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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ Lions Game Day Thread***
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Quote:That piece of human feces doesn't deserve to wear the number 99...

Bring back Stroud!
i took of my blake jersey and shoved it deep in the drawer to smell like old drawer clothes.

Quote:What are you deleting my posts mods?

Delete this your censorship sucks as bad as our team does

Kiss my [BAD WORD REMOVED] .delete my whole account.

Stick it to the man
Marks is clearly talking [BLEEP] behind Bradley. I'd throw his [BLEEP] out of the game. 

Anyone want to burn some Jags jerseys?

Oh man...  I cannnot believe how mad I am.  The Jaguars suck.  But for a so called veteran to make that garbage type of play...  To think that that piece of garbage has made money off of my fan-hood...  It just drives me insane.


Kick rocks, you piece of junk!!  

You guys really had faith in blake bortles leading us down the field for a game winning td?
Quote:What are you deleting my posts mods?

Delete this your censorship sucks as bad as our team does

Kiss my [BAD WORD REMOVED] .delete my whole account.
someone is mad. lol
Marks can go [BLEEP] himself. Whine for playing time like a fat baby. Won't be sad to see him go.
I Continue to Support regardless of our Deficiencies...

I Luv My Jaguars...

Man, I hate this team now.   Bortles dumb and Bradley dumber.  Losers no winning attitude.  

Quote:You guys really had faith in blake bortles leading us down the field for a game winning td?
Should have at least had a shot of it. That was embarrassing by Marks.
Quote:We seriously need to try and get that first overall pick
Why?  It never makes a difference.
Quote:Bring back Stroud!

I have Stroud's Jersey...  that former tack doesn't deserve his number
Quote:You guys really had faith in blake bortles leading us down the field for a game winning td?
lol, yes, lololol, at least wanted to see what bortles can do

I don't even care anymore
Quote:Oh man... I cannnot believe how mad I am. The Jaguars suck. But for a so called veteran to make that garbage type of play... To think that that piece of garbage has made money off of my fan-hood... It just drives me insane.

Kick rocks, you piece of junk!!

Maybe if you say it one more time you will really get your point across. Twentieth time is a charm.
I expected to lose so not upset. Closer than I thought
Quote:Marks can go [BAD WORD REMOVED] himself. Whine for playing time like a fat baby. Won't be sad to see him go.

And sprinkles doesn't even say anything to him...
Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick...
