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Full Version: What Was The Point That You Started To Realize That Gene Smith Wasn't A Good Gm?
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Quote:Im not a big college football guy, but my dad and brother are, and they used to constantly say how Wilson was going to.be really good... so Carly is def not the first person to think Wilson should have went earlier.

I think I would of been more understanding if we had drafted any other postion than friggin punter.

Yes, 32 teams passed on Wilson, which people love to bring up, but only ONE of them passed on him for a punter.

Gene's scouting report for Bryan Anger:  "Anger kick ball.  Ball go far."
Quote:The first time I saw his hair. I mean, seriously, how can you trust a man who took a look in the mirror every morning, saw the head of hair he sported and decided it should be seen in public?
I understand this to mean you never came off the bandwagon.


Seriously though, Gene was fishy when he was hired, and by the time he did the 2010 draft lots of questions popping up, but I let myself betalked into the ol 'he had a great 2009 draft this one will be good.' And 'Alualu tackled Tebow in his first game hes awesome!' When he drafted Gabbert I had no idea who he was. I was excited that we traded up. When Vic left in 2010, I had a suspicion that he had left because he thought we weren't gonna be that good.


Cutting Garrard was another thing. Garrard has been underrated by alot of people on this board in the past, but he is the only Jaguars QB in the last ten years I could watch on third down without seriously thinking we had almost no chance when he had to make a pass. Gabbert was horrible within 5 games of starting. Blaming everything on Del Rio and Koetter was another red flag. Sorry, but they were the most successful guys we had since Coughlin, our 2007 run was cause of them. I was ready for Gene to go in 2011. The Mularky hiring was horrible, but I am glad it got rid of Gene and his 'way' of doing things.


I see a lot of chagrin over Dave's trading of Eugene Monroe, but it doesn't bother me too much. And its awesome that Bradley is so positive. I was happy when Dave didn't overpay to keep injury prone Cox either. As long as Dave gets it right next offseason, and doesn't use terms like 'BAP' that has been abused and used the last ten years, I am all good. 
What's even more amazing is how Vic and company hyped this guy up. All that BAP jazz is meaningless if you suck at identifying talent. Then they kept on and on about you find football players where you find football. Heck that can be anywhere! If you want good quality hamburgers do you go to Krystals or 5 guys? Oh Btw the fans are dumb, they don't have game tape or knowledge on scouting players (I remember fans.getting blasted just for disagreeing with Genes walk philosophy)...blah blah...any arm chair GM watching college football could have done better than the disaster Gene did. I think he arguably had a far more devastating impact on the roster than Shack did.

Quote:...I hated to Tyson A luau pick, did not care for the Cox or Blaine Gabbert Trade but the Bryan anger picK was the last straw.

Pretty much the same for me...Alualu was a HUH? pick (who's he?); I wanted Kerrigan not Gabbert and the Anger pick made me shut off the radio and walk away.
I never bought into the Gene Smith hype. I thought his scheme and philosophy were a disaster in the the NFL. People were just so happy Shack Harris was gone. He was not a very good GM either, but he could scout talent a whole lot better than Gene. Shack had that really bad year after that great playoff run. People were upset, add the cap mess and FA, and people were wanting him out. Team just needed to be retooled. Defense got old. Gene gutted that squad and built his own. I truly believe the team in 2007 which went to the playoffs, just had a off year in 2008. Defense got old and we needed a couple passing threats on offense. What shack did with the FA was his fault, but that defense did not have to be gutted like Gene did. Gene came in like he was the smartest man in the room, thinking he could fix the team his way, only he made it worse. Every single draft year, with the exception of a few players, have all been failures, which has dug this franchise into the darkest days it has ever seen. I remember 2009, and the ridiculous hype some of you gave Gene. Whats funny is, most the the genies tipped their hat on that 2009 draft class, when in the end, it actually was pretty bad. 


