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Quote:Still whining about Cox. 


How's he doing in San Diego?

Is it still the right direction FBT? Or did you change the narrative already?
Would take ken whisenhunt as hc at this point.
This is the least talented roster in the NFL.  It's not even close.  We're going to have at least $30 M in dead money on the cap next year.  The team will be better in 2014, but more like 4-12 better, not like the Chiefs turnaround.

Given the talent level, results can't really be evaluated.  The only thing that can really be judged is on field effort.  Given that signs of effort are few and far between, the grade is an F.

what happened to those 10 yard slants they had Blackmon doing his first game back?

0-8, historically bad point differential, mind-numbingly stupid penalties game after game, no adjustments in game to stop teams (always getting blown out in 2nd halves), F is the only grade here.  


There have been a lot of terrible, terrible teams in the past in the NFL that have at least been competitive in one game of their first eight.  


Think about that…not competitive in one game thus far.  

Bradley is in way over his head.

ok.. who said A... reveal yourselves


Proof Haterade has lost their mind

Quote:Bradley is in way over his head.

Looks that way...


He's too nice. Another guy that wants to be the players friend rather than their boss....


Buddy Ryan, Bill Parcells were coaches that players liked to play for but still were feared by their players. No player on this team fears Bradley. 


Bradley also assembled a very weak coaching staff. Theres only like 2 or 3 decent assistants on it. Both Coordinators were terribly weak hires. 
The facts do not lie.  Let us be totally honest and non-bias in our review.

The team is now ranked 32 (that's last) in Total Offense. 

    * The Jaguars are  32nd (last) in scoring in the NFL.

    *  The Jaguars are considered 29th in Offensive Line

         -(thats even with LT Monroe gone (to which the GM got a 5th or later round pick for) 

         - and the 1st round pick Luke being injured, so its hard to blame them soley & not mgmt

    *The jags are 31st rushing even with Mojo whom was 1st overall with a horrible OLine in the past.

The team is now ranked 28th in Total Defense.

The team is now ranked the worst in the NFL in points against with 264 (why they arent 32 in total defense is the teams dont need that many yards when the Offense cant do anything right).

That leads to the teams worst in the NFL in poinst for with only 86


How can you not give them an F grade?  Especially when they kept Blaine Gabbert as the starter & still have Chad Henne in there?

GM needs to be fired & HC.
I don't think you can just plug in a hot shot assistant into an NFL coach's role anymore.


I am willing to bet that Bradley is still playing Defensive Coordinator and is having a hard time adjusting to the Head Coach position. He's probably concentrating only on certain spefic areas of the team right now. Whatever outstanding ability he has gets lost in the process

While I agree that this is a tentative grading of the coaches I wouldn't call it premature.  Yes, it is a fact that the talent level of this team is absolutely terrible.  However, coaches can and should be graded/judged based on the discilpine of the team, preparation, implementation of offensive and defensive schemes, play-calling, player development (big one), etc.


There is no way I can say this coaching staff has done any better than last year's.  The team continues to committ stupid penalties that indicate an obvious lack of mental preparation and discipline.  They too often look clueless and unprepared.  The 49ers made a joke of the defense early in the game.  The offensive play-calling is no better than any previous O-Coordinator.  The defense continues to get gashed for long runs.  The defense did play "OK" pass defense earlier in the seaosn but it seems to have regressed.  And the biggest one is that it is very hard to see player development (outside of WR due to a good position coach held of from Mularkey).


So, for anyone that isn't concerned about this coaching staff and thinks teams perform solely on talent, I think you're missing the point.  This is not a well-coached team that is outmatched in each game, this is a poorly coached team that gets stomped every game.

Quote:I don't think you can just plug in a hot shot assistant into an NFL coach's role anymore.


I am willing to bet that Bradley is still playing Defensive Coordinator and is having a hard time adjusting to the Head Coach position. He's probably concentrating only on certain spefic areas of the team right now. Whatever outstanding ability he has gets lost in the process
While I do believe now that JDR actually had his teams overachieving, I think this was his downfall as well.  I think he mostly left the offense alone and that's why he didn't pan out (partly) as a HC.



THIS is why I keep coming back to this board. The unintentional comedy is tremendous.


You guys are serious, right? This isn't all sarcasm and the joke's on me?


At least Shad will know where to come to find his GM and Head Coach replacement.


And I love that - he's not tough enough comment. What, he hasn't beheaded anyone yet.


Eight games into a total rebuild, with what is though to be the weakest roster in the NFL. In a league in which you have to have a QB, and the Jags don't.


And most of you were saying Blow it up! just nine months ago.


Did you all come on the same short bus?

I'll wait until we actually have some talent before making a judgement.

The guy learned under Pete Carroll. He doesn't seem to need to be a tough guy. Seems to work for the Seahawks.
I gave them a "B" because these coaches only have a handful of playmakers right now. I don't care how well you coach, if you're dealt a team like this, you won't get far.

Quote:I'll wait until we actually have some talent before making a judgement.

The guy learned under Pete Carroll. He doesn't seem to need to be a tough guy. Seems to work for the Seahawks.
Quote:I'll wait until we actually have some talent before making a judgement.

The guy learned under Pete Carroll. He doesn't seem to need to be a tough guy. Seems to work for the Seahawks.

Oh. I didn't know that Pete Carroll actually won anything as a head coach in the NFL. Has any of his teams even reached a SB?
Quote:Oh. I didn't know that Pete Carroll actually won anything as a head coach in the NFL. Has any of his teams even reached a SB?
Oh. So now we have to go to the Super Bowl to be a good coach. Got it.
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