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Full Version: Observations Regarding This Election
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I didn't stay up last night to see how it all played out, but I'm really not all that surprised.  If there was any surprise for me it would be the fact that it wasn't a landslide victory.  I kind of suspected over the last few weeks that Trump was going to pull it off, and I was pretty much fine with that.  Neither candidate was my choice for President, but for me the candidate that didn't win is a victory.


With that being said, I must point out a few things, some important and a couple of others not so much.


I watched the victory speech, the concession speech and the speech that President Obama gave.


1.  I thought that the victory speech was very graceful/"presidential".  It gives me some hope that President Elect Trump will be a good leader.  I get the feeling that he is just as shocked as at least half of our country that he went all the way and got the victory.


2.  The concession speech made me glad that it's probably the last time I'll ever hear a Hillary Clinton speech, but the one thing that she said that I agree with is "our best days are ahead of us".  You could tell that the speech was hard for her to give because in her mind (and in the minds of the Washington elites) it was "her turn" to be crowned.


3.  President Obama's speech was one that I agree with and hope that he sticks to.  He spoke of the transfer of power in an orderly fashion.  He spoke of how President Bush and his team made the transition easy for him and I hope the he and his team does the same.


4.  With the results of this election, Republicans will have control of Congress as well as the White House, at least for 2 years.  A few very important things need to happen during those 2 years.  


       a)  The first is repealing and replacing obamacare.


       b)  The second is appointing a new Supreme Court Justice that is a Constitutionalist and non-partisan.


       c)  We need a balanced budget and need to reign in the out of control spending.  Cuts must be made and the start should be to wipe out the unnecessary and wasteful programs in place.