I think for me, when i first realized Gene was not the man for the job was 2010. Even though i never bought into the ridiculous hype you all put on Gene, of course i gave him a chance at first. But when Gene drafted Alualu 10th overall, i knew right then, this man was a failure as a GM. That was the biggest waste of value i think i have ever seen a team make. Nobody understood it, not the draft experts, not the scouts or anyone in the league. Not only were the jaguar fans in shock, everyone pointed and laughed at us. Everything Gene said to us was a lie. About his BAP crap, and the Alualu pick was the centerpiece of that scandal. That was Gene falling in love with a player, and wanting noone else. There are so many instances of this, and panic, and reaching for players. He had his board, which was skewed and did not portray the best value on draft boards. With things like character and leadership over actual talent. Whats funny is, that Alualu is not even that good of a player. He is okay, decent starter, probably better in a depth role, but he was no where near worth a top 10 selection. Not even a first.


Whats worse is, that was jus the begining. It was a downward spiral from that point on. With the mother of draft busts coming in 2011. Blaine Gabbert has got to be one of the biggest draft busts of all time. My god is he bad. Single handely set the franchise back atleast 3 years with that. So on top  of all his poor drafting and evaluation, his QB selection, the most important one set us back for a long time. When it was clear as day teams where shying away from him, we were dumb enough to trade up for him. Blackmon and Shorts really have been the only picks that actually have been a positive under his era. Sure you can say Cox, Monroe bla bla bla, but they are no longer with us. And really, are not that great themselves. Lets not forget we gave up a second for Cox and took him in the 3rd. He was never available and now he is gone. Monroe is hot and cold. The Anger pick i just laughed. At that point, we all knew what Gene was, well the genies were in their last defense, but 2012 sure put them in their place. Poor drafting landed us into what we are today. Not what shack did, not what jack did, Weaver takes a little blame, but Gene Smith single handely destroyed this franchise. 


Some of you are upset over this season, well you can thank Gene. I know who was responsible for destroying this franchise. Some of you are wanting us to not tank the season. We dont have talent, and a few meaningless games wont fix what Gene did to this team. We need Bridgewater here, ALL OF US need to get on board with this. You want this team to be fixed? You want to forget about the disasters of the past? We need that franchise QB. Gus and Dave are not responsible for this mess. This season is happening so we can be the colts and get our andrew luck. I want to see this team be competitive week in and week out. We need that QB.
From the first draft when we went back 2 back Ot and then chose 3 wr's in the same draft. Gene Smith's approach seemed as if he was just trying to find positions that stuck and i hated that.

Quote:From the first draft when we went back 2 back Ot and then chose 3 wr's in the same draft. Gene Smith's approach seemed as if he was just trying to find positions that stuck and i hated that.

You wouldnt have hated it if those players were good.
Quote:From the first draft when we went back 2 back Ot and then chose 3 wr's in the same draft. Gene Smith's approach seemed as if he was just trying to find positions that stuck and i hated that.

I began to have doubts after this too. Two tackles and three receivers. Next year, back to back DT - that played the same DT position no less. The WR picks made little sense also. We basically ended up with a traffic jam of middling talent at WR, when those picks could've been used for depth at positions we had UDFA level talent at.


Also, I have a different take on GS seemingly falling in love with his players. I don't think he was falling in love with players so much as he was removing so much talent due to his "character" and "passion for the game" mantra from his board, that he was left with much lesser (and fewer) talents on his board to draw from.


However, the point I realized he was a absolute problem was the Anger pick.
Quote:I never bought into the Gene Smith hype. I thought his scheme and philosophy were a disaster in the the NFL. People were just so happy Shack Harris was gone. He was not a very good GM either, but he could scout talent a whole lot better than Gene. Shack had that really bad year after that great playoff run. People were upset, add the cap mess and FA, and people were wanting him out. Team just needed to be retooled. Defense got old. Gene gutted that squad and built his own. I truly believe the team in 2007 which went to the playoffs, just had a off year in 2008. Defense got old and we needed a couple passing threats on offense. What shack did with the FA was his fault, but that defense did not have to be gutted like Gene did. Gene came in like he was the smartest man in the room, thinking he could fix the team his way, only he made it worse. Every single draft year, with the exception of a few players, have all been failures, which has dug this franchise into the darkest days it has ever seen. I remember 2009, and the ridiculous hype some of you gave Gene. Whats funny is, most the the genies tipped their hat on that 2009 draft class, when in the end, it actually was pretty bad. 


