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Penetration by Ingo Swann


Mysteries of Syberia's valley of death

Just finished my third or fourth reading of Mogworld by Yahtzee Croshaw.

Quote:Yea, the Coen Brothers are great.  No Country was a really good movie.  Oh Brother Where Art Thou, Fargo, Lebowski...all great.  I heard that Blood Meridian is really good, and that it reads like a poem.  Haven't gotten to it yet, but The Road was really good.

Blood Meridian is amazing. Cormac McCarthy is my favorite American author. If you're interested in reading a novel that will creep you out, try Child of God.


Quote:Nothing at the moment, unless you count textbooks. I'd like to read Stephen King's Under the Dome if I have time.

So much better than that abomination of a TV series.
I was reading Infinite Jest but since the semester started I've just been reading my textbooks. 

Quote:I was reading Infinite Jest but since the semester started I've just been reading my textbooks. 
Great book.  I had about 7 note cards with all of the characters on them so I could keep them straight.  Hard book, but worth the read.  It took me awhile, but I really enjoyed it.
Was about to make a topic on this, but managed to find this one again.


Currently reading The Cell by Stephen King.  Not great, but I got it as a gift.

Burning through the Revelation Space books by Alastair Reynolds. Pretty good Sci-Fi read if you're into the "realistic" types.

I am on the Divergent series right now.


Going to do the Kingdom Keepers after. Disney Freak here.

Re-reading The Crystal Shard by RA Salvatore.



Quote:I am on the Divergent series right now.


Going to do the Kingdom Keepers after. Disney Freak here.

Hey!  That makes two of us.  I had season passes last year.  I've seen those books in Downtown Disney...I'm interested to know how they turn out.

I'm in the middle of Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, The Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America.


It's a fascinating account of Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP's defense of 4 black men who were falsely accused of raping a white woman in Groveland, FL in 1949.

I'm re-reading the Bio of a Space Tyrant series by Piers Anthony. It's not for everyone and is one of his heavier reads but the politics that go in is it pretty interesting. 

Quote:Re-reading The Crystal Shard by RA Salvatore.




Hey!  That makes two of us.  I had season passes last year.  I've seen those books in Downtown Disney...I'm interested to know how they turn out.
I'll keep you posted.
I am now reading On the Road by Jack Kerouac.   I'm about 2/3 of the way through.   I can't decide if it's a great work of art or total gibberish.    When I'm reading it, it seems like total gibberish, nonsensical, looney, stream of consciousness, pointless writing.  But when I try to explain the book to my wife, I find that I can actually make a lot of sense out of it.   It's a weird book. 


Animal Farm, 1984, Othello, Illiad. You know, educational stuff.

Quote:I am now reading On the Road by Jack Kerouac.   I'm about 2/3 of the way through.   I can't decide if it's a great work of art or total gibberish.    When I'm reading it, it seems like total gibberish, nonsensical, looney, stream of consciousness, pointless writing.  But when I try to explain the book to my wife, I find that I can actually make a lot of sense out of it.   It's a weird book. 
That's exactly how I feel about all the Kerouac I have read.  I swear when I am reading it it stinks, then I reflect on it and find I really like it.  


I am working on 7 Years in Tibet by Harrer - It is quite the adventure story.
Quote:Animal Farm, 1984, Othello, Illiad. You know, educational stuff.
All good reads.  Illiad gets a little long winded with those descriptions of the armies, but overall a good read.
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

I'm reading the beach by Alex garland. It's pretty much the movie so far (which is great)
Still trying to find some time to finish up Game Of Thrones: A Clash Of Kings. I doubt I'll finish it before the new season starts up soon on HBO. But I am aiming for it. I really like the book now more than the show so far. And I know some folks on here will appreciate to see this. But it's cool to see more detail and thought put into "Blackfish" in the book so far. His role is a bit more limited on the show. But he's a pretty cool dude so far.

Quick question too. I am into fantasy/medieval like based novels. Like Game Of Thrones, and your classic Ivanhoe tales and King Arthur tales. When I was in elementary school, I picked up some random novels that were probably 900 pages long, and I want to swear up and down it was by Tolkien but it wasn't LotR. Does anybody know other books he wrote that were like that? Minus hobbits?

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