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Quote:Nope. No synthetics. It's natural.

Some of the smartest people to ever live/living on earth at the moment used Marijuana profoundly. I really don't understand your point. Considering every single debate we get in, you seem to fade off back into the background of the thread. Why? Because I prove you wrong and win the debate, every, single, time.

If you look past the low-lives and, "druggies", there is a respectable Cannabis community. In fact, it's one of the largest growing markets in the world. Some people use this plant for other reasons than recreational use. Think with your head.

Well please prove me and everyone else wrong this time.

We're still waiting on some documented proof of this untraceable weed. A link would be nice, a post on grasscity, a story from high times, something, not some fairytale BS that only exists in your head.
Quote:Many many times I watched my father dry-heave and shake because he couldn't get a drink.  That was not caused by his addictive personality.  It was the visceral and very real physiological effects of alcohol withdrawal.  

If you use enough of anything the body will develop a dependency on that substance. I'm not trying to down play the dangers or real struggles of alcoholics please don't misunderstand me. I'm saying that alcoholics learn a dependency that I guess you could call an addiction over time, and yes when they come off it they suffer real physical withdraws. But alcohol in itself didn't cause the addiction it was their abuse of it.


Crack on the other hand no matter how you use it ends up addicting.


My condolences on your Father, that's a struggle I sympathize with. I hope and pray he found peace as well as you and your family.
From the clinical sense, there is a difference between a mental/habitual addiction of routine and a physical addiction.  Weed cannot create a physical addiction.  That type of addiction is mental NOT physical.


Booze can over time create a physical addiction in which the body goes through symptoms of physical withdrawal if alchohol is not in the system.  You don't get that wiith weed.  You get cranky, and you THINK you need a toke.  But you don't feel the physical pain of withdrawal like you do with alchohol, amphetimines, and opiates.


You take a dude that's smoked an ounce of weed a day for 5 years and make him stop cold turkey, you'll have one cranky dude

You take a heavy drinking alchoholic and cut him off cold turkey, you'll have a person who will probably have to be hospitalized... 


That's the difference.  I mean, seriously, did nobody else learn this stuff in high school?

Quote:There IS untraceable weed. Lol. I know this because I've used it before.

You better pray your employer isnt on this board and has a way to trace your ip/mac address.
Quote:You better pray your employer isnt on this board and has a way to trace your ip/mac address.

Quote:Tommy, oh Tommy........

Let him continue to dry snitch on himself.


Quote:Well please prove me and everyone else wrong this time.

We're still waiting on some documented proof of this untraceable weed. A link would be nice, a post on grasscity, a story from high times, something, not some fairytale [BAD WORD REMOVED] that only exists in your head.


They're trying to make me go to rehab but I said ah-no-no-nooooo.

Quote:It's the classical definition of addiction.  Your body becomes dependant on it, and if you don't have it, you suffer from physical withdrawals.  Do they not teach this stuff in High School anymore?!?
You believe that's all there is to it?  Addiction is not just physical, it's mental as well, which is why people become addicted in the first place.  Did you read EriC85's post above "The substance isn't addicting it's the traits of addiction in their personality traits, that's why AA focuses on helping them better themselves not just overcoming alcohol. In AA they have them work through the steps to come off addictions not alcohol specifically."  The mindset of the individual and the ability to make smart, respondsible choices is the single biggest factor.


Grab an alcoholic and drop him on a deserted island.  He goes through withdrawal, shakes, tremors, etc.  A year later there is no physical dependency and he's doing fine, living on coconuts and fish.  Is he no longer an alcoholic?  By your definition, no.  But wait!  A case of booze just washed up on the shore, what do you think is going to happen next?


Quote:It's getting too late to dance.  What's your point?


Quote:Then why is it named Alcoholics Anonymous?  Because they are addicted to alcohol.  To state that alcohol doesn't create addiction is just senseless.  
The point is alcohol does not create addiction........it's the abuse of alcohol that can create an addiction.  Millions of people drink on a casual basis without suffering a dependency.  Your posts suggest an automatic effect, which is ridiculous.  You don't become an alcoholic after the first drink.  Poor choices (for a variety if reasons) always precede the addiction.  I believe you will find this a key point of emphasis in any rehabilitation program, including AA.
I think people should realize there are different levels of addictions. It's not a simple matter of a person being a casual drinker or a raving alcoholic. There are different levels which is governed by a person's addictive tendencies.


My father drank wine for breakfast (said it was juice to him) and had drinks all day long but had a very prestigious career for 40 years. At the end of the day he had consumed a bottle of vodka. This pattern went on his entire adult life yet he always provided handsomely for his family without ever sacrificing his responsibilities as a husband or father. He was a functioning alcoholic who lived until he was 78 years old.


OTOH, I have a friend/customer who can't hold a job because work gets in the way of her drinking. She never drinks as much as my father yet when it's party time she is there.


Regards......................the Chiefjag

Quote:I think people should realize there are different levels of addictions. It's not a simple matter of a person being a casual drinker or a raving alcoholic. There are different levels which is governed by a person's addictive tendencies.
My father drank wine for breakfast (said it was juice to him) and had drinks all day long but had a very prestigious career for 40 years. At the end of the day he had consumed a bottle of vodka. This pattern went on his entire adult life yet he always provided handsomely for his family without ever sacrificing his responsibilities as a husband or father. He was a functioning alcoholic who lived until he was 78 years old.
OTOH, I have a friend/customer who can't hold a job because work gets in the way of her drinking. She never drinks as much as my father yet when it's party time she is there.

Regards......................the Chiefjag
Excellent point. We're all different, yet we seem to want to apply one standard to everyone; i.e., if I can drink without being an alcoholic then everyone should be able to.

Genetics is a weird thing.
I understand everyones point regarding shades of grey when it comes to addictions.  My point is that different drugs do different things to people based on their (the drug's) chemical make up.  Yes each person reacts differently to drugs based on thier own physiology, but it's a fact that some drugs create a physical addiction that other drugs do not.  Weed does not create a physical addiction.  Alchohol does, if consumed chronically over a extended period of time.


I think when talking about drugs, one must understand the basics, then we can move into hypothetical/anecdotal examples with a basis we can all agree upon. 


In terms of Blackmon, I do not think he's reached the level of alcholism where he's physically addicted to it.  If he is, man, he's in trouble!!!  He's probably at that psychological point in addiction where he THINKS he needs it, for what ever reason-- Habit, demons, boredom, who knows...  In this sense, rehab for Blackmon would not include a hospitalization where detox is needed.  For him, they need to figure out why the heck he thinks he needs this substance in his life, and why he cannot see how it is adversely affecting the positive things in his life.
Quote:I think people should realize there are different levels of addictions. It's not a simple matter of a person being a casual drinker or a raving alcoholic. There are different levels which is governed by a person's addictive tendencies.


My father drank wine for breakfast (said it was juice to him) and had drinks all day long but had a very prestigious career for 40 years. At the end of the day he had consumed a bottle of vodka. This pattern went on his entire adult life yet he always provided handsomely for his family without ever sacrificing his responsibilities as a husband or father. He was a functioning alcoholic who lived until he was 78 years old.


OTOH, I have a friend/customer who can't hold a job because work gets in the way of her drinking. She never drinks as much as my father yet when it's party time she is there.


Regards......................the Chiefjag
Your father was an unusually high-functioning alcoholic.  I know of a similar case (he held a seat in the state senate for many years), but they are rare.  Most end up like your friend, or worse. 

The big question, which there is really no way to answer definitively, (and please feel no obligation to do so, I'm not trying to pry into your personal history) is, would either of have been able to stop if the drinking was impacting their lives.
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