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Full Version: Even Tmz Is Trashing Us
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They tried to ask Khan if Tebow was coming to J-ville............what idiots.


http://www.tmz.com/page/3/ scroll down till you see Khan's mug and a Tebow reference. 

TMZ is trash though...so them trashing us is like a double negative, so this is actually good news.
Quote:They tried to ask Khan if Tebow was coming to J-ville............what idiots.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.tmz.com/page/3/'>http://www.tmz.com/page/3/</a> scroll down till you see Khan's mug and a Tebow reference.

You follow TMZ?
Dont follow or watch TMZ.
Never would have known of this garbage's existense if OP would not have been so kind as to litter our MB with it. Clean up on isle four please.

What the hell is TMZ?
Quote:What the hell is TMZ?







Try not to be so stoopid will ya?
TMZ is for losers......and there are a lot of them in todays world.... People that can't even run their own lives but tune in to hear about the train wreck lives of Hollywood as if any of that is important. 


I haven't watched 3 seconds of TMZ in my entire life, nor would I condescend to. 


Not even sure why we would be on their radar as a story. 

... straight from the company that has 25 people following Kim Kardashian. Sick

Quote:... straight from the company that has 25 people following Kim Kardashian. Sick

25 people?? Thank god she's talented at sooooo many things and has soooooo many insightful things to say  :no:
I remember flipping through channels one time, and coming across TMZ by accident, and they were talking about how horrible it was that these celebrities (I don't remember who they were) were shopping at the Dollar Store.  At that point I changed the channel and knew that no matter what was on the next channel -- even if it was reality tv or an infomercial, that it could not have been more garbage.

They just kept repeating that Tebow was more popular than Justin Beiber!!! :blink:
That chick in red could get it  :thumbsup:

Why do people follow/watch/read TMZ?

Mark Cuban school of marketing...all PR is good PR.


This mantra will help you survive as a Jag fan, otherwise you will go crazy.


Accept the fact the media is overwhelmed with idiots.

I just came across the article thought I'd share it is all.