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Full Version: New DNC Chairman - Radical Left-Wing Muslim?
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Quote:Not true according to this article.  He's way more far left than Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren and Bernie "Socialist" Sanders.
How dare you insult Warren like that! Everyone knows her official title is "Comrade Pocahontas". Get it right and show some respect.
I find it interesting how, prior to the election, the left was talking up the fact that the impending landslide win by Hillary would usher in a pure state of chaos in the republican party that would force the party as a whole to move more to the center in order to be saved.


The reality is the democrat party is in complete disarray, almost obliterated by the last 4 election cycles.  Obama may have won reelection in 2012, but down ballot, the party has been completely decimated to the point where they're at record lows for state legislatures, gubernatorial seats, and right on down the line.


Why aren't they taking their own advice and moving to the center?  Well, maybe because their center left candidate was fully; exposed by those further to the left?


There's nothing wrong with having a healthy divide between the parties.  The republicans are going to have a slap of reality now that they've elected Trump, but the good news here is that while he may not be a staunch conservative, those who elected him to the office will have expectations, and since he's really only beholding to the voters, he may wind up being more conservative than most expect.


With the talk about the potential new DNC chairman, the party will move toward Sanders and Fauxahontas.  I'm not quite sure that's a good thing for them, but if that's what they want to do, I say go for it full speed.

Quote:The line between liberalism and communism is so thin, it is indistinguishable. Liberals are just too ignorant to realize that Moscow isn't Utopia.

Conservatives are just too ignorant to know what communism is.  Socialism isn't communism.  The two aren't synonyms for each other, no matter how much conservatives want them to be.  And they sure don't know the difference between Democratic Socialism and Communism.

Quote:Conservatives are just too ignorant to know what communism is.  Socialism isn't communism.  The two aren't synonyms for each other, no matter how much conservatives want them to be.  And they sure don't know the difference between Democratic Socialism and Communism.

Semantics don't matter in the gulag.
Quote:Conservatives are just too ignorant to know what communism is.  Socialism isn't communism.  The two aren't synonyms for each other, no matter how much conservatives want them to be.  And they sure don't know the difference between Democratic Socialism and Communism.

Actually, Conservatives couldn't care less about either. America is neither. Conservatives, patriots, and true Americans want to keep it that way. There are plenty of places for progressives, socialists, commies, and other assorted losers. This country is not one of them. Rational people risked their lives to escape that and start this country. They didn't do it to live the same lives that they already had. Don't like America? No problem. Pack your bags and go where your ideology is the way we the land. Stop trying to turn America into it. You have a home. It's just not here.
Quote:How dare you insult Warren like that! Everyone knows her official title is "Comrade Pocahontas". Get it right and show some respect.

What's the matter with you people? It's "Fauxcahontas."

Quote:Actually, Conservatives couldn't care less about either. America is neither. Conservatives, patriots, and true Americans want to keep it that way. There are plenty of places for progressives, socialists, commies, and other assorted losers. This country is not one of them. Rational people risked their lives to escape that and start this country. They didn't do it to live the same lives that they already had. Don't like America? No problem. Pack your bags and go where your ideology is the way we the land. Stop trying to turn America into it. You have a home. It's just not here.

I thought rational people escaped monarchies, feudalism and religious persecution to come here and start this country. Marx, Engels, et al. came along centuries later.

Quote:Trump is left wing in a lot of policies. That's why it's funny when his supporters bang on about the left.
Which also makes it funny how the left is losing their minds that he won.
Quote:I thought rational people escaped monarchies, feudalism and religious persecution to come here and start this country. Marx, Engels, et al. came along centuries later.
Thank you for making my point for me. That was essentially the direction this country was headed for the better part of the past decade. IRS persecution, occupy, race war against law enforcement, and the list goes on and on.

People can have that. It's no surprise that they are too lazy to move to where it is the norm. They should take their free phones and use a one way ticket to a place where they will be happy.
Again, it all comes back to the left being completely out of touch with reality.  They don't see the world through honest eyes, so by definition they can't properly identify the most pressing issues the country is facing, and certainly don't have the viable solutions to solve them.

Quote:Here's the problem with Trump's America: If someone is Muslim, the standard behavior is to now presume they're radical. Dude, that's [BAD WORD REMOVED]. Complete [BAD WORD REMOVED].

Liar liar
Quote:Again, it all comes back to the left being completely out of touch with reality.  They don't see the world through honest eyes, so by definition they can't properly identify the most pressing issues the country is facing, and certainly don't have the viable solutions to solve them.

