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Quote:I'm sure Mr Khan is appreciative to all this advice about what he is doing wrong by message board posters, and I'm sure from now on he will be a member of this board and post a poll about every decision he needs to make in its own thread for all you non CEO/ or Non Execs to instruct him on the proper course of action...Stand by, Mr Khan will be with you soon, he just waiting to hear y'all non Execs way to run a business

There is always one of you.
Khan is a business man, that's why he has free agents ripping him off for millions of $... A very 'smart' business man
Quote:There is always one of you.
I find it quite humorous that people who are unqualified to run any business at all seem to know how to run a business better than someone who has made himself a few billion dollars and maintains a successful business to this day...Kind of like the coaching thing...None of us has ever been a coach yet all of us think we know how to coach...It's funny to me when people who have never even stepped foot in an NFL office "know how" to run a football franchise "better" than people who have worked their whole lives in NFL offices...Khan hasn't been around football long, but has surrounded himself with people who have...
Quote:Khan is a business man, that's why he has free agents ripping him off for millions of $... A very 'smart' business man
thats every NFL team...how many on this board wanted caldwell to give von miller whatever he wanted? Good thing khan and  caldwell didnt listen eh?
Quote:I find it quite humorous that people who are unqualified to run any business at all seem to know how to run a business better than someone who has made himself a few billion dollars and maintains a successful business to this day...Kind of like the coaching thing...None of us has ever been a coach yet all of us think we know how to coach...It's funny to me when people who have never even stepped foot in an NFL office "know how" to run a football franchise "better" than people who have worked their whole lives in NFL offices...Khan hasn't been around football long, but has surrounded himself with people who have...

16-58 since Khan bought the team.  He is a rich business man.  However, he has totally failed at his first hack at "football operations."  He has hit home runs with the business side of the Jags.  But the on-field portion has been and continues to be a miserable failure.


You're trying to propose that Khan is way smarter than anyone and everyone here.  OK, fine, where's the proof?  16-58 on the field is the evidence I offer you and 2-8 shows that the "arrow" is currently not pointing up.  He entrusted Bradley to lead a championship caliber team and Gus has miserably failed.  Khan's responsibility in this is that he has let this clown show continue for 2 years too long in my opinion.  There was enough evidence in Bradley's 1st season to judge him and realize he would never lead this team to a Super Bowl victory!
Quote:There really should be an IQ test of some sorts before being allowed to create a thread to be sure.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://m.9gag.com/gag/a8Wo46d/iq-test-from-idiocracy'>http://m.9gag.com/gag/a8Wo46d/iq-test-from-idiocracy</a>
He's sticking to his word about giving gus this season.But, I'll bet he already is working on new HC candidates.

Reflect on what you were doing when you were 16 years old and where you are now. Most of us cannot even hold a candle to what Khan has accomplished.


You want to run a team? Saddle up, go make yourself some billions of dollars, then go find one for sale.

That's when the real fun starts because there is never a winning team for sale, just one like the Jags were a few years ago.


It's a free country and you have a right to express your self ...but I don't think I'd be calling Khan a "terrible owner".

Quote:16-58 since Khan bought the team. He is a rich business man. However, he has totally failed at his first hack at "football operations." He has hit home runs with the business side of the Jags. But the on-field portion has been and continues to be a miserable failure.

You're trying to propose that Khan is way smarter than anyone and everyone here. OK, fine, where's the proof? 16-58 on the field is the evidence I offer you and 2-8 shows that the "arrow" is currently not pointing up. He entrusted Bradley to lead a championship caliber team and Gus has miserably failed. Khan's responsibility in this is that he has let this clown show continue for 2 years too long in my opinion. There was enough evidence in Bradley's 1st season to judge him and realize he would never lead this team to a Super Bowl victory!

Your evidence that you are smarter than Khan is that he owns an NFL franchise with a losing record? What?...

Shad bought a team that was in shambles, has doubled it's value, and built lasting financial gains for it. He's not a coach, he's not a GM. He doesn't directly affect the record.

So they hired the wrong "first" coach. Ok. Not the first NFL franchise to hire a bad coach.
Quote:Hes done a solid job so far, not hitting it out of the park with his first head coach/gm shouldnt be a call for his head at all.

As far as sticking with gus too long, most of us were on board with giving gus one more year with a brand new set of toys to find out if it was talent or coach. Now we know the answer and its a matter of firing him now or later and I dont see anything more to be gained firing him now rather than later. Who knows if were even calling for Gus' head if we had a real quarterback.

I agree with that.   I think one reason Khan doesn't want to fire a coach mid-season is that it will help him recruit the next head coach.   He'll be able to tell him he'll get a full chance to turn things around.  
I have no issue with Khan whatsoever..


Having said that, no we're not the first team to hire a bad coach.. hiring a bad coach is one thing, but allowing him to keep his job for the amount of time that he has is another, in my opinion.


Also, all of this nonsense about Shad allowing the Jags to fail so it's easy to relocate from a disinterested fan base needs to stop. The fan base clearly isn't as disinterested as some people think.. funnily enough, the disinterested ones are always the first to post on the JAGS forum to say they're disinterested.


Look at the money Shad has put into the team in Jax, the Jags are going nowhere.


