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Full Version: Russia claims to have been in contact with Trump campaign
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Quote:She is an important case study tho in how politics really works. Thanks to her and wikileaks we have a lot of proof of the corruption that is present in politics. At least half the country now realizes this is a problem and not a conspiracy theory. I doubt anyone is silly enough to think she is the only politician to operate how she does.

What some call corruption others may called required to run a country. Transparency is overrated.

Bush 43 did it

Obama did it

Trump will too

It's faux anger because we are ignorant to the actual facts the President has. Today was more than likely the most overwhelming day of Trumps life.
Quote:It just seems like the implication is that because Trump was in contact with Russia, he must be a Russian operative sent here to take over the country. Its just such a stupid idea. Talk about conspiracy theories... That's a doozy.

Paul Manafort doesn't help to dispel such theories. Nor does the fact that he has had Russians financing a bunch of his projects.
Quote:Paul Manafort doesn't help to dispel such theories. Nor does the fact that he has had Russians financing a bunch of his projects.

They were his clients. It's called getting paid. It only became bad doing business with Russia when Obama botched the relationship. Lots of companies did a lot of business over there.
Quote:Just as Bloomberg is more reliable than Slate, there's gotta be a more reliable information source than zerohedge.  If Hillary really did fund her campaign with Saudi money, it would, and should, land her in jail.  My guess is that source is, er, not the best.  Typing it into google reads like a who's who of drifter sites, too.  I've seen too many of them debunked to believe them anymore.

Zerohedge is actually a very good source. Much more credible than Slate.
Quote:Does anybody care about the emails anymore. Hillary is history. Her political career is OVER! She has failed and is as relevant as Sarah Palin. A SNL side show!

It's not just the emails. It's the corruption and graft. Her political career is over. Skimming from a non profit for personal enrichment is still illegal.
Quote:Zerohedge is actually a very good source. Much more credible than Slate.

<b>Zero Hedge</b> is an English-language financial blog that aggregates news and presents editorial opinions from original and outside sources. The news portion of the site is written by a group of editors who collectively write under the pseudonym "Tyler Durden", a character from the novel and film <i>Fight Club</i>.

Zero Hedge has been characterized in the mainstream media as conspiratorial, anti-establishment and pessimistic,<sup>[3]</sup> occasionally producing misleading information.<sup>[4]</sup> Critics have alleged that the site "reliably peddles Russian propaganda".<sup>[5]</sup> Former Zero Hedge writer Colin Lokey claimed he was pressured to frame issues in a way he felt was "disingenuous," summarizing its political stances as "Russia=good. Obama=idiot. Bashar al-Assad=benevolent leader. John Kerry=dunce. Vladimir Putin=greatest leader in the history of statecraft."<sup>[1]</sup> Purported Zero Hedge founder Daniel Ivandjiiski countered that Lokey could write “anything and everything he wanted directly without anyone writing over it.”<sup>[1]"</sup>



<sup>Direct from Wiki.  Trust it all you want, I don't.</sup>
Quote:Now that he's been elected, can we just admit this is factual and should raise a red (pun intended) flag? A superpower that is considered an adversary and elements of our FBI were both colluding to get this man in office. And succeeded.

Will you admit the Clintons are using their foundation as a front for personal enrichment?
Quote:Link to the story



<==== called it.

This from the Reuters story:


"The Federal Bureau of Investigation opened a preliminary inquiry in recent months into allegations that Trump or his associates might have had questionable dealings with Russian people or businesses, but found no evidence to warrant opening a full investigation, according to sources familiar with the matter. The agency has not publicly discussed the probe."


Is this the same FBI that cleared Hillary?

Quote:What some call corruption others may called required to run a country. Transparency is overrated.

Bush 43 did it

Obama did it

Trump will too

It's faux anger because we are ignorant to the actual facts the President has. Today was more than likely the most overwhelming day of Trumps life.

Ya who needs transparency? Please government screw me over and cover it up. Thank you may I have another
Quote:Does anybody care about the emails anymore. Hillary is history. Her political career is OVER! She has failed and is as relevant as Sarah Palin. A SNL side show!
Sarah Palin is prolly gonna be a cabinet member sooooo......
Quote:What some call corruption others may called required to run a country. Transparency is overrated.

Bush 43 did it

Obama did it

Trump will too

It's faux anger because we are ignorant to the actual facts the President has. Today was more than likely the most overwhelming day of Trumps life.
There is a difference between assuming it happens and seeing it in written form. It's not faux anger.
Quote:He didn't ask the Russians to hack anything. 



Yes, he did, as reported in the New York times on July 27th. He added "I think you will be rewarded mightily by our press."  If you wanted to go into semantics about the word "ask", knock yourself out, but the practical upshot is the same - an invitation.  He said he hoped Russia hacked Hillary's server, and he hoped they leaked the emails.


Quid pro quo?  I guess we'll find out.


