one knows who they are or has offered any proof that they exist.


With hundreds of journalists looking for the scoop of the century - no scoops.


No proof offered which would result in millions of dollars to the "insider".


No deathbed confessions from anyone in the massive conspiracy.


I understand the fun involved having all these fairy tales floating around, but sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.


The most radical theory to most people, apparently, is that Oswald acted alone. I think he did.

Oh yes there are plenty of death bed confessions. One in particular was a French marksmen hitman who worked for the French foreign legion who said he was approached to do the assassination but he declined yet said one of his compatriots took the job.


I also pointed out Johnny Roselli admitted to his prison mate Bill Bonanno he was a shooter. Witnesses aslo testified to


There were also dozens of people in Dealey Plaza that day who said multiple shots rang out from directions other than the TSBD. Do you not want to believe people who are actually there? Go ahead.


Look, I've read dozens of books by multitudes of people who were actually involved but until you study the events as much as I you will continue to believe in falsehoods. You seem to ignore the confessions and books by the people who have the "scoop" as you say. They ARE out there. Pick up a copy of "Crossfire" by Jim Maars.


Regards......the Chiefjag
Quote:Oh yes there are plenty of death bed confessions. One in particular was a French marksmen hitman who worked for the French foreign legion who said he was approached to do the assassination but he declined yet said one of his compatriots took the job.



Regards......the Chiefjag

Lucien Sarti: Corsican assassin and drug trafficker, possible "French gunman," Grassy Knoll (second) shooter.


Death bed confession of  E. Howard Hunt:  http://www.rense.com/general76/hunt.htm
Nova is getting to run a program on the Kennedy assassination.  

Quote:Lucien Sarti: Corsican assassin and drug trafficker, possible "French gunman," Grassy Knoll (second) shooter.


Death bed confession of  E. Howard Hunt:  http://www.rense.com/general76/hunt.htm

I'm sorry. I meant any credible confessions. There are also people who think aliens were involved.


Jack Ruby wasn't "part of the Mafia." He was a nightclub owner who knew some Mafioso. Big deal. He knew a bunch of Dallas cops as well. That doesn't make him part of law enforcement. And if you take anything said by Ruby in the end stages of his life as believable, well good luck.


And now the FBI is part of the conspiracy! They gave Ruby cancer, don't you know.


Also, add the Secret Service to the party. I saw a show the other night in which the theory was the Secret Service agent in the follow up car accidentally shot Kennedy in the head. 


Any incredible scenario you can come up with can be trumped with another. And someone has written a book about every one of them. Many have tried to make a buck off JFK's death and the assassination industry shows no sign of slowing down.
Quote:6.5 × 52 mm Italian Carcano M91/38 bolt-action rifle with a six-round magazine


Nobody, and I mean Nobody, can get off 3 shots in that period of time with a bolt action rifle.


Especially that one because it had a tendency to jam.

You can get the shots off but you're probably not hitting your target under 7 seconds.



Quote:I try my best to be correct, politically so or not.


It is not wrong to have an opinion, my interest in the debate is whether it is right to discriminate based on that opinion.


As for the flat earth topic, I addressed your assertions in that thread. I won't rehash all of it, the fact is that there were people who believed the earth was flat in significant numbers, especially in Asia, as late as the 19th century. It was nowhere near universally "debunked" 3000 years ago.

It isn't discrimination to have a different opinion and to express it. That word is thrown around all the time, but it's dishonest in almost every use. 



Quote:Simply not true. It has been done. Read up on it.


And I like that comment about "probably" LBJ being in on it. Probably? He either was or wasn't.


And how could it have been LBJ when it was the CIA? Or wait, I mean the Mafia. Or wait, I mean the Texas oil men. Or wait, I mean the military-industrial complex. Or wait, I mean the Russians. Or wait, I mean the Cubans.


We seem to always want a complex solution when the most simple is usually the correct answer. Oswald had motive and opportunity.

