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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ Texans Game Day Thread***
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This is ridiculous
Lol. Apparently we can just [BLEEP] push down our receivers. No big.
Who Douglas, Reggie Hayward, Brian Smith, Jorge Cordova Harvey, Groves, AK-74, John Chick, Clemons, Branch... Looks like this team finally got their big-time pass-rusher in Campbell. Banana Banana
We gotta pass a little more but I get what their trying to do
Our offense needs to pick it up
Vanilla playcalling. Such trash.
[BLEEP] was that?
Ramsey,Bouye,and Colvin really shutting down wr's
Another 3 and out. Our D is going to be gassed real soon.
The are pinned on the run on first and second.. need to put some faith in Bortles on those downs...
So they can knock two receivers down but no flag?
Why were both our receivers on the ground
Need a pick six
(09-10-2017, 01:54 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]I'm starting to see the writing on the wall. Too many 3 and outs and our D will be too gassed to continue making stops. How many times have we seen this in the past?

The clock has been pretty even actually and they've had three 3-&-outs as well.
Some thing never changed. WRs getting mugged, tackled, etc. No illegal contact. Nothing. Cool.
Jags offense putting a lot of pressure on the D
Almost out kicked the coverage that time.
We were a run, run, pass team for years, so we should be used to this.