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Nate and TTR are oblivious, inept morons.

I think Nate is being sarcastic
Quote:My niece has an istagram account for her two cats that has 19k followers. 15k isn't all that impressive.
Well, what can i say. Oh yea,  A lot of people like kittens.  
Quote:Teal Time Radio managed to post the most idiotic thread in a season full of idiotic threads.

Are you related to MJF in any way?

Just curious.
Quote:So yeah i felt that way like, 8 years ago... But it is definitely time to Blow it up,  Fire everyone.  Blame the Owner, the gm, and the coach- yes the QB sucks. Even the damned equipment manager needs to be fired. I hate almost every coach an every Jaguar playing now. They have perpetuated fraud by dressing up as professional players.


Some players are more excited in lambasting the fanbase for booing. As if that is forbidden in this vast, winless land of Suck they have built. 


​Yeah you may be onto something about finding another team. At least I could develop a new decade of disparity with a new team. But there is always next year... 
I don't share that belief.  A lot of talent we have.  Terrible head coach but none the less. A lot of talent. 
Quote:Well, what can i say. Oh yea, A lot of people like kittens.
You seem to be wrong a lot.

Remember when you didn't want Ramsey?

Sorry.... but you are one of the dumbest posters the board.
Quote:Crying? Crying?

I'm laughing my [BAD WORD REMOVED] off. It's gotten comical watching this train wreck find new ways to lose.

Man...me not playing is a slap in the face..blah blah blah...S.Marks

Then commit one of the dumbest penalties that virtually sealed in another loss.

Fans crying? You got players crying. Fan participation, not enough playing time.

It's truly Baguar time.
I will agree on that play.  It was a bone head move. 
Quote:You seem to be wrong a lot.

Remember when you didn't want Ramsey?

Sorry.... but you are one of the dumbest posters the board.
The reason was he could not catch.  Correct?  How many ints in game does he have this season?  Cause I recall everyone said he can cause caught a ton off a ball machine.   Now outside of that.  Is he great yes.  Is that worthy of top 5 in draft?   Compared to others at same spot?  That is still questionable.  Now am I glad we have him.  Heck yes. 
Quote:No but every post negative makes it better?  Okay then. 

Oh, I get it.  So we're supposed to make up stuff to be happy about.


I repeat...what a dimwit.
Bad thread is bad.

It's not like this is one bad season here. Its 9 straight seasons of non-winning football.

Gus has never beaten a team who finishes the season with a winning record. That is so pathetic and fans have every right to react the way they are.

Teal Time.... go back to bed old man.
I'm still trying to figure out why we called the 1st timeout in the 2nd half yesterday... #HEADSCRATCHER
Quote:My niece has an istagram account for her two cats that has 19k followers. 15k isn't all that impressive.

JDub is your niece?
the sky fell like 4 years ago

Quote:JDub is your niece?

No...she'd be one of the silly people that would follow an IG with nothing but cute pictures of cats.
Quote:No...she'd be one of the silly people that would follow an IG with nothing but cute pictures of cats.
Back to the cats thing.  That isn't really fair.  You don't have to really promote cats they are like bunnies.  Tons of people love them.
Quote:Enough is enough.  Stop with the crying,   The sky is not falling.  Yea, The season has not been as expected.  However.  There have been many positives.  And instead of coming together as fans and supporters.  All this crying.  What does it solve?  When none of us make any football decisions for the Jaguars. 


Yannick is playing really good,  Ramsey has had some nice games,  Hackett is getting our running going.  Robinson starting to come back.  Lee is healthy.  Smith is still deadly.  


Instead we stink. Fire everyone.  Blame the Owner, the gm, the coach (I agree)  The qb (growing pains)  And yes I understand the frustration.  But hey.  Which other team you want to join?  You have 31 other choices.  Pick one.  And leave.  I can sing ya na na na hey hey hey hey good by.  On your way out. 


On the same token. I did agree the players need to be more professional and concentrate on the level of play and not the fans. No disrespect to england.  But they are not the home fanbase.  And if had the choice of worldcup or jaguars. 9 out of 10 are at world cup. 


On same token. If you expecting the nfl to be as easy as college.  Walk on over to Gainsville and cry on that board. This is the NFL and no super star full teams.   And when they do, see Phili dream team?  How did that work out?  


So if you want to cry come with substance not hate.  Debates not trollism.  And if your come back is my grammar which you will. Cause have no substance.  And wimps only use scare tactics for their 15 seconds of fame.  



So yes 2016 is the year of the Jaguars message board crybabies.  Some are probably protesting with no substance as well.  I will enjoy the rest of the season.  Even if we don't win another game this year. Because The Jags is why I love football.  Cause support the team no matter what. 
Why can't posts reflect the current reality?


If the current reality showed we were 8-2 instead of 2-8, I'm sure you'd see the overwhelming majority of posts on this board more positive in tone than you see and lament about now.


But we are in a reality that shows we haven't had a winning record since 2007.  We are in a reality where we've won five games or less for six straight years.  We are in a reality where players at every position group on offense have substantially regressed from last year.  We are in a reality where players cry on the bench due to the losing.  We are in a reality where the team has performed substantially below what the owner and GM outlined as "a reasonable expectation."  We are in a reality where the owner has decreed the fans have endured enough.  We are in a reality where every post game press conference and interview talks about the frustration associated with each loss.  We are in a reality where NFL notables Bill Cowher, Deion Sanders, and Fred Taylor have openly questioned the effort the players have given.


If the overwhelming majority of fans here looked at this objectively and posted accordingly, why wouldn't the majority of posts be negative in tone?


What would be accomplished by cherry picking the positives and posting exclusively about them?  Do you think that will enable Gus Bradley to retain his job after the season is over?  Do you think Khan did that when he said the fans have endured enough?  Do you think that makes for a better poster and fan?


The overwhelming majority of posters here have posted here for years.  Though we lament the current state of our Jaguars, I don't question the allegiance of the overwhelming majority of posters here. 


No, the NFL isn't as easy as college.  But I submit nine straight losing seasons can and should be avoided by NFL teams, even with the comparatively increased difficulty of the NFL game.  Calling posters crybabies in light of the realities discussed above is counterproductive at best.
[Image: B8268B84-BA03-4899-A496-6DAD527C74B2.jpg]

Quote:Back to the cats thing.  That isn't really fair.  You don't have to really promote cats they are like bunnies.  Tons of people love them.

There are plenty of cat IG's out there that don't have a following. You still have to put out a good product...
At least we're not the Browns, or the Bears, or the Brown Bears...
Quote:Mediocrity at its finest.

Dude, we are below mediocre by quite a bit
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