I think for me, when i first realized Gene was not the man for the job was 2010. Even though i never bought into the ridiculous hype you all put on Gene, of course i gave him a chance at first. But when Gene drafted Alualu 10th overall, i knew right then, this man was a failure as a GM. That was the biggest waste of value i think i have ever seen a team make. Nobody understood it, not the draft experts, not the scouts or anyone in the league. Not only were the jaguar fans in shock, everyone pointed and laughed at us. Everything Gene said to us was a lie. About his BAP crap, and the Alualu pick was the centerpiece of that scandal. That was Gene falling in love with a player, and wanting noone else. There are so many instances of this, and panic, and reaching for players. He had his board, which was skewed and did not portray the best value on draft boards. With things like character and leadership over actual talent. Whats funny is, that Alualu is not even that good of a player. He is okay, decent starter, probably better in a depth role, but he was no where near worth a top 10 selection. Not even a first.


Whats worse is, that was jus the begining. It was a downward spiral from that point on. With the mother of draft busts coming in 2011. Blaine Gabbert has got to be one of the biggest draft busts of all time. My god is he bad. Single handely set the franchise back atleast 3 years with that. So on top  of all his poor drafting and evaluation, his QB selection, the most important one set us back for a long time. When it was clear as day teams where shying away from him, we were dumb enough to trade up for him. Blackmon and Shorts really have been the only picks that actually have been a positive under his era. Sure you can say Cox, Monroe bla bla bla, but they are no longer with us. And really, are not that great themselves. Lets not forget we gave up a second for Cox and took him in the 3rd. He was never available and now he is gone. Monroe is hot and cold. The Anger pick i just laughed. At that point, we all knew what Gene was, well the genies were in their last defense, but 2012 sure put them in their place. Poor drafting landed us into what we are today. Not what shack did, not what jack did, Weaver takes a little blame, but Gene Smith single handely destroyed this franchise. 


Some of you are upset over this season, well you can thank Gene. I know who was responsible for destroying this franchise. Some of you are wanting us to not tank the season. We dont have talent, and a few meaningless games wont fix what Gene did to this team. We need Bridgewater here, ALL OF US need to get on board with this. You want this team to be fixed? You want to forget about the disasters of the past? We need that franchise QB. Gus and Dave are not responsible for this mess. This season is happening so we can be the colts and get our andrew luck. I want to see this team be competitive week in and week out. We need that QB.

Wow  :o  That's a lot of words. I wish I could put this much thought into complicated and profound matters.  


Is my mouth still agape?  I can't tell anymore.

Quote:It initially started with the Don Carey situation. He cut two safeties that granted were great, but were wayyyyyy better than Carey. I mean, we would have made the playoffs if we beat the Colts at the end of the year. Throwing a terrible safety out there was just dumb when we were competing for the playoffs.


I didn't like the Gabbert pick. There were a lot of moves I didn't like. What finally made me realize Gene was bad GM was when he drafted a punter in the 3rd round. He always wanted to be the smartest kid in the class. I agree with TMD, Gene had absolutely no concept of value.

I agree with most of this, though I can't say I was down on the Gabbert pick at first. There were concerns earlier, but I really try to be patient on draft picks and see how they turn out.

But 3rd round punter, that one shocked me. As in legitimate shock. I sat there looking at my buds at the draft party and we just couldn't believe what we were seeing. I was sure he should have been fired then.
Quote:another good one....forgot about that. 

I was honestly hoping I wasn't the only one that remembered that entire sequence. Alexander made a play and rubbed it in Gene Smith's face. Instead of being impressed and saying "Okay, this guy just earned a job here since he outplayed my current starting safety without any pre-season reps"



From then on I knew we had a guy in the front office that didn't want to admit he was wrong and would rather use his power to make an example out of anyone that thought he was.
Mistakes?  He made plenty


1. The Gabbert pick:  It was a big red flag when Mike Shannahan was at the 10 spot that draft and was happy to trade the pick away to the Jags.  An unproven player project that was taken in the top 10


2. Alualu:  If you re watch that draft there were 2 Jaguar fans in the audience who had a clueless look when the pick was made.  It sum the pick up perfectly. Horrible pick that taught me the draft gurus are not as smart as they claim.  NFL network was in love with the pick.  Ugh


3. Cox:  He traded away a 2nd round pick for a small school project.  Cox was a decent corner when healthy but never lived up to the value.


