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Full Version: Jalen Ramsey's Nickname
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The cerebral assassin!
(11-11-2017, 12:11 PM)B2hibry Wrote: [ -> ]Got to agree with Rico... this nickname obsession lately is lame.

There's only one good nickname on that side of the ball and it came naturally and wasn't forced and it just fits. The entire defense's nickname is Steve. It's been decided. It's a group thing because no one player is putting themselves before the whole of the defense. Let's quit trying to push these square peg nickname's through the round holes for the DL or the Secondary or individual defensive players and lets focus on more serious issues like what is Dede Westbrook's nickname going to be? We can meet by the swing set at recess to discuss.
Just simply, “shh”
The Sausage King of Chicago.

Or day time. Since we don’t have any prime time games. Plus prime time is taken.
(11-11-2017, 01:53 AM)MojoKing Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-11-2017, 12:18 AM)Passepartout Wrote: [ -> ]How about J.R. only?!

J.R. Talkin

I lol'd.
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