Also, if anyone can find a post where someone has written 'disinterested' any more times than I have in this one.. please point me in the direction of it.. I'm sure I'll be interested in it..
Quote:Noble or not, you don't keep a coach past it being evident they will not succeed in the job.  For me, I saw that at the end of the first season.  However, for the GM and owner to keep Gus beyond last season is a big foul on their part. 


You don't stick with your plan on principle.  You must be willing to change your plan if you know you made a bad decision.  A sign of a good leader is admitting your mistakes, not sticking to a plan whether it succeeds or fails.



People act like it wasn't obvious that Bradley sucked from his very first season... yeah maybe if you are slow you just noticed this season.
He's an intelligent businessman. He's one of thirty-two NFL owners. What most people don't realize, however, is that only twelve of those teams will make it to the play-offs this year like they do every year. And it's extremely rare that an NFL owner finds consistent success on a high level at this level of competition where the game planning, coaching, players and schemes are consistently adapting or evolving. 


Have we been a bad football team for the past four years? Certainly. "You are what your record says you are". To quote Bill Parcells. But, to circle back to my point. We're not the only city in the NFL with an intelligent owner missing out with their decision making in the personnel aspect of the NFL. It takes time, great effort and the patience of a saint to build a winning product in the NFL. For every Robert Kraft in the NFL you'll find a great majority of NFL owners not even capable of holding up a candle to his rare level of success. Or, in truth at times, luck. Just pure...dumb...luck. 


It happens to the best of them too. Recent examples this year that I can point to, well, three actually. Arizona, Carolina & Green Bay. These three teams were pegged at the beginning of the year to be relevant and tough to contend with. So far all three of them have flopped majorly this season. Teams like San Diego and New Orleans have legitimate hall of fame caliber quarterbacks leading their football teams, yet, they've been extremely inconsistent now for roughly a decade. The list goes on. 


My point is that, we have to give it time with Shahid Khan. It was his first attempt. So far, he's missed. He knows that. This city knows that. The fans know that. The mainstream and local media and journalists know that. It's a lesson he's hopefully going to learn from and in about five to six weeks when Black Monday looms around the NFL. I am 110% sure and positive that he will make the right decision given all that he's seen. He said four years. He manned up and lived up to his promise and words. Although we're sinking like the Titanic I can completely respect a man for staying on his ship and staying true to his message while it goes down. Again, hopefully he makes the best business decision of his life in a few months after the dust settles in the football world.

Quote:thats every NFL team...how many on this board wanted caldwell to give von miller whatever he wanted? Good thing khan and  caldwell didnt listen eh?
Khan doesn't throw interceptions, fumble balls, over throw receivers, jump offside on 4th down or give up punt return touchdowns. But he can pull the plug on this dumpster Jacuzzi.

Quote:I find it quite humorous that people who are unqualified to run any business at all seem to know how to run a business better than someone who has made himself a few billion dollars and maintains a successful business to this day...Kind of like the coaching thing...None of us has ever been a coach yet all of us think we know how to coach...It's funny to me when people who have never even stepped foot in an NFL office "know how" to run a football franchise "better" than people who have worked their whole lives in NFL offices...Khan hasn't been around football long, but has surrounded himself with people who have...

Proof is in the pudding brother.


Oh, and where do you get the assumption that people on a message board are unqualified to run a business? I am pretty sure there are many successful business owners that post in here.


By the way, had you let a FAN coach the team for 4 years, I'm pretty sure they could have racked up as many wins as Gus just by going with their instincts. Just sayin'
Quote:.....Oh, and where do you get the assumption that people on a message board are unqualified to run a business? I am pretty sure there are many successful business owners that post in here.


By the way, had you let a FAN coach the team for 4 years, I'm pretty sure they could have racked up as many wins as Gus just by going with their instincts. Just sayin'

well, i'm on this board and started my business back in 1995. Always felt connected to the Jags. I'd like to think i'm "succesful" .

So I like looking at the business side of a team....and Lampings brought a ton of positives to the team. By all measures that side of the team is on the way.


The football operation side needs help and I'm sure Khan sees what needs fixing there. point made above....teams go up and teams go down (Panthers,Packers,etc). 


don't think for a minute he doesn't care or want to win.


Let a fan coach? I know there's lots of folks here with way more knowledge than me......but it would be an interesting promotion....maybe for a preseason game?

Can't Caldwell fire Gus ? Wasn't he brought in to make the football decisions ?
Quote:Can't Caldwell fire Gus ? Wasn't he brought in to make the football decisions ?

That's what I wonder...who exactly wanted to retain Gus?  Khan or Caldwell?  Because if it was Caldwell then he's a horrible judge of character/leadership and should go right along with Gus.  If it's Khan, then we are just screwed with a clueless owner when it comes to football operations.
Quote:That's what I wonder...who exactly wanted to retain Gus? Khan or Caldwell? Because if it was Caldwell then he's a horrible judge of character/leadership and should go right along with Gus. If it's Khan, then we are just screwed with a clueless owner when it comes to football operations.

IMO an owner shouldn't have to make football decisions. He hires a GM to do so. It should default to Caldwell.
Quote:IMO an owner shouldn't have to make football decisions. He hires a GM to do so. It should default to Caldwell.

I agree, and if Khan has truly entrusted Caldwell 100%, and if Caldwell genuinely thought/thinks that Gus is NFL HC material then Caldwell needs to go.
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