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Full Version: Khan and getting embarassed on International stage
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Because a guy is filthy rich does not mean he's not embarrassed or pissedoff. Money is not the cure all end all as many of you here believe.

Take a fan. One has club seats. Arrives in a limo and has a comfy life. Another is in the nosebleed, takes a bus and packs a sandwich.

Both are big fans. Both can be equally upset at this team.

To imply Khan is laughing all the way to the bank are blinded by wealth. He was rich before he bought this team.

These owners all have egos. Having the worst team, possibly ever, in the NFL, cannot be made ok because of the take at the ticket gate.

If he's not embarrassed , I don't want him as an owner. I may not have that choice.... But I do when it comes to purchasing his product.
Quote:I truly believe that men at the level of Khan don't get embarrased any more. It's wasted effort, effort that could be spent fixing the problem.

Khan should be somewhat embarrassed as he is partly responsible for their metaphysical suckiness after all.
Quote:He's embarrassed all the way to the bank.  85k were at the game today to watch that garbage on the field.  He had sponsors for all the events, and sponsorship money inside the stadium.  I'm sure he's just devastated.

I was at the game and some of the UK fans I was chatting with had no interest in the game itself. It was more about the sponsors getting their brand advertised inside the stadium being this was the more attractive game featuring the SB runner-up. 
Quote:Respectfully disagree. He can't be a happy man right now.

Why not? He probably knew this would happen, especially if he surrounds himself with people who will speak frankly and truthfully to him. Give the man a little credit.
End of the day youve got us english talking about the game, and with the jags commiting to coming over for the next four years your gonna gain a huge fan base here in the Uk. Best sport in the world to watch and now i have a team to support.


Goooo jags
Quote:End of the day youve got us english talking about the game, and with the jags commiting to coming over for the next four years your gonna gain a huge fan base here in the Uk. Best sport in the world to watch and now i have a team to support.


Goooo jags

Welcome!! Glad to have you in the family!!
Quote:Respectfully disagree. He can't be a happy man right now.

Better than most, he understands the process that's underway with this team. He's not a stupid man. He understands this lousy brand of football was necessary in order to get this franchise back on track. Even with a team in the midst of a complete rebuild, he was able to see them play in front of the largest crowd this franchise has ever seen for any game. He spent the week schmoozing and glad handing, attending one sponsored event after another, culminating in a game where there were signs of sponsorship in every seat with the flags.

He wasn't embarrassed. Frustrated? Sure. But embarrassed? Hardly. Perhaps if this was a better Jag team that got blown out that would be the case. But it wasn't. The blowout was expected. So from his perspective, the week was a wild success.
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