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TD MJD!!!!!!!!!!!

Gooooooo  Moooooooo!



Henne looking good
Nice blitz pickup

Nice pass by Henne on 3rd down.  Uche had whiffed on his block and a guy was coming straight up the middle right in Henne's face.

MJD for the SCORE !



wow... just wow.. I can't believe we're even still in this game.

cutting up that swiss cheeze del rio D
Keep Henne in, maybe this season isn't lost yet! I believe baby!

yeah baby

Is that enough fire you on that drive from MJD?

This is beyond amazing progress.


Jones-Drew is showing bursts every once in a while these past 2 games. Maybe by the end of the season he'll be putting together full games like the MJD of old and this team will have some nice balance. Smile


Now its time for the defense to find whatever it was they were doing on those first drives and start hitting Manning.

Lol @ Gabbert lovers.
Pasztor not doing to shabby at RT. Hopefully he can keep it up
Mo sent a couple of those Denver D players to the sidelines with their ears ringing.

Pasztor is the real deal!

Clearly, MJD is done.

Touchdown by MJD! Broncos lead is now 21-19,
This is fun.. 

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