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Full Version: Woman hands out letters to 'obese' children for Halloween
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Quote:I bought four big bags of candy...snickers, kit kats, twix and a bag of wonka mix. We were hoping to have some left over but by 8 last night we ran out of candy and then had to hide in our house in the dark like a bill collector was after us because the little beggars would still come knocking on the door when the porch lights were out!!

They were busing them in by the car load over here! It was crazy! This is the first time that we've ever been home to give out candy since we bought the house in 95...I think I will find something else to do next year!! Half the kids weren't even dressed up and there were several moms with tiny babies in strollers going around for candy! We even got yelled at by one mom! She told us she had a kid in a stroller and we had to come out to bring her the candy!! My hubby and I looked at each other then looked at her and told her to get bent! We HAD to bring it to her!! Not ask us nicely if we would! Like we owed her candy! [BAD WORD REMOVED]

We got a single batch of four teens, so I had plenty of candy of left over Big Grin. Trick or treating is so much work compared to just buying and eating the stuff when nobody shows up. I did it wrong the first 14 years of my life... Tongue
Quote:We got a single batch of four teens, so I had plenty of candy of left over Big Grin. Trick or treating is so much work compared to just buying and eating the stuff when nobody shows up. I did it wrong the first 14 years of my life... Tongue

We had only one trick or treater at our place. I feel bad handing that poor kid a letter. But at least I have some snickers, Reece's, and kit kats to soothe my sorrows.
Quote:We had only one trick or treater at our place. I feel bad handing that poor kid a letter. But at least I have some snickers, Reece's, and kit kats to soothe my sorrows.

I had Air Heads, 3 Musketeers, and Kit Kats to keep me calm when I had to deal with those jerks coming and knocking on my door expecting candy. The strangest thing is that they were probably only a year or two younger than me. Seriously, when you're old enough to drive you should stop trick or treating*.

* Parents with young kids are exceptions obviously, but the kid is still going to be the one getting the candy.
Quote:I had Air Heads, 3 Musketeers, and Kit Kats to keep me calm when I had to deal with those jerks coming and knocking on my door expecting candy. The strangest thing is that they were probably only a year or two younger than me. Seriously, when you're old enough to drive you should stop trick or treating*.* Parents with young kids are exceptions obviously, but the kid is still going to be the one getting the candy.

Did you get the kit kat mix with the white chocolate kit kats?? I just discovered those tasty little morsels!! I didn't know they existed!!!!
Quote:Did you get the kit kat mix with the white chocolate kit kats?? I just discovered those tasty little morsels!! I didn't know they existed!!!!

Neither did I. I'll have to give 'em a shot if I can find them.
Quote:I had Air Heads, 3 Musketeers, and Kit Kats to keep me calm when I had to deal with those jerks coming and knocking on my door expecting candy. The strangest thing is that they were probably only a year or two younger than me. Seriously, when you're old enough to drive you should stop trick or treating*.

* Parents with young kids are exceptions obviously, but the kid is still going to be the one getting the candy.
I think the cut off is 7th/8th grade personally. I don't think high schoolers should be trick or treatng.


We had a pink gorilla outfit come to our house. Big group of kids and parents that were brought in from somewhere else. The pink gorilla was a full suit with mask, but nothing covering hands. It was a male, didn't talk. Had a wedding ring on.

Quote:I think the cut off is 7th/8th grade personally. I don't think high schoolers should be trick or treatng.


We had a pink gorilla outfit come to our house. Big group of kids and parents that were brought in from somewhere else. The pink gorilla was a full suit with mask, but nothing covering hands. It was a male, didn't talk. Had a wedding ring on.

My wifes brothers still dress up, they usually follow us around now that we have kids but I swear they'd be out in full costume even if we didn't have kids. I think it's ridiculous but just keep my mouth shut, happy wife happy life sort of deal.


They're 21 and 23, and both their girl friends and I think plenty of their friends do the same thing, just baffles me. At 21 the last thing I was doing was dressing up and asking for candy,................
Quote:My wifes brothers still dress up, they usually follow us around now that we have kids but I swear they'd be out in full costume even if we didn't have kids. I think it's ridiculous but just keep my mouth shut, happy wife happy life sort of deal.


They're 21 and 23, and both their girl friends and I think plenty of their friends do the same thing, just baffles me. At 21 the last thing I was doing was dressing up and asking for candy,................
They dressed up, but did they trick or treat? This married man in the gorilla suit was.
It doesn't bother me to have young adults trick or treat me, or any adult for that matter. If they want to dress up, and go out to collect some goodies ... good for them. I would consider that good clean fun, and certainly they could find something not so harmless to do instead.

I can't say I always act my age, and I wish I had the nerve to dress up to go out trick or treating ... I'm just the type of person that would enjoy the hell out of it. Not in a reliving my youth sort of way, but just enjoying the moment itself. You only live once, but you can unlive as many times as you want. If some 6 foot, 200 pound zombie shows up at your door next halloween, don't shoot me. Smile  ... Not in the head, anyway.


I had more Treaters than I expected, somewhere around 15 ... Each one of the recieved 2 treats each, and I asked the parents (if there were any) if they would like treats as well. Most of them accepted the offer.


Here is what they recieved, but these one's were left over, and they are mine. :woot:


[Image: 5fgw.jpg]




Trick or Treating was re-scheduled from Thursday night to Friday night in our area because of bad weather.


Quote:I bought four big bags of candy...snickers, kit kats, twix and a bag of wonka mix. We were hoping to have some left over but by 8 last night we ran out of candy and then had to hide in our house in the dark like a bill collector was after us because the little beggars would still come knocking on the door when the porch lights were out!!