True for the most part.  I also think that many of the "millennials" have been taught indoctrinated in our public government schools.  I'm around young military members daily and it was quite interesting to hear what some of them had to say and what they were taught.  We're talking people "educated" indoctrinated from all around the country, some of them with college degrees.  When they were hit with the truth and reality, almost all of them chose to select Trump when they voted (according to what they said).
Why is the thread titled like that?
Quote:Again, it all comes back to the left being completely out of touch with reality. They don't see the world through honest eyes, so by definition they can't properly identify the most pressing issues the country is facing, and certainly don't have the viable solutions to solve them.

Which reality are we out of touch with?
Quote:True for the most part.  I also think that many of the "millennials" have been taught indoctrinated in our public government schools.  I'm around young military members daily and it was quite interesting to hear what some of them had to say and what they were taught.  We're talking people "educated" indoctrinated from all around the country, some of them with college degrees.  When they were hit with the truth and reality, almost all of them chose to select Trump when they voted (according to what they said).

It's funny how conservatives deflect. 

Anything that doesn't fit your world view must be dismissed as liberal and 'indoctrination'.  You cross out words thinking you're clever, but it just shows how out of touch with reality you really are.  It's downright hilarious how conservatives complain about indoctrination, but then have absolutely no tolerance for any viewpoint but their own.  Then they complain when liberals dare to not have respect for their viewpoints (not just tolerance--but respect.)

Quote:It's funny how conservatives deflect. 

Anything that doesn't fit your world view must be dismissed as liberal and 'indoctrination'.  You cross out words thinking you're clever, but it just shows how out of touch with reality you really are.  It's downright hilarious how conservatives complain about indoctrination, but then have absolutely no tolerance for any viewpoint but their own.  Then they complain when liberals dare to not have respect for their viewpoints (not just tolerance--but respect.)

Not sure what exactly I "deflected" on.  Yes children are pretty much indoctrinated in government schools today.  I don't mind opposing viewpoints, but I do mind when the truth is not taught as fact while liberal opinion is.
Quote:Not sure what exactly I "deflected" on.  Yes children are pretty much indoctrinated in government schools today.  I don't mind opposing viewpoints, but I do mind when the truth is not taught as fact while liberal opinion is.

Your idea of 'facts' are basically conservative opinion.  And no, children aren't being indoctrinated in government schools today.  Keep listening to Alex Jones and Glenn Beck though.  
Quote:Your idea of 'facts' are basically conservative opinion.  And no, children aren't being indoctrinated in government schools today.  Keep listening to Alex Jones and Glenn Beck though.  

I don't listen to either one.  I listen to the young men and women that come into my workplace daily.  When I've asked them about the American Revolution, the Civil War, slavery, the economy, etc. they are at a loss.  Some of the things that they are taught in government schools is unbelievable.
Quote:I don't listen to either one.  I listen to the young men and women that come into my workplace daily.  When I've asked them about the American Revolution, the Civil War, slavery, the economy, etc. they are at a loss.  Some of the things that they are taught in government schools is unbelievable.

Most of the kids I talk to who come in to my place of business know plenty about the American Revolution, the civil war, slavery, and more. .  And they're kids from public schools.  My own kids know plenty too--and they too attend public schools.  In fact I know what much of the kids in at least one class is being taught--because my wife is a teacher.   I know the kids in my wife's Government class can name the first ten amendments to the US Constitution--and I know a couple of people who went to fancy private schools that can't do that.


I do know at least one kid who isn't learning much in public schools--but that's because his grandparents coddle him.  (They're conservatives, for the record.  And they don't think he needs an education.  They see 'education' as 'liberal indoctrination')

Quote:Most of the kids I talk to who come in to my place of business know plenty about the American Revolution, the civil war, slavery, and more. .  And they're kids from public schools.  My own kids know plenty too--and they too attend public schools.  In fact I know what much of the kids in at least one class is being taught--because my wife is a teacher.   I know the kids in my wife's Government class can name the first ten amendments to the US Constitution--and I know a couple of people who went to fancy private schools that can't do that.


I do know at least one kid who isn't learning much in public schools--but that's because his grandparents coddle him.  (They're conservatives, for the record.  And they don't think he needs an education.  They see 'education' as 'liberal indoctrination')

Do they coddle him by giving him safe spaces and play-doh?


Seriously, I've heard plenty of young men and women that come through my spaces every day say things that are unbelievable.  Some even try to point out how "communism isn't a bad thing".  They also don't seem to understand or get that our country is NOT a democracy and fail to really understand why.
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