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(06-09-2017, 02:51 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-09-2017, 02:30 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone declaring the matter settled are in for a surprise.

True.  However, it was kind of interesting to see how the media hype because of his upcoming testimony was so slanted by both sides looking for a "smoking gun" of sorts, yet there was no "climax" for either side.

Both sides claim "victory" on this issue and what does that exactly do for us?

Here's an opinion I share on the topic...


Partisans will be partisan.

We should all seek truth above all.  Not try to substantiate emotional responses with back-filler.

Because if there's blind following of politics/party with religious zeal, we're already over.  Internal destruction and war it will be.  It's already beginning, but it does not have to end that way.
To me it felt like Rachel Maddow`s Trump tax return story, A whole bunch of build up for very little to no pay off.
(06-09-2017, 04:49 PM)pirkster Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-09-2017, 02:51 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]True.  However, it was kind of interesting to see how the media hype because of his upcoming testimony was so slanted by both sides looking for a "smoking gun" of sorts, yet there was no "climax" for either side.

Both sides claim "victory" on this issue and what does that exactly do for us?

Here's an opinion I share on the topic...


Partisans will be partisan.

We should all seek truth above all.  Not try to substantiate emotional responses with back-filler.

Because if there's blind following of politics/party with religious zeal, we're already over.  Internal destruction and war it will be.  It's already beginning, but it does not have to end that way.

So you're a "twit"?  I thought that you were better than that.
There's certainly a lot to loathe about twitter.

Funny story... I joined a few years back because that's where you could get a lot of good draft info.

But, like with everything... all that's good is destroyed by the mindless masses.

While it's become a cesspool generally speaking... yes, there is a lot of good that still out there.  There are those out there doing good works and getting the best out of it

I did a TON of culling and paring down in the last year... lol.

The problem with so many... besides those who simply aren't worth listening to at all, the vile and the hateful... is that folks can't keep but get in the way of their own message, even if at the core it's a good one.  It can be an awful medium for discourse as little of it is civil.

But, if you are patient and work your way round, over time you can find accounts you can trust to give you honest insight.  I try to stay balanced in who I choose to follow/drop.  I use it more for news than anything.  A topic springs up that interests me, I can then choose/choose not to further research it myself.  A living "front page" if you will, with all the sections (sports, politics, world, local) all at once.
(06-09-2017, 02:51 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-09-2017, 02:30 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone declaring the matter settled are in for a surprise.

True.  However, it was kind of interesting to see how the media hype because of his upcoming testimony was so slanted by both sides looking for a "smoking gun" of sorts, yet there was no "climax" for either side.

Both sides claim "victory" on this issue and what does that exactly do for us?

Nothing, really. Which is exactly what both sides wanted it to do, imo.
[Image: Comey%2527s%2BTesty%2BMoaning%2B1.jpg]
(06-09-2017, 04:12 PM)pirkster Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-09-2017, 02:30 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]Isn't it interesting how individual filters leads so many different conclusions.

Ok, not interesting at all, very predictable.

Anyone declaring the matter settled are in for a surprise.

Interesting that you purposefully chose to use the talking point "the matter."  Very telling.

I have no doubt whatsoever you're in for even more disappointment.

Life, and truth, goes on regardless of whatever pre-conceived notions you're carrying.

It will be interesting to see if you will accept whatever results as true if it contradicts your pre-conceived notions.
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