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Full Version: Whose watching the game tomorrow?
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Just got back from a business trip last week.  I got nothing to do today at ALL, and the wife found a great deal on NY Strips - $3.80 a pound!!  


I'll be watching, waiting for the game to end so I can drunkedly light up the grill and cook up them steaks.


And who knows, maybe we'll keep it respectable.

Looks like I'll be listening.
Quote:Like I said I'll be watching but I don't mind if people chose not to watch, you only live once and lifetime isn't very long, people have families and other things they could be doing rather than sitting through 3 hours of terrible Jags football. We've got 7 games left, that's 21 hours+ time people could be doing something else instead of watching this disaster. If it's bringing you no joy and you're finding yourself angry after each game then it's not worth it imo.

The only thing I don't like is people who don't watch then come on here and argue when all they've done is look at the box score.

I agree with this 100 percent!
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