Technically, it can be fired within 3 seconds. When trained marksmen have difficulty making 3 accurate shots (under 7-8 seconds), it makes it hard to believe that a man who only made marksman while in the Marines could make those 3. Oswald even shot himself accidentally--with a .22. We're supposed to believe he could shoot 3 times with a cheaply-made rifle on a moving target, at the most important man in the world (stress), all while keeping it between 6-7 seconds?


I'm not even a big conspiracy theorist. I don't know who or where another shooter would've have been. If this was an actual conspiracy, it would be smart to spread rumors about the alleged involvement of groups that didn't have involvement. It would discredit all of the dissenting opinions, no?


I don't know much about the JFK assassination, but I know a little bit about guns and shooting. It's extremely difficult for an expert marksman to make those shots on a target that isn't moving. Factor in a moving vehicle, wind, a poor shooter, and I'd bet that the man who shot himself in the elbow would miss more times than not. Oswald couldn't even hit General Walker from 100 yards. Walker was a bigger target and he wasn't moving. JFK was almost 3 times further away, moving, and smaller. 

<p class="">rollerjag, on 12 Nov 2013 - 6:33 PM, said:<a class="" href='http://jungle.jaguars.com/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=53883'>[Image: snapback.png]</a>

Quote:It is not wrong to have an opinion, my interest in the debate is whether it is right to discriminate based on that opinion.
Quote:It isn't discrimination to have a different opinion and to express it. That word is thrown around all the time, but it's dishonest in almost every use. 

You are correct and my interest in the subject was the discussion around the transgendered individual's right to choose their gender, and all that entails. Part of that discussion would include debate on whether or not discrimination is even an issue. Not once did I post that anyone's opinion in that thread was discrimination.


I do admit I inferred that TMD may occasionally present a prehistoric world view in his opinions, but I'd rather not veer off in that direction. We discuss him enough as it is.

Quote:Nova is getting to run a program on the Kennedy assassination.  

Just watched it (hooray for DVRs). I thought it was very well done, with a lot of emphasis on ballistics and forensics.


The conspiracy theorists probably won't like it, but it was based on science and not speculation.


Seemed to prove very convincingly the single bullet theory and that Oswald's rifle and bullets were capable of doing what we've been led to believe they did. 


I've always enjoyed Nova - although sometimes the physics is way beyond my pea brain's comprehension.
FYI, there is a re-air tonight if you missed it and would like to see it.

Quote:Just watched it (hooray for DVRs). I thought it was very well done, with a lot of emphasis on ballistics and forensics.

The conspiracy theorists probably won't like it, but it was based on science and not speculation.

Seemed to prove very convincingly the single bullet theory and that Oswald's rifle and bullets were capable of doing what we've been led to believe they did.

I've always enjoyed Nova - although sometimes the physics is way beyond my pea brain's comprehension.

I didn't see it. So their argument is that the warren commission's conclusion is possible? Did they touch on the grassy knoll? Or just talk about the forensics of Oswald shooting? Did they talk about the probability of the magic bullet or just the possibility?
Quote:I didn't see it. So their argument is that the warren commission's conclusion is possible? Did they touch on the grassy knoll? Or just talk about the forensics of Oswald shooting? Did they talk about the probability of the magic bullet or just the possibility?

The Warren Commission's conclusion is more than possible; in my mind it's probable.


Yes they touched on the grassy knoll. Kennedy's wounds were caused by shots from the rear, thus not from the knoll.


They made a very good case as to why the "magic bullet theory" is in fact the way it happened.


Obviously it's past the time when something will appear that answers everyone's suspicions about what happened. But it's endlessly interesting and fascinating.
Its funny how Adam's opinions always seem to be pro-establishment. When something is questioned, you can be sure he will chime in on the certain side. 

