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All of those people who trashed this Bortles, this coaching staff, and this team are about to be taken to task for running their mouths without thinking....and ironically enough, it'll probably be the national media that calls them out (even though they joined in on the "fun", but they won't ever admit that).
I'm still waitiing for this huge impact that Watt is going to have on the game.
Haha, to all the dopes who have no rhetoric for the time being!
(08-25-2017, 12:17 PM)JagJohn Wrote: [ -> ]I can't recall ever being so frustrated at the state of this team prior to the regular season kickoff. I am not normally one to be negative but the management of this team has left me feeling exasperated. I understand it is still preseason, but everything I have seen and heard so far points to some unfortunate conclusions.

What were the biggest problems of this team last year and what has been done to fix them?

1. QB - It is inexcusable how this has been handled. Whether it was in the form of a rookie or a reliable veteran, Bortles CLEARLY needed competition for the QB spot. Instead we spend all offseason declaring faith in him only to yank him after preseason week 2 for the guy he replaced 3 years ago? Unforgivable.

2. O-Line - Our running game offered nothing last year. We needed an offseason of investing serious FA money and multiple draft picks focusing on improving our O-line. So many fans were calling for this. Now we are about to start the season and the only new face we have is a rookie LT? How is the line gonna be improved? Instead, we have a beast of a new RB who is gonna be running into brick walls. It's like buying a Ferrari when you live on a dirt road. 

3. Pass Rush - I'll give them some credit for the Campbell signing, but the man isn't actually a sack artist at all. We needed a real pass rusher to come in and push the young guys. As it is we are facing another season of not being able to get off the field on 3rd down.

4. Kicker - He sucks. He will lose us games. This has been obvious for some time. Unforgivable.

The most frustrating thing is that this team is going to look and play exactly like last years team. We have enough talent to be close in the 4th quarter, but won't have a running game or pash rush needed to finish teams off.

Looking at the big money we did spend in FA, was it really the best use of the money? We upgraded at DE, SS, CB and then at RB in the draft, but THESE POSITIONS WERE NOT THE PROBLEM. We have gone from serviceable players to good players at these spots, and ignored the real problem areas. We should have thrown that money at some of the high ticket O-Line guys available. And obviously we should have brought in a QB. Another thing that winds me up is that I don't know who is responsible for this situation? Is it TC? Is it Caldwell? I'm guessing TC gets a free pass for this year, but for a team that is in 'WIN NOW' mode we sure have made some stupid decisions.

Here's to hoping that low expectations lead to pleasant surprises this year, but I seriously doubt it. Another top 5 pick awaits, hopefully next offseason we wont make the same mistakes.
1) 5 games no picks Blake could be stabilizing

2) Cam played pretty well allowing no sacks in his first outing against a very good defense.
    Fournette must be Superman busting thru the brickwalls the oline setup.
    In their first game the oline played pretty well for the most part.

3) Pass rush was getting home today on both QB's today and  10 sacks are you serious!!!!!! 4:0 turnover ratio absolutely fabulous.

4) Kicker does suck and has the capability of losing us some close games.

Thankfully this team played nothing like last years team. Not only was it a blowout in the 4th, but we scored in every quarter both offensively and defensively.

Whoever is responsible for this situation is a helluva coach for taking the same players and getting much better play out of them.

Welcome to pleasant surprises my pessimistic friend.
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