Jacksonville Jaguars Fan Forums

Full Version: You Know What Was Outstanding Today? The Fans.
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 I was there until the about mid-way through the fourth quarter.  I thought everyone was alive and fired up..until the offense continued ineptitude took the motivation from the fans.  I make a 12  hour round trip drive to see the games and know people who come from a long way to support the Jags.  If anyone things the core fan base is an issue….they are just wrong. Does the fan base need to grow?  yes of course. The hardcore loyal fan base is in place and growing!!

We were there....we were loud.

Had to put up with too many clots fans around us though. :yucky:

I just wish the Offense had a little more fight in them so the game was closer.

our poor Defense was just worn slam out.

They organization talks about increasing local revenue...I have an idea, put a product on the field that is atleast competitive until the end of the game.  Lots of money walks out the door at half time and in the 3rd quarter when we get routed every game.

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