The thing about deathbed confessions is -- you don't always know when you're going to die.  We've had no deathbed confessions from any potential Zodiac Killers yet either.  Maybe Zodiac isn't dead yet.  Then again, maybe the conspirators with the Kennedy assassination aren't dead yet either.  (I suspct Zodiac is Robert Graysmith.  But that's another conspiracy).  Jack The Ripper didn't confess to our knowledge either.   Furthermore, a deathbed confession may have happened, and nobody is willing to come forward that they heard it.  Then you have people who get Alzheimers, and are unable to give any deathbed confessions.  


Even if Oswald shot him, I don't see why he had to work alone.  



Even if Oswald shot him, I don't see why he had to work alone.  

Quote:Its funny how Adam's opinions always seem to be pro-establishment. When something is questioned, you can be sure he will chime in on the certain side. 

You continue to get more embarrassing with each post.


In case you missed the last 50 years, the theory of more than one shooter has become the "establishment" theory.


Of course, saying something is "pro-establishment" makes absolutely no sense in this context, but we're used to your comments that make absolutely no sense.


Yeah, you're a real rebel. Cutting edge you are.


Are you supposed to be helping Chip Kelly revolutionize pro football?
Quote:Its funny how Adam's opinions always seem to be pro-establishment. When something is questioned, you can be sure he will chime in on the certain side. 

Do you realize that while you are spending time reading and posting on this message board, those punk kids in your neighborhood are playing on your lawn?
Quote:You continue to get more embarrassing with each post.


In case you missed the last 50 years, the theory of more than one shooter has become the "establishment" theory.


Of course, saying something is "pro-establishment" makes absolutely no sense in this context, but we're used to your comments that make absolutely no sense.


Yeah, you're a real rebel. Cutting edge you are.


Are you supposed to be helping Chip Kelly revolutionize pro football?

...I guess the only question left is if this is either pirkster or Alfie. 


Quote:Do you realize that while you are spending time reading and posting on this message board, those punk kids in your neighborhood are playing on your lawn?

I didn't realize I was 60, but I guess those that become aware of society's free fall are lumped into the "old man" category...


Thats ok. I'd rather be there, than conform to assimilate into the complete mess of no class that a good portion of todays mainstream society resides in. 
Quote:The Warren Commission's conclusion is more than possible; in my mind it's probable.


Yes they touched on the grassy knoll. Kennedy's wounds were caused by shots from the rear, thus not from the knoll.


They made a very good case as to why the "magic bullet theory" is in fact the way it happened.


Obviously it's past the time when something will appear that answers everyone's suspicions about what happened. But it's endlessly interesting and fascinating.

I saw the Nova production too, and the forensics add up to the Warren commissions conclusions.


I think what happened after the assasination (Jack Ruby, Oswald's behavior) tend to shed doubt that it was the act of a single nut-job.


Sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction.  It was the act of a single nut-job.


As an aside, I'd like to add that 9/11 was the surprise attack of a terrorist organization, the US had no idea the Japanese were planning an attack on Pearl Harbour, and that there's nothing going on at Area 51 that's coming from outer space.


Oh, and Oliver Stone is a loony.
Quote:I didn't realize I was 60, but I guess those that become aware of society's free fall are lumped into the "old man" category...


Thats ok. I'd rather be there, than conform to assimilate into the complete mess of no class that a good portion of todays mainstream society resides in. 

Well, part of it is your hypersensitivity to any ribbing, but mostly it's your tendency to portray isolated incidents involving one person as examples of societal trends.


Not to mention coining meaningless phrases like "conform to assimilate".

I think what happened after the assasination [sic] (Jack Ruby, Oswald's behavior) tend to shed doubt that it was the act of a single nut-job.

That, and when you put into a historical context the events leading up to and after the assassination it is easy to conjure up motivation for so many different parties to want Kennedy dead.
Quote:That, and when you put into a historical context the events leading up to and after the assassination it is easy to conjure up motivation for so many different parties to want Kennedy dead.

Oswald had many communist ideologies. 


While Kennedy was a big anti-communist President, he was more than ahead of his time in terms of civil rights and other issues of equality. I'd suspect that Oswald would value that greatly over the technical stance against communism. It just seems like Oswald was influenced by or worked with others. 
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