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Quote:Nice dodge there! Link please, or go back under yours.

Its easy for a coach after a loss to say how good the other players looked, btw.

lol, this took all of 10 seconds, clown. 







oh and nice damage control edit, with the last sentence when you realized that there actually were people giving Teddy the cred I claimed. 

Quote:Of the last 15 drafts here are the QB's selected #1 overall. You tell me if losing now is worth the continued disappointment of not getting better. And before you say well Bridgewater or Mariota or Manziel are light years better you can't verify that based upon college stats because all of these guys were "can't miss" prospects.


Tim Couch

Mike Vick

David Carr

Carson Palmer

Eli Manning

Alex Smith

Jamarcus Russell

Matt Stafford

Sam Bradford

Cam Newton

Andrew Luck


If you're looking to continue losing so we get the #1 pick for QB you're rolling the dice at the expense of continuing developing a losing culture in the locker room. Of that list only Eli Manning has won a Super Bowl and that's mostly due to good coaching and defense. Many here would not consider Eli even elite.


Of that list I would only consider Eli, Luck, and Stafford worth losing for and they are already NFL proven, not college propect.


Regards............the Chiefjag
If we can win and still get Bridgewater, then I'm all for it. If we win and lose out of getting a chance (because nothing is for sure, i.e. Clowney, Manziel, etc), then I'm not down for it. Please remember everyone in the race for #1 pick needs a QB (Tampa, Minn, Houston (possibly), Giants (doubt it, but you never know), etc. If we get bumped out of top 5, we might have screwed our team for the next 2-3 years. We need a shot at our franchise QB now. Whoever thinks Gabbert or Henne is going to cut it going forward is loopy. We might be able to find that "Tom Brady" in the 6th, but let's not count on that please. I love that we won a game to stay out the record books. But let's be honest, if we don't get our Franchise QB this draft and he pans out that way, we are going to be in rebuild mode for 5+ years with a change at HC down the road. We need a very high pick #1 or #2 and hit on every pick, or we are going to still be in trouble. FA is going to be hard because the player has to want to come here. Come to a team that hasn't won much in the last 3 years and the constant talk of moving the team by all the media could shy away players too. We need a very high pick. #smh
Quote:What you or he or me wishes for will not affect the outcome of how we finish the year. I can see his point of view. I really hate losing too. But I think it's important to be the top pick THIS season. 



But a lot of people on this forum can't see the forest through the trees. They likey them some of those meaningless wins in already dead seasons that give you a 4-12 record rather than a 1-15 record, and then the only benefit that comes from that is missing out on the best of prospects and continuing  the long term mediocrity. 
Quote:lol, this took all of 10 seconds, clown.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap2000000268785/article/louisvilles-teddy-bridgewater-compared-to-andrew-luck'>http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap2000000268785/article/louisvilles-teddy-bridgewater-compared-to-andrew-luck</a>

oh and nice damage control edit, with the last sentence when you realized that there actually were people giving Teddy the cred I claimed.
I'm still searching for 'one of the best prospects in 20 years' part. Goodie for you. You found a column 'in 10 seconds' where another college coach says he's good.

How about one that actually backs what you said?
Quote:I'm still searching for 'one of the best prospects in 20 years' part. Goodie for you. You found a column 'in 10 seconds' where another college coach says he's good.

How about one that actually backs what you said?

Do you need everything spelled out for you? What the hell do you think Andrew Luck is/ was?
Quote:Really? What exactly did I edit Columbo?

Must have been a board glitch. It was only showing part of the full quote for some reason. Now it actually has the full quote and does say "edited". Wasn't there when I posted what I did. 
Watt and Clowney would form a scary defensive line, but I'd be willing to allow that to happen if it means we finally land a franchise quarterback.  I'd gladly "role the dice" (so to speak) on Teddy Bridgewater and allow Clowney to go to the Texans, if that scenario presented itself.


Plus, the Texans will always be limited without a franchise QB.


Franchise QB > All.

another Luck comparison....this one even before the season....



hey tmd, show a link where an actual nfl scout or anyone with nfl scouting experience compares teddy to luck. i asked you a month ago and im still waiting.




Plus, the Texans will always be limited without a franchise QB.


Franchise QB > All.



Some of us understand, and some are well, 'dupid. 
Quote:Do you need everything spelled out for you? What the hell do you think Andrew Luck is/ was?
I'm still waiting Bozo.
Every year we hear talk about how this QB coming out is the NEXT BEST thing, and who ever get's the 1st pick is going to win 1 million superbowls! I heard it under Stafford, Bradford, Newton, Luck, heck for a while some people talked about Geno going 1st overall. I'm not saying Bridgewater will or won't be great, I'm just tired of hearing how if we suck now, it's for sure we won't suck later!


there's something to be learned from winning, these are NOT meaningless wins. Only from the fans stand point of draft posturing are they meaningless. From a real team building stand point learning how to win is important, you've got 33 new players on this roster, getting them to play together and find success is more beneficial then any draft position in the future. 


