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(11-10-2017, 06:32 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-10-2017, 04:43 PM)Adam2012 Wrote: [ -> ]Loyalist of the board? What is that supposed to mean? Have you been listening to Trump again? Or Hannity?

But that's ok - I didn't mean to interrupt you. Continue making out that check to the Roy Moore campaign.

I try to dumb it down, but when you can't even get basic concepts from American history it's not really surprising why you have no respect for the position of your opponents on this forum. You have little knowledge of history, therefore you don't understand how your ignorance places us all at risk. You are the perfect product of the government education in this country, loudly displaying your lack of command of the facts for all to see. A perfect sheep mewling away your time in the slaughterhouse line.

Says the guy who thinks all Civil War monuments and statues were erected to honor local veterans...
(11-10-2017, 09:04 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-10-2017, 06:32 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]I try to dumb it down, but when you can't even get basic concepts from American history it's not really surprising why you have no respect for the position of your opponents on this forum. You have little knowledge of history, therefore you don't understand how your ignorance places us all at risk. You are the perfect product of the government education in this country, loudly displaying your lack of command of the facts for all to see. A perfect sheep mewling away your time in the slaughterhouse line.

Says the guy who thinks all Civil War monuments and statues were erected to honor local veterans...

My diety, you're right, such horrible, scarring things these are:

[Image: 116_inscription_front.jpg]

[Image: news_page11_durhammonument.jpg]

Horrible, simply awful.
This one has a beautiful sentiment behind it.

[Image: 3586b18573f8e49ed8f265680cbc43ba--war-ho...ne-art.jpg]
(11-10-2017, 08:56 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-10-2017, 06:00 PM)JackCity Wrote: [ -> ]Cleetus and his hunting rifle will fend off all the heavily armed troops and drones who come to take his guns from his shack.

The state of affairs would never arrive at that point in this country. I don't know if you've ever served, but most who haven't believe that service members are unthinking robots who blindly carry out orders. Were the U.S. military tasked with mass confiscation of personally owned firearms in the U.S., it simply wouldn't happen. Turning the military against their own while violating their own beliefs (most are pro gun-rights) would be a fertile breeding ground for widespread insurrection. 

Also, for the record, most gun owners aren't toothless rednecks named Cleetus living in shacks. Do you know why gun ownership is such a stubborn and onerous subject in this country? Because many legal gun owners are registered Democrats. It's true. The lefties value their rights for self protection as much as those dirty conservatives. It's a value most of us agree on.

Can't let facts and logic get in the way of a good joke!
(11-10-2017, 02:14 PM)TrivialPursuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-10-2017, 02:04 PM)Adam2012 Wrote: [ -> ]Man - you have watched way too many movies. There are pro and con arguments re gun ownership, but one of the silliest is the "but we'll need them to fight the government" one. If enough generals get together and decide to have a coup, your little collection, and those of all the other gun nuts in this country, won't amount to anything. But you can die playing John Wayne.

I agree that we need mental health reform. But while politicians are really afraid of the NRA, they also hate spending money on mental heath issues. All the "small growth conservatives" will moan and groan about government spending, tax increases, etc. The mentally ill don't have an incredibly rich and powerful lobbying organization like the NRA speaking in their behalf.

So we just sit around waiting for the next massacre so we can send our thoughts and prayers.

You don't understand anything.

Do robots make up our military? Nope, it's humans. And more of them are gun owners than not.

If there is a civil war in this country the military will split in half. The first battles will be for weapons of war. So yes, our 2nd amendment will allow us to fight our government, because at leas t half of the military will not fight against its people.

(11-10-2017, 11:53 PM)JackCity Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-10-2017, 08:56 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]The state of affairs would never arrive at that point in this country. I don't know if you've ever served, but most who haven't believe that service members are unthinking robots who blindly carry out orders. Were the U.S. military tasked with mass confiscation of personally owned firearms in the U.S., it simply wouldn't happen. Turning the military against their own while violating their own beliefs (most are pro gun-rights) would be a fertile breeding ground for widespread insurrection. 

Also, for the record, most gun owners aren't toothless rednecks named Cleetus living in shacks. Do you know why gun ownership is such a stubborn and onerous subject in this country? Because many legal gun owners are registered Democrats. It's true. The lefties value their rights for self protection as much as those dirty conservatives. It's a value most of us agree on.

Can't let facts and logic get in the way of a good joke!


Never mind!
(11-10-2017, 10:10 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]This one has a beautiful sentiment behind it.

[Image: 3586b18573f8e49ed8f265680cbc43ba--war-ho...ne-art.jpg]

When a noble horse dies on the field of battle, does it become a unicorn?
So now we have another shooting rampage from someone who shouldn't have had a gun.

I know, I can hear the anvil chorus already: "The law failed."

How many times does the law have to fail before you pull your head out of your [BLEEP] and admit that it needs to be changed?
(11-15-2017, 07:38 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]So now we have another shooting rampage from someone who shouldn't have had a gun.

I know, I can hear the anvil chorus already: "The law failed."

How many times does the law have to fail before you pull your head out of your [BLEEP] and admit that it needs to be changed?

The only answer for failed law is more law. Worked for murder, rape, drugs, theft, and speeding, so let's keep the streak alive!
(11-15-2017, 07:38 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]So now we have another shooting rampage from someone who shouldn't have had a gun.

I know, I can hear the anvil chorus already: "The law failed."

How many times does the law have to fail before you pull your head out of your [BLEEP] and admit that it needs to be changed?

So, your solution to a failed law is making a new one? Again, this comes down to recidivism, and how the courts go lightly on violent behavior. Enforce the laws we have and these incidents become nonexistent.
I'm always amazed how many otherwise intelligent people lose all understanding or comprehension of the language when it comes to the phrase "shall not be infringed."
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