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Full Version: [LIVE] ***Official Jaguars vs. Buccaneers Game Night Thread***
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ok. just gotta settle in
D finally came to play.
another o call. Our dudes are free game on our D line. Just hold away. We wont call it.
Hey, they got off the field on third down. They have abandoned Gus' prevent defense at the end of the half.
I like the auto update
These refs are trash,it was a delay of game and then they held Day for the would be sack
Henne time
I hope Henne shows the old-school cool
Bucs are getting away with murder out there. Questioning the integrity of the NFL again.
Holding: Okay as long as you play against the Jags.
Cole just made the roster.
(08-17-2017, 09:13 PM)BklynJag Wrote: [ -> ]I feel like the season is over already.

Dude, you thought the season was over two months ago. You're not fooling anyone.
NFL and their product has become trash. All of these flags every year with what seems like new rules every year.
if this were a real game, we'd settle in and win
Bye bye Rashad Greene.
leggo Cole!
Sign Cole to a contract extension now!
Bye Greene
Is Cole a rookie?