4. Anger:  There is a reason why teams almost never take a punter in the 3rd round.  Just stupid


5. Preached build through the draft only to trade away draft picks like they were candy.  Ugh


6. Bad FA signings and overpaying


7. Mike Thomas deal?  Lewis?  etc. 


8.  Awful person in an interview. uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ummmmmmmmmmm every answer

He was flat out awful.  Thankfully the nightmare is over with.  Hope to never  hear his name again.

Quote:Pretty much the same for me...Alualu was a HUH? pick (who's he?); I wanted Kerrigan not Gabbert and the Anger pick made me shut off the radio and walk away.

Guess who our Safety was going into that draft?

Don Carey.

Guess who was selected one pick after we selected Alualu?

Earl Thomas, the guy everyone expected us to pick.


Gene Smith and Blaine Gabbert are the reasons why we are where we are. The only thing I can thank Gene for is drafting Cecil Shorts.


Four years. One above average player.
Quote:Guess who our Safety was going into that draft?

Don Carey.

Guess who was selected one pick after we selected Alualu?

Earl Thomas, the guy everyone expected us to pick.


Gene Smith and Blaine Gabbert are the reasons why we are where we are. The only thing I can thank Gene for is drafting Cecil Shorts.


Four years. One above average player.

Justin Blackmon?...(unless you are like me and consider that pick Khan's)
Quote:Justin Blackmon?...(unless you are like me and consider that pick Khan's)
Justin Blackmon was absolutely his best move, followed by Cecil, with  Don Carey/ Long Ding tied at 3rd.
Quote:Justin Blackmon?...(unless you are like me and consider that pick Khan's)

I also consider it Khan's pick. I don't think Gene Smith would've selected Blackmon.
 I think it is very unlikely that it went down that way.  (Khan making the Blackmon pick)    Gene made some horrible decisions  - Blackmon wasn't one of them.


If Khan was gonna let that guy hire a coach - or at least lead in the process - would he really handcuff him on a first round pick? Nah.   I don't see it.   

When he cut Zelenka 

Quote:Mistakes?  He made plenty


1. The Gabbert pick:  It was a big red flag when Mike Shannahan was at the 10 spot that draft and was happy to trade the pick away to the Jags.  An unproven player project that was taken in the top 10


2. Alualu:  If you re watch that draft there were 2 Jaguar fans in the audience who had a clueless look when the pick was made.  It sum the pick up perfectly. Horrible pick that taught me the draft gurus are not as smart as they claim.  NFL network was in love with the pick.  Ugh


3. Cox:  He traded away a 2nd round pick for a small school project.  Cox was a decent corner when healthy but never lived up to the value.


4. Anger:  There is a reason why teams almost never take a punter in the 3rd round.  Just stupid


5. Preached build through the draft only to trade away draft picks like they were candy.  Ugh


6. Bad FA signings and overpaying


7. Mike Thomas deal?  Lewis?  etc. 


8.  Awful person in an interview. uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ummmmmmmmmmm every answer

He was flat out awful.  Thankfully the nightmare is over with.  Hope to never  hear his name again.

Let's be fair to gene smith on trading up for gabbert and mike shannahan willing to trade the pick to this franchise for us to draft him. Let also remember that mike shannahan didn't want to trade up for RGIII as well and he was talked into it by dan Snyder so maybe he isn't the end all be all of judging QB's. Just saying.

I did'nt like the move from the beginning... Promoting from within, Gene was part of the problem. He was director of College scouting when we were drafting all the bust picks. Then within weeks of his hiring, all the " IN GENE WE TRUST" started springing up all over the board...I laughed and came up with calling those posters..."Genies".

The continuous drafting of Div. II and III players. Gene seemed to have he was the smartest guy in the room persona...Now he's just the smartest unemployed guy in the house.
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