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Full Version: More than half of arrested anti-Trump protesters didn't vote in Oregon
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Man, I live in a boring area. I looked on craigslist for these paid positions I keep hearing about from different sources and nada. There is a guy who wants hot girls for a wet t-shirt car wash event and the other stuff you find on the site, but no paid protesters. 

There's no credible evidence that protesters are being paid.  But it's a nice story to tell, so Trump and his supporters can ignore the opposition for the next four years.  

Quote:There's no credible evidence that protesters are being paid.  But it's a nice story to tell, so Trump and his supporters can ignore the opposition for the next four years.  



ya like that's possible. every annoying loud mouthed idiot is screaming at the top of their lungs HEY HEY HO HO DONALD TRUMP HAS GOT TO GO


it's obvious their goal is not to actually influence anybody, but to rather be so annoying that it causes their enemies to blow their brains out



ya like that's possible. every annoying loud mouthed idiot is screaming at the top of their lungs HEY HEY HO HO DONALD TRUMP HAS GOT TO GO


it's obvious their goal is not to actually influence anybody, but to rather be so annoying that it causes their enemies to blow their brains out

You mean like the loud mouthed idiots who screamed Obama was a secret kenyan muslim? 
Quote:You mean like the loud mouthed idiots who screamed Obama was a secret kenyan muslim? 

oh that's right. i forgot about the well-known riots over Obama. a black eye in our history.
Quote:oh that's right. i forgot about the well-known riots over Obama. a black eye in our history.
This. I tried to think if there were any and I surely don't remember that happening so.....yeah.
Quote:This. I tried to think if there were any and I surely don't remember that happening so.....yeah.

I seem to remember one at Ole Miss.
Quote:There's no credible evidence that protesters are being paid.  But it's a nice story to tell, so Trump and his supporters can ignore the opposition for the next four years.  

Oh... http://theduran.com/anti-trump-protester...t-reveals/


Just the same way "occupy" was not staged but "organic..." I guess...


There's nothing genuine about it, unless you realize it's genuine stupidity.  Children kicking and screaming now that the adults have come home from being gone far too long.  It would be funny if it weren't so sad.


An indictment of our failed education system.


When the left is on the wrong side of history/truth, this is what happens.


Deny, lie, and blame someone else... and try to bully everyone disagreeing back into compliance by force, not force of intellect.


Every thing ends in a failure that must be blamed on the so-called "enemy..."  which is interesting, because their greatest enemy is in fact the truth.  They just can't accept it.  Ever.  Everything is endlessly spun away in a sick fantasy of denial.
"We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!"

Is this statement wrong?
Quote:"We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!"

Is this statement wrong?

what does blocking traffic with your stupid [BLEEP] sign and shouting at people do for unity?
Quote:what does blocking traffic with your stupid [BAD WORD REMOVED] sign and shouting at people do for unity?

Answer the question. What do you think of that statement?
Ahh yes, the Duran.  Such a credible website.  :eyeroll

Quote:Answer the question. What do you think of that statement?

Did anyone start marching because Trump asked them to?
Quote:Answer the question. What docyou think of that statement?

march on Washington cause we're divided?  that seems really stupid.  that's like "We're divided. Let's burn a flag." the action does nothing to mitigate the concern. therefore, it's absurd.


stop what travesty? a president being elected by democratic process? OH GOOOOOOD NOOOOOOO

Quote:march on Washington cause we're divided? that seems really stupid. that's like "We're divided. Let's burn a flag." the action does nothing to mitigate the concern. therefore, it's absurd.

stop what travesty? a president being elected by democratic process? OH GOOOOOOD NOOOOOOO


Here is the full tweet.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/266034630820507648?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw'>https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/266034630820507648?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw</a>

Here is the full tweet.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/266034630820507648?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw'>https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/266034630820507648?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw</a>

is this supposed to be your big "gotcha" moment? it's stupid
Quote:is this supposed to be your big "gotcha" moment? it's stupid

Yeah I know, it's all OK when your guy does it.
Quote:Yeah I know, it's all OK when your guy does it.

You mean say it, since he didn't actually do it, and neither did anyone else.
Quote:Yeah I know, it's all OK when your guy does it.

Big difference between marching on Washington and rioting because a group of children didn't get their way.
Quote:Yeah I know, it's all OK when your guy does it.

so you agree the protests are stupid?  alright. glad we can agree finally.


i already said weeks ago im fine with peaceful protests but GD they are getting super whiny and annoying.

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