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All I care about is the football, so if he was good enough, I say why not bring him in. The extra stuff I dont see as much of a big deal as others but w/e.
(08-25-2017, 11:13 AM)iapetus Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-25-2017, 11:05 AM)MoJagFan Wrote: [ -> ]I don't understand the fascination with him.

What's not to understand? He's the best QB out there for the taking, and would probably come at a very reasonable price. The downside is that he's a distraction, especially somewhere like Jacksonville. But given how much of a distraction our existing stable of QBs are causing with their play...

at one time Tebow was the "best" available too...Hasn't been in the league for years, baseball player now...Sometimes "the best" is [BLEEP] too...
People keep saying he's too much of a distraction. I'm thinking this fan base could use a distraction right now, to get their minds off the state of this football team.
LOL... the Jags worried about a distraction.

Try 30 passing yards with 2 minutes to go int he 1st half -- that's a distraction.
Jaguars owner says he would be open to signing Kaepernick


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shad Khan says he would be open to signing free-agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick.
Speaking to the team’s flagship radio station, Khan res
Sign him, give him the entire 4th preseason game. I don't care at this point. I just want to win
(08-25-2017, 04:32 PM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]People keep saying he's too much of a distraction.   I'm thinking this fan base could use a distraction right now, to get their minds off the state of this football team.

I'm thinking there are probably better ways to distract the fans.  Perhaps by winning?  

Kaepernick does not represent a substantial upgrade over what we have currently, regardless of the additional baggage he's dragging with him.  Khan's comments about being open to signing him had a qualifier that pretty much sums up why he's going to be hard-pressed to find work in the league.  He's not good enough to let his play quiet the off field stuff.  It's a circus.  

As much as many here say what he says and does off the field doesn't bother them one bit, there are an equal if not larger number of fans who would disagree.  For a team that has a tenuous hold on the fan base right now, that might tip the scales to the point where you're seeing a lot more empty seats on game days, and that's the last thing they want.  His best bet is to look at his options in Canada.
You already posted this.  Is your memory that short?  Its a good think Tom wont hire him just for a circus and media because signing another turd at QB is exactly what we need

Oh look, another Kaep is a great QB and would lead us to the promise land. This horse has been beaten so much it's glue!
I am on the fence about this.

I do believe he is an upgrade over what we have. Kaepernick threw 16tds vs 4 ints. That is exactly what kind of football the jags want to plan. Plus he has wheels as well. On the other hand...

As a white male the whole kneeling thing really does not bother me. That being said, I'm tired of hearing about it. THe media is going to have a microscope on him before every game. I don't know if I want to stomach seeing this on the national stage every week. One more point that no one really talks about. The owners are a close group. There are more than a handful who hate was Kaepernick is doing and what no part of it. That one owner who takes a chance might risk losing some close friends about it.
i'm all for signing him. Don't care about him sitting down during the anthem. his choice. his right.

Just help my team win and you could sacrifice chickens like Cerrano for all i care.
I don't like Kaep's protest because I don't think the NFL is the place for it, but the truth of the matter this franchise needs to do SOMETHING - ANYTHING to stop the train wreck. I don't think the fanbase can take a repeat of 2016, which was a repeat of 2015.
I would take Tebow over Kaepernick and that's just based on the player.
(08-26-2017, 01:23 AM)JaguarJosh05 Wrote: [ -> ]I would take Tebow over Kaepernick and that's just based on the player.

Telling on yourself.
(08-25-2017, 11:36 AM)J-Mizzal Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-25-2017, 11:35 AM)Jest101 Wrote: [ -> ]OK, so why hasn't Kap been signed by any of the other 31 teams in the NFL?

Come on now, you know the answer to that, it has nothing to do with football

If it were anything other than a talent issue, then other players who have made decisions similar to his would also be out of the league and there are plenty of them still playing.  Kap is no better and possibly worse than the other options on the roster.
I'm to the point to where I don't care who they bring it.. So tired of garbage football..
(08-26-2017, 01:23 AM)JaguarJosh05 Wrote: [ -> ]I would take Tebow over Kaepernick and that's just based on the player.

Agreed, he is the real QB this league has black balled.  Kap just sucks
(08-25-2017, 01:32 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-25-2017, 01:07 PM)FJohnson Wrote: [ -> ]The only thing that is going to unite the fan base is winning. If a new QB can do that, that is the right direction to take.

I doubt it. I've heard plenty of people here that will flat out boycott and not even bother watching or showing up to support this team if he's signed. Regardless of wins. I honestly don't mind him being here. Doesn't bother me. I may not like all of the things he's done and said during his protest but it's his right to protest and do what he did. 

But... this is a very, very volatile and interesting situation to be apart of.
I read an interesting article about an interview with hall of fame great Jim Brown. Brown was an activist himself, but he worked for change in a positive way. When asked about Kap, he said that while he respects Kap's right to protest, he considered what he did a foolish action that brought negative attention to himself and did little for the cause for which he (Kap) was supposedly protesting. Brown pointed out that if you're going to be a professional athlete that you have to be intelligent in the public spot light. He views Kap' action (and others like him) as not being very smart. He also said that he (Brown) would never do something, nor encourage others to do something, that is disrespectful to our flag and country. Now that's someone whom I respect!

Kap, on the other hand, simply isn't that good as a quarterback. If he was, he would still be playing for San Francisco. He got beat out by Blaine Gabbert! On top of this, he is a distraction, and a bad one.

I see what Shad said as a way of side stepping the question about Kap by laying the responsibility on the 'football people'.
Apparently he's signed as of now. 2 years 5.7m.
(08-26-2017, 12:22 PM)Tyler1Reformed Wrote: [ -> ]Apparently he's signed as of now. 2 years 5.7m.

Link? FYI, the Pittsburg or Green Bay signing was a hoax.
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