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I'm in the stadium. I watch the entire game.

I haven't watched much, but since Blackmon is coming back this Sunday I'll be watching the entire game.

When im at the game I stay till the end. When I watch the game on tv I watch till the end. I dont see any of this changing. Score could be 100 to 0.
I'll still watch them play, but its defintely demoralizing.

Quote:I'm in the stadium. I watch the entire game.

Same here. I paid for it.  Might as well suffer through.
Quote:Same here. I paid for it.  Might as well suffer through.
Ditto, to the end. In my section by that time it's just people left busting on the team. Having fun just being there.

as long as my dad keeps takeing me to the sports bar ill watch every game to the end. it would be a lot more fun though to see the team be more compatiave and in the game come 4rth quarter says my dad,i agree with him.

I did until last Sunday... Then the ice picks came out
Quote:Bridgewater looks good at Louisville but hold the phone, he is not even a better prospect than RG3, Newton, Stafford, or even Bradford.
Dont worry about him! Last year you could have inserted Geno into the same phrase!
Being a Jags fan since day 1, and a Bama fan for 32 years I only have to deal with the sick feeling for 6 days before saturday rolls around

Home games - My wife and I usually stay until she has finished whatever she decides she needs to eat or after the game is decided, whichever comes last.  Meaning we normally leave the stadium when she is finished with the food, typically at half time. 


Away games, until the games is decided, meaning I usually tiurn it off after the first quarter or so.

Ok so they are not going to sign Tebow or any other QB this season unless Gab gets hurt, then maybe Tebow has a slim chance. What you have to look forward to this year is nothing, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. The Jags will have the worst win/loss recored by the end of the season, probably all losses, and what that means is the Jags will get the first round draft pick next year. Um maybe they will pick a QB with that first pick but who knows they are not the smartest folks around and they still may want to give Gabbert another year to reach his potential for throwing ints, sarcasm. But If they do what should be a no brainer and get a QB in the first round, what will that mean? IMO even with a #1 QB draft pick it will still take a couple of years for the team to build and come together "Coalesce" into a team that can actually win games. So stay tuned and check back in a few years and we might actually have a winning record in Jacksonville.

Before I always stayed until the last snap.  This season I've been leaving early.  I feel bad for doing it but there is nothing to gain from watching the continued slaughter.  Usually by that point we're playing the opposing teams second string anyway.

I watch until we go 3 and out the first 4 times.  I'm usually in a bar so a ton of other games on with professional teams playing, I like pro football so I usually just end up watching those games instead.

I watch until halftime usually. Once it starts going down hill its time to actually accomplish something besides watching the jags get owned. Its comical to watch at this point in the season. Gabbert is the biggest joke of a QB the jags have ever seen. 

I watch it all with my blood alcohol percentage sky rocketing when it gets out of hand
There are fans of the team specifically and then there are fans of football in general who watch the Jags since they happen to be located here.  The latter is more likely to give up and not watch or walk out.  The former is more likely to try to stick it out.  It's tough to watch right now for sure but I stayed until the clock ran out Sunday.  The worst part is watching the Indy fans celebrating.  Ugh.

I watch every minute of every game, and usually watch some of the recording to focus on certain players.


I missed the live broadcast of the Indy game because I was at the Jets vs. titans game, but watched the recorded version to the end.

I'll watch until I'm physically unable to do so.  Then I'll just listen.

First season in my life that I've only watched a few minutes of each game. Love the team, but we all know what this season is. During these types of seasons what makes games worth watching is not the wins/losses, it's seeing players develop and emerge. There's not much to watch on that front this year. I'll watch more with Blackmon's return to see how he's progressed.

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