For every great QB taken with the 1st overall pick I can find you 3 that went somewhere other then the 1st overall pick. I want this team and organization to find success and build on it, losing to get the best lottery ticket is absurd.



Some of us understand, and some are well, 'dupid. 

The Franchise QB is a guarantee even with the 1st pick, you think Bridgewater is the ONLY QB that will be a franchise QB coming out in this draft?
Quote:I'm still waiting Bozo.

If Andrew Luck is the QB that I provided links for, and he's clearly seen as one of the best QB prospects in the last 20 years, then simple deduction says that Bridgewater would be also seen as one of the best QB of the last 20 years.... :blink: :wacko:


I didn't think it would be this hard, but with the willfully ignorant and stubborn on purpose because they know they are wrong, I guess it is,,,, oh yeah, jerk. 

I am from Philly and lived in San Fran for a while. Was a big fan of both. What I learned is sometimes you gotta suck before you can get better if you have a good GM that can draft well and make good FA decisions. I dropped those teams when we got a team here. I am a Jags fan and what I have seen here is that we've been stuck in mediocrity for many years. We were too good to get the top draft picks but not quite good enough to get over the hump playoff-wise. We've been stuck. If we had had a good GM, things might have gotten "unstuck". I hate sucking but I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. If things turn out right....we can make a run in a couple of years. The pieces will fall in place.
Quote:I am from Philly and lived in San Fran for a while. Was a big fan of both. What I learned is sometimes you gotta suck before you can get better if you have a good GM that can draft well and make good FA decisions. I dropped those teams when we got a team here. I am a Jags fan and what I have seen here is that we've been stuck in mediocrity for many years. We were too good to get the top draft picks but not quite good enough to get over the hump playoff-wise. We've been stuck. If we had had a good GM, things might have gotten "unstuck". I hate sucking but I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. If things turn out right....we can make a run in a couple of years. The pieces will fall in place.

Nice to see some perspective. 


1 fluky win against a garbage Titan team and now the 'dupids become all short sighted and lose eyes off of the real "prize" which is the top pick or at worst one of the top 2 picks. Thats some of the kinda people we are dealing with around here. 
Quote:If Andrew Luck is the QB that I provided links for, and he's clearly seen as one of the best QB prospects in the last 20 years, then simple deduction says that Bridgewater would be also seen as one of the best QB of the last 20 years.... :blink: :wacko:

I didn't think it would be this hard, but with the willfully ignorant and stubborn on purpose because they know they are wrong, I guess it is,,,, oh yeah, jerk.
Are those emoticons supposed to support your point. I know that you just love those things. You made the statement. Back it up liar.
Quote:Are those emoticons supposed to support your point. I know that you just love those things. You made the statement. Back it up liar.

I did, with 2 links. If you're too stupid to not understand deductive reasoning, then thats your problem. 

Quote:For every great QB taken with the 1st overall pick I can find you 3 that went somewhere other then the 1st overall pick. I want this team and organization to find success and build on it, losing to get the best lottery ticket is absurd.

Did you ever think that's because the number of Quarterbacks taken 1st overall are a lot lower than the number of Quarterbacks not taken first overall?  The success rate of 1st overall pick QB's is a bit higher than QB's not taken number one.  

This organization isn't going to find success this year.  Not with Chad Henne leading the team.  He is the blind leading the blind at this point. Tennessee had to play some of their worst football in years for us to beat them by two points.  That's not success.  That is having a game handed to you on a platter.  Furthermore, can you not find success within the team without winning? There can be individual successes on this team.

But I suppose you'd be happy with any gift wrapped wins we get the rest of this year.  I for one, won't.  The only wins I will be happy with is where both teams play their hardest.  And I don't see those type of wins coming this year. 
Quote:I am from Philly and lived in San Fran for a while. Was a big fan of both. What I learned is sometimes you gotta suck before you can get better if you have a good GM that can draft well and make good FA decisions. I dropped those teams when we got a team here. I am a Jags fan and what I have seen here is that we've been stuck in mediocrity for many years. We were too good to get the top draft picks but not quite good enough to get over the hump playoff-wise. We've been stuck. If we had had a good GM, things might have gotten "unstuck". I hate sucking but I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. If things turn out right....we can make a run in a couple of years. The pieces will fall in place.

If you really look back, it was poor drafting not poor draft positions that had us stuck in no mans land. Take Ben instead of Reggie, take Suggs instead of Leftwhich, take  Wilson instead of Anger, and so on
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