They were busing them in by the car load over here! It was crazy! This is the first time that we've ever been home to give out candy since we bought the house in 95...I think I will find something else to do next year!! Half the kids weren't even dressed up and there were several moms with tiny babies in strollers going around for candy! We even got yelled at by one mom! She told us she had a kid in a stroller and we had to come out to bring her the candy!! My hubby and I looked at each other then looked at her and told her to get bent! We HAD to bring it to her!! Not ask us nicely if we would! Like we owed her candy! [BAD WORD REMOVED]

Word gets out on social media about what parts of town hand out the best treats. Apparently Riverside gets 5 stars.

Oh, and next year, just bring it to my house.

That's not a request.
I just want some twizzlers. Both the original or the cherry nibs would be acceptable. 


My oldest daughter dressed up in some thrown-together scary costume and makeup and stood in front of the house handing out candy and scaring kids. She said the reactions were funny. Some kids would scare, some would laugh, and others would get mad. One kid started yelling at her and told her to "bring it, because I'm a (word that would get me banned for life)". So she doubled down and scared him some more.
Quote:I just want some twizzlers. Both the original or the cherry nibs would be acceptable.

One of my favorites.
Quote:My oldest daughter dressed up in some thrown-together scary costume and makeup and stood in front of the house handing out candy and scaring kids. She said the reactions were funny. Some kids would scare, some would laugh, and others would get mad. One kid started yelling at her and told her to "bring it, because I'm a (word that would get me banned for life)". So she doubled down and scared him some more.

I used to scare the children with nothing but an electric guitar, foot pedal and amp. Freaky riffs y'all!
Quote:It doesn't bother me to have young adults trick or treat me, or any adult for that matter. If they want to dress up, and go out to collect some goodies ... good for them. I would consider that good clean fun, and certainly they could find something not so harmless to do instead.

I can't say I always act my age, and I wish I had the nerve to dress up to go out trick or treating ... I'm just the type of person that would enjoy the hell out of it. Not in a reliving my youth sort of way, but just enjoying the moment itself. You only live once, but you can unlive as many times as you want. If some 6 foot, 200 pound zombie shows up at your door next halloween, don't shoot me. Smile  ... Not in the head, anyway.


I had more Treaters than I expected, somewhere around 15 ... Each one of the recieved 2 treats each, and I asked the parents (if there were any) if they would like treats as well. Most of them accepted the offer.


Here is what they recieved, but these one's were left over, and they are mine. :woot:


[Image: 5fgw.jpg]




Trick or Treating was re-scheduled from Thursday night to Friday night in our area because of bad weather.
The cool house. My daughters got 9 or 10 of the "regular sized" candy bars. On top of that, most houses let my girls pick what they wanted. My son was none to happy. I told him get used to it. That's how it works bud.
In the last neighborhood I lived in one of the dads roamed his cul-de-sac dressed like Mike Meyers; the coveralls, mask, and (I assume) a plastic knife. But what was spooky is he had the walk down perfect. He would stand in an area dark enough to just be seen and when people would notice he would start that Mike Meyers walk towards them. It was creepy.
Quote:In the last neighborhood I lived in one of the dads roamed his cul-de-sac dressed like Mike Meyers; the coveralls, mask, and (I assume) a plastic knife. But what was spooky is he had the walk down perfect. He would stand in an area dark enough to just be seen and when people would notice he would start that Mike Meyers walk towards them. It was creepy.
There's a thread on the sideline here ...<a class="bbc_url" href='http://bearingarms.com/when-this-prankster-is-gunned-down-by-a-cop-concealed-carrier-or-homeowner-only-his-mother-will-mourn-him-maybe/' title="External link">When this prankster is gunned down by a cop, concealed carrier, or homeowner, only his mother will mourn him. Maybe.</a>


<a class="bbc_url" href='http://bearingarms.com/when-this-prankster-is-gunned-down-by-a-cop-concealed-carrier-or-homeowner-only-his-mother-will-mourn-him-maybe/' title="External link">http://bearingarms.c...ourn-him-maybe/</a> ....Started by the drifter. This Lou guy has the Michael Myers thing down pat too. Not to hard really, but oh so effective. MM is my favorite, and I think best horror movie character.
Quote:I used to scare the children with nothing but an electric guitar, foot pedal and amp. Freaky riffs y'all!

Sounds like a Foghat concert I attended many moons ago.
Quote:The cool house. My daughters got 9 or 10 of the "regular sized" candy bars. On top of that, most houses let my girls pick what they wanted. My son was none to happy. I told him get used to it. That's how it works bud.

Tell him to dress up like a girl next year. :thumbsup:


It is the one chance I get every year without having people laughing at me. I had to buy a new bra this year, the one I bought last year was wore out.  :teehee:


I asked the treaters to choose between the Reeses, and the Starburst (even though they got both). I was really surprised at how many picked the Starburst ... My Wife said she thought people would pick Starburst over Reeses, I didn't think even 1 person would. I was wrong.

Quote:Tell him to dress up like a girl next year. :thumbsup:


It is the one chance I get every year without having people laughing at me. I had to buy a new bra this year, the one I bought last year was wore out.  :teehee:


I asked the treaters to choose between the Reeses, and the Starburst (even though they got both). I was really surprised at how many picked the Starburst ... My Wife said she thought people would pick Starburst over Reeses, I didn't even think even 1 person would. I was wrong.
I did that one year. I was probably 8 or 9. Went with an old lady mask though.
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