As for your claim about the emails proving collusion between the Clinton foundation, I'll just wait for the ongoing investigation to complete before speculating Brietbart style.  But you go ahead.  It's still a free country, for now.
Quote:I find this need to be on shaky ground with Russia very strange.  why cant we get along with them?  They hate ISIS. We hate ISIS (at least we're supposed to).


I don't give a [BAD WORD REMOVED] if Saudi Arabia wants to build a pipeline through Syria. it's not worth American lives.  hell, that isn't worth the life of a dog.  it's not worth poor relations with a country that literally has thousands of doomsday devices at their disposal.

The problem with Russia is bad blood goes back to before ISIS formed. We can't tell them, "Do you want to join us in the fight against ISIS?" and hope they want to be our allies after decades of being on bad terms with Vladamir Putin.
Quote:The problem with Russia is bad blood goes back to before ISIS formed. We can't tell them, "Do you want to join us in the fight against ISIS?" and hope they want to be our allies after decades of being on bad terms with Vladamir Putin.
The Russians were pretty nice to me when I went over there in 2006-2007. The recent souring of the relationship is stupid. They are not an enemy anymore. I for one, am tired of getting into real conflicts over fake information or 'rebels' that turn into terrorist groups because we gave them tech. The enemy of the regime I don't like is not a friend. How many times does the US have to repeat this mistake?

<b>Zero Hedge</b> is an English-language financial blog that aggregates news and presents editorial opinions from original and outside sources. The news portion of the site is written by a group of editors who collectively write under the pseudonym "Tyler Durden", a character from the novel and film <i>Fight Club</i>.

Zero Hedge has been characterized in the mainstream media as conspiratorial, anti-establishment and pessimistic,<sup>[3]</sup> occasionally producing misleading information.<sup>[4]</sup> Critics have alleged that the site "reliably peddles Russian propaganda".<sup>[5]</sup> Former Zero Hedge writer Colin Lokey claimed he was pressured to frame issues in a way he felt was "disingenuous," summarizing its political stances as "Russia=good. Obama=idiot. Bashar al-Assad=benevolent leader. John Kerry=dunce. Vladimir Putin=greatest leader in the history of statecraft."<sup>[1]</sup> Purported Zero Hedge founder Daniel Ivandjiiski countered that Lokey could write “anything and everything he wanted directly without anyone writing over it.”<sup>[1]"</sup>



<sup>Direct from Wiki.  Trust it all you want, I don't.</sup>
Dude, you completely ignored that the information wasn't from zerohedge. It was a screenshot of a transcript from Petra.GOV.jo the official news agency of Jordon. Zerohedge itself may, or may not be reliable, but that doesn't mean that Jordon's news agency isn't. They certainly don't put out 'conspiracy' theories.
Quote:Dude, you completely ignored that the information wasn't from zerohedge. It was a screenshot of a transcript from Petra.GOV.jo the official news agency of Jordon. Zerohedge itself may, or may not be reliable, but that doesn't mean that Jordon's news agency isn't. They certainly don't put out 'conspiracy' theories.
Do you have any idea how many fake transcripts, Kenyan student I.D. cards, and claims about documents written in a foreign language I get in my email everyday?  Remember that ISIS flag in Paris that turned out to be pictures of marital aids?


When it gets to the A.P. or Reuters, I'll have a look


Right wing agenda sites enforce agenda first, truth second.  Left wing agenda sites enforce agenda first, truth second.  I'm fully aware outlets like Slate and MSNBC have a bias, and an agenda, but they habitually link their pieces to legitimate reporting.  This is why Snopes and other factcheckers are important.


As for the Russians not being evil, well, yes, I know.  But NO foreign government should be actively trying to influence a presidential election, and I believe the Russians were.  And I believe they got the result they wanted, even though I don't think their attempts made the difference. 


When the dust settles, the truth will eventually come out about both of these terrible people that we had to choose one of.  It's gonna take a while.
Quote:Bloomberg's a better source than Slate, true. When you put you link in a shouting font, it's actually harder to see, BTW.

Donald asked the Russians to hack the other candidate (on live TV, no less), they complied, and there will be a quid pro quo coming. Hey, maybe it's not the worst thing in the world, especially if you don't live in the Ukraine. Every U.S. President has had to deal with despots, and perhaps this is for the best.

It was a password capture
Quote:Does anybody care about the emails anymore. Hillary is history. Her political career is OVER! She has failed and is as relevant as Sarah Palin. A SNL side show!

U believe that?

Yes, <a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/28/us/politics/donald-trump-russia-clinton-emails.html?_r=0'>he did</a>, as reported in the New York times on July 27th. He added "I think you will be rewarded mightily by our press." If you wanted to go into semantics about the word "ask", knock yourself out, but the practical upshot is the same - an invitation. He said he hoped Russia hacked Hillary's server, and he hoped they leaked the emails.

Quid pro quo? I guess we'll find out.

As for your claim about the emails proving collusion between the Clinton foundation, I'll just wait for the ongoing investigation to complete before speculating Brietbart style. But you go ahead. It's still a free country, for now.

No sense of humor...
Quote:U believe that?
Which point?

I absolutely believe she is done in politics.
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