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Matt Scott coming in hot. Boom.

If he is even on the practice squad anymore. .don't remember. Also, heavy dose of wildcat. .I'm just spit balling here. I've accepted the fact that we will be picking 1 or 2. If we have a ridiculously bad offense, let's at least run some ridiculous plays/formations
I hope it's Matt Scott being activated.. He played bad in preseason but he showed toughness and having watched Gabbert these past few years that was a nice change. 

Quote:I hope it's Matt Scott being activated.. He played bad in preseason but he showed toughness and having watched Gabbert these past few years that was a nice change. 

Stop questioning a man's toughness because its not true. It's one thing if we all feel like he's no good because don't insult the man like he's a coward because that's not the case.
Quote:I really hope Gabbert gets another few starts. I want closure.

Lol seriously? Have you watched him this season? The guy is actually regressing. He is top 3 of worst QBs to ever play the game. And you want closure...

I want to know, utterly and absolutely, that he was given every chance to develop. If he's released at the end of the season, I want to have no niggling doubts that maybe he could have flourished with the right support, system or coaching.

If he starts and turns everything around, great. If he starts and continues to struggle, then the book is finaly closed on Gene’s legacy.
Firing the Offensive Coordinator or the Defensive Coordinator.


Either one.  I'm not necessarily calling for it, just stating my prediction.

Quote:I felt that exact way in the offseason. That feeling has now completely melted away.

I hope I never see Gabbert play football again.
 agree with this with slightly less fervour
Babin may be gone.  Other than that, I don't see what else can be done for pretty much the rest of the year.

MJD will be traded.

Gibblet and Henne will both be cut.

Bradley will be fired.


I will be appointed Honorary Interim Head coach of the Jaguars.


I throw deep on 1st down all the time. (No more run, run, pass, punt)

Quote:I really hope Gabbert gets another few starts.  I want closure.


I want to know, utterly and absolutely, that he was given every chance to develop.  If he's released at the end of the season, I want to have no niggling doubts that maybe he could have flourished with the right support, system or coaching.


If he starts and turns everything around, great. If he starts and continues to struggle, then the book is finaly closed on Gene’s legacy.

As High Score said that was my thoughts coming into the season, I've seen enough to close the book. At this point however I could careless who plays QB the rest of the year, I'd be surprised if a single one of them was on the roster next year in any way shape or form.
Denard gets the start at QB. He has been secretly working on this in practice under the guise of developement at the WR / RB position.........



Nah but seriously probably some starting lineup changes on the O and D lines , Possibly a trade but unlikely (most coaches wouldnt fortell a trade in the media), and maybe Stanzi gets the next start.

As for predications of changes coming:


Nothing significant at all


This season is what it is, they made the choice to field a substandard team in the offseason, hired so-so coordinators and a rookie GM/Coach. The Changes will be to the personal in the offseason, hopefully.
Big Changes ....everyone gives up ...


Caldwell goes back to Atlanta

Bradley goes back to Seattle

Fisch drives over to Tally for the UofMiami game this Saturday.


Fisch drives over to Tally for the UofMiami game this Saturday.
....and in so doing eliminates any chance of a Canes victory.
Big move to acquire Larry Fitz. Stanzi in at QB. Still get the #1 overall for next year.

Quote:Big move to acquire Larry Fitz. Stanzi in at QB. Still get the #1 overall for next year.

That fits in so well with building a team through the draft and keeping the Jags at the lowest payroll in the NFL.
Scobee traded to anyone for multiple draft pick's.Youth movement in full swing!!!!!!!
Big Changes:


-Fisch's role will be reduced

-Bradley will take over playcalling

-Meester will be benched
Quote:Big Changes ....everyone gives up ...


Caldwell goes back to Atlanta

Bradley goes back to Seattle

Fisch drives over to Tally for the UofMiami game this Saturday.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Please no Fisch I want the 'Canes to have a chance!
I wonder when applying for another job, how the heck you can seriously put on your resume that you were: Offensive Coordinator, Jacksonville Jaguars, 2013


You'd get laughed out of the interview



Cut Alualu, Mincey, and Babin and start players off the practice squad.  They can't possibly be any worse.


Oh, yes they can.   They can be even worse. 
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