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Full Version: Fidel Castro has died...
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Quote:You guys actually allowed in Cuba yet? People only fly to the US for high end operations. The likes of which the average American I doubt can afford or are covered for so not really worth shouting about.

[BLEEP] we are by no means wealthy and my dad is getting some of the best stage 4 cancer treatment in the world. He stands a 60% chance of remission in many country's stage 4 cancer is a death sentence.
Quote:[BAD WORD REMOVED] we are by no means wealthy and my dad is getting some of the best stage 4 cancer treatment in the world. He stands a 60% chance of remission in many country's stage 4 cancer is a death sentence.

Glad to hear the prognosis is so promising for your father, Eric. But why don't you tell the truth. He's really on a waiting list to visit Cuba for world class free healthcare because ours is woefully inadequate and prohibitively expensive except for upper class right wingers. Meanwhile he's living on the streets while dodging constant gunfire #becauseamerica.
Quote:Glad to hear the prognosis is so promising for your father, Eric. But why don't you tell the truth. He's really on a waiting list to visit Cuba for world class free healthcare because ours is woefully inadequate and prohibitively expensive except for upper class right wingers. Meanwhile he's living on the streets while dodging constant gunfire #becauseamerica.

I didn't know his dad lives in Chicago!
Quote:Glad to hear the prognosis is so promising for your father, Eric. But why don't you tell the truth. He's really on a waiting list to visit Cuba for world class free healthcare because ours is woefully inadequate and prohibitively expensive except for upper class right wingers. Meanwhile he's living on the streets while dodging constant gunfire #becauseamerica.

yup while we have direct family that in Canada had to wait nearly 9 months to receive treatment for the same type of cancer that my Dad began treatment within the week. 
There's a twitter response to Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau's statement under #trudeaueulogies. They would also apply to Obama's statement. Here's one:




It is with a heavy heart that we mourn the passing of Saddam Hussein. His advancements in chemical research live on. <a class="" href='https://twitter.com/hashtag/trudeaueulogies?src=hash'>#trudeaueulogies</a>
Quote:yup while we have direct family that in Canada had to wait nearly 9 months to receive treatment for the same type of cancer that my Dad began treatment within the week.

And yet Canadians have one of the best life expectancies in the world? Again much superior to US.
Love Obama's statement on Castro.
Quote:And yet Canadians have one of the best life expectancies in the world? Again much superior to US.

It's because they are preserved by the cold up there!!
Quote:And yet Canadians have one of the best life expectancies in the world? Again much superior to US.

You can make statistics say anything all I know is from first hand experience I'd take american free market healthcare over state controlled health care everyday of the week.
Quote:You can make statistics say anything all I know is from first hand experience I'd take american free market healthcare over state controlled health care everyday of the week.

Of course you would that's your ideology. The fact is single payer health is cheaper and more efficient. But if you want to pay huge premiums to shareholders that's up to you I guess.
Quote:Of course you would that's your ideology. The fact is single payer health is cheaper and more efficient. But if you want to pay huge premiums to shareholders that's up to you I guess.

Forget ideology I like choices, state controlled healthcare means I have no choices.
Quote:Forget ideology I like choices, state controlled healthcare means I have no choices.

You have choices in single payer: take what they offer, die, or go the U.S. to get treated. Unless you're Cuban, then the third option is to die while trying.
Quote:Forget ideology I like choices, state controlled healthcare means I have no choices.

Sounds like you have less choice. I can go to any doctor I like and will be covered. Do you have to ring around to find where you are covered?
Funily enough one of the political parties here is running a scare campaign on the other on "American Style healthcare" it's politically toxic your healthcare model in Britain and Australia.
Quote:Sounds like you have less choice. I can go to any doctor I like and will be covered. Do you have to ring around to find where you are covered?

Yes you'll be covered for whatever the state deems you worthy of. I know your ok with the state dictating every aspect of your life including what medicine or medical procedure you can have and what you can't I'm not.
Quote:You guys actually allowed in Cuba yet? People only fly to the US for high end operations. The likes of which the average American I doubt can afford or are covered for so not really worth shouting about.

Americans can now travel to Cuba under some restrictions. Thank god for that too. Countless Americans had previously made the trek illegally on hand made rafts to flee capitalist oppression and for the promise of shared prosperity that communism offers. Many didn't survive the trip. Utopia here we come!
Quote:Yes you'll be covered for whatever the state deems you worthy of. I know your ok with the state dictating every aspect of your life including what medicine or medical procedure you can have and what you can't I'm not.
Actually you can have private health if you so desire too.

Which is also cheaper here, although many getting rid of it as the public system is better for many. Great to have the choice. Meanwhile you guys pay the biggest premiums going and the outcomes (for the non rich) aren't good.

But yeah the nations living longer and paying less have got it horribly wrong.
Quote:Actually you can have private health if you so desire too.

Which is also cheaper here, although many getting rid of it as the public system is better for many. Great to have the choice. Meanwhile you guys pay the biggest premiums going and the outcomes (for the non rich) aren't good.

But yeah the nations living longer and paying less have got it horribly wrong.

I don't doubt we have the highest cost right now, that's kind of a given when you make a product or service mandatory by law.
Quote:I don't doubt we have the highest cost right now, that's kind of a given when you make a product or service mandatory by law.

It was the highest before that too.
Quote:It was the highest before that too.

Government interference leads to higher prices and scarcity? You don't say.
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