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Bortles has gotten incredibly bad, he can barely even complete a 15 yard pass. Just start Allen, there is no way he can be worse than Bortles.
I suspect he's done and will only play if Allen and Henne have season ending injuries.
(08-17-2017, 11:01 PM)JagFanatic24 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm still holding my ground. I don't think Bortles will be our starter on opening day. He's not an NFL QB. I'd take Gabbert over Bortles right now.

No. Just no. How soon we forget. Gabbs is terrible, worse.. No FAR WORSE than Blake. Why would you want that fool back... Nonsense. Henne too.. I don't want any of our QBs on o ur team that has played an NFL game before. Allen, maybe throw him in, but what are you going to get there? Who knows, thats my intrigue on him.. There are no saviors though. No one would come in here week 2 of the preseason and will us to a 10 win season. Help is not on the way, we need to figure out the QB position and soon.
Really glad that our front office didn't bring in a legit QB this offseason. Obviously we were set with Blake at the helm!
Bortles has regressed.. I'm hoping hard coaching resolves it, but I'm not hopeful at this stage..

However, I don't think I've hit rock bottom where I'd suggest starting Chad Henne... not yet, anyway.
Count me out if we're starting Henne. Start Allen
Obviously Bortles is a massive disaster zone if we're genuinely considering starting Henne or Allen against the Tinhorns, but sadly that's not our only problem is it. We still have a frail O-line that struggle to run block and defense that can't generate pressure or stop the run game, how the hell is it possible to be so vulnerable and have so many deficiencies?
Man, this franchise is so snakebit that even the "backup QB is the most popular guy in town" rule doesn't apply anymore.
Watch Blake light up next week, and then we get to spin the wheel all season to find out which version of Blake shows up
(08-18-2017, 02:53 AM)DarloJAG84 Wrote: [ -> ]Bortles has regressed.. I'm hoping hard coaching resolves it, but I'm not hopeful at this stage..

However, I don't think I've hit rock bottom where I'd suggest starting Chad Henne... not yet, anyway.

There's no coaching for this. He's regressed some, but it's time to end any remaining denial that he was ever a good thrower of the football. He wasn't when we drafted him, he wasn't in 2015 flawed stats year, and he certainly isn't now.  He knew it all along, even basically said so, so add in the progressive loss of whatever shred of confidence he ever had, and you have what we have today -- a total train wreck. It's the FO's fault, this was easily seen for a long time now.
True dat. I love Fournette, but I remind you we could have had Deshaun at the helm, and maybe could've gotten something for BB5 at the time. Good luck with that, now. First and foremost you gotta be rock solid at QB. How many years has it been?
Bortles is done... Stick a fork in him... Time for some new hands under center.
Honestly no matter which of 3 QB's play this is going to be a long horrible season just like the previous 6 or so. We are the new bungles. the new browns.
Haven't see this mentioned on the board yet, but if Bortles isn't the guy, wouldn't cutting him or putting him in street clothes the rest of the season be the prudent thing to do? If he gets hurt, the Jags are on the hook for over $19 million next year. I mean, that whole #becauseJaguars is a thing for a reason lol.
You're being fed scraps while you pay for steak.
If you didn't see the dumbing down of the whole stadium over the last 13 years... Here's a look.
We are... Jag-were's... We are... Jag-were's
Moo-Doze-Chainz... Moo-Doze-Chainz
Good for a Jag-were's "Firzdow"
"We're improving...." Bahahahahaha
(08-18-2017, 11:32 AM)unf_nashvillian Wrote: [ -> ]Haven't see this mentioned on the board yet, but if Bortles isn't the guy, wouldn't cutting him or putting him in street clothes the rest of the season be the prudent thing to do?  If he gets hurt, the Jags are on the hook for over $19 million next year.  I mean, that whole #becauseJaguars is a thing for a reason lol.

Personally I think he either starts week 1 or is cut prior.
Marrone should have called him over to the Hard Knocks crew before they left back to Tampa. Looked him dead in the face and said "Blake......YOU'RE FIRED!!!"
Why is anyone suprized by this?  the guy came from UCF for crying out loud; he clearly didn't play against quality competition or face quality defenses as a collegian, so why expect him to suddenly turn on a switch and be able to be competent in the pros?
DiRocco suggests Blake might be released if not starter.  
I've been quiet the off season but, watching with more than a little interest. TBH I was more impressed with Henne and Allen and how they performed against NE than BB5. Now after Atlanta game....the picture is starting to sharpen .

Give me a guy that was a decent SEC quarterback and let's see what he's got. It could be no worse than a first round pick that has shown he can only complete passes in garbage time. Last year..... after the bar stool talk I wondered if going back to work with the California group would help bortles. it doesn't seem to have.

Count me as one of the cut him loose bunch. not as bad as Lame Gabbert....but not much better and certainly not one to lead a team like the one Tom & Doug are building.
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