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Full Version: I can deal with losing, What I can't deal with is the franchise completely unraveling
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I feel terrible saying this but with the last decade or so of outright incompetence here, I am more of a general football fan now. The Jaguars were my 1st love, the team I grew up watching. I was 6 on opening day for the 1995 season, and still remember vaguely the early years. I didn't watch or go to every game, but 1999 Sticks with me, as did the win over the Broncos(My dad is from CO and is a big Broncos fan) win in the playoffs. At this point, I still follow the Jaguars and still hope for a day we will be relevant/good again.. I go to a few games a year and usually leave disappointed. 


Now I just marvel at the really well ran teams, and just shake my head when I think Jaguars. Oh how much I miss the early years of this team's existence. *Sobs* One day we will be a well ran organization again, I hope. 

Quote:Would you regret that you boo'd and wrote negative remarks if the Jaguars organization decided to move because they wanted more supportive fans? All we have is a empty stadium in jax, forced to become fans of another team.

Ehh someone will pick up Jacksonville again. Maybe they'll add in another team when Vegas, Mexico and half of Europe jump into the NFL.
Quote:Would you regret that you boo'd and wrote negative remarks if the Jaguars organization decided to move because they wanted more supportive fans? All we have is a empty stadium in jax, forced to become fans of another team.

If the Jaguars left, it won't be because their feelings were hurt that they got booed for sucking.


Well, after seeing the future owner's response to some internet bullies, I may have to retract my statement...
Quote:If the Jaguars left, it won't be because their feelings were hurt that they got booed for sucking.


Well, after seeing the future owner's response to some internet bullies, I may have to retract my statement...

Be nice!!
Quote:Ehh someone will pick up Jacksonville again. Maybe they'll add in another team when Vegas, Mexico and half of Europe jump into the NFL.

lol no they won't. This is our once chance at a NFL team.
Quote:lol no they won't. This is our once chance at a NFL team.

You aren't kidding.  Ask St Louis how it works in the NFL.
Quote:I really don't get too emotionally moved one way or the other about the Jags. I'm a fan (hey, I wear a jags camo hat) but I'm not inclined to get so twisted up about the state of the team. It's entertainment, that's all. The Jaguars football franchise in no way represents my worth as a human being one way or another so I've no reason to get so emotional about them.


The only bad thing is that they used to be a good entertainment investment... but they've not been that now for years and there's no end in sight. As bad as they are, I'll still watch at least the first half of any televised game they play. Regrettably, it's been a while since I've watched a whole Jags game... they're just not worth wasting that much time on any more.


So, if this is all a scheme to get the franchised relocated (aka 'major league') style... congratulations Khan... it's working. I've had Jags tickets that I couldn't give away locally and literally had to throw them in the trash. That's how much appeal this team has come to have in Jacksonville; but then, when you have one of all time losingest head coaches in the history of the NFL, that really shouldn't be all that shocking, particularly in light of the fact that he is still the Jags head coach!


I understand the owners desire to 'stick with the system'; but it has become only too obvious to everyone at this point that the 'system' you've been sold on by Gus and company is not working and is not doing the career of any of the young players on this team any favors.


It's your toy to do with what you will Shad... but don't expect the fans to support this dumpster fire.

I'm kind of in the same boat as you are with regards to the emotional attachment part, but not really. I like to think that I'm in control of my emotions and I don't let others affect them. Yes, I'm emotionally involved with the team. They do things that make me mad, that make me happy, that get me excited. But, I'm the one person who actually has a say in those emotions. When they lose, and even when they do it in the fashion that they did last Thursday, I have learned to come face to face with how they make me feel and what I'm going to do about it.


Then I send Rico a message telling him I'm gonna punch him in the face.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't care.  I'll watch them on Sunday's, but I don't watch with the same intensity that I used to.

Pretty much me on game days "emotionally". 


[Image: giphy.gif]

I can handle the sad state of affairs, I'm just really bummed I have to wait until next year to have anything to get excited about regarding this team.


I get a little more jaded with each losing season, but I'm in it for the long haul. It'll get better.... eventually. 

Quote:I've gotten to the point that I just don't care.  I'll watch them on Sunday's, but I don't watch with the same intensity that I used to.


...then I send a 12 pack of Mountain Dew EXTREME to StuperFans house so he can get hyped!!!

[Image: tumblr_ltwqkaHN7X1qkxbeio1_500.gif]

Quote:You aren't kidding.  Ask St Louis how it works in the NFL.

Eh, St.Louis chased their team out of the city, not by not supporting a crappy team(although that didn't help), but by not dishing out the cash to keep the Stadium up and running. Jacksonville has just dished out a ton of money on the stadium as recently as last year. Sure there's gonna be more bills to pay in the upcoming decade, but until the city closes it's check book and turns it's back on the aspect of keeping a football team up and running I wouldn't be too worried about not having one. Especially with the NFL looking to expand even more to appeal to a larger audience.


At the end of the day, it could make for an awesome MLS stadium too.

Quote:That's why I choose to step back and chill.


All we can do is watch the trainwreck (from a safe distance.)


Things actually could get worse before they get better.

I mean, this is how I know it's bad.... Pirkster and FBT are actually on the rest of the angry and apathetic fans' side.  That truly amazes me.  I thought you 2 had no limit... but apparently even you guys do.


This is the lowest the franchise has ever been, and they had better do something very fast, and be very careful, or the ramifications could be staggering.
Quote:Eh, St.Louis chased their team out of the city, not by not supporting a crappy team(although that didn't help), but by not dishing out the cash to keep the Stadium up and running. Jacksonville has just dished out a ton of money on the stadium as recently as last year. Sure there's gonna be more bills to pay in the upcoming decade, but until the city closes it's check book and turns it's back on the aspect of keeping a football team up and running I wouldn't be too worried about not having one. Especially with the NFL looking to expand even more to appeal to a larger audience.


At the end of the day, it could make for an awesome MLS stadium too.

Not true.  There was a predetermined outcome running against the fans there in STL.  The stadium is better used as a convention center.  I lived there for 5 years and there were always plans underway for improvements and replacement.  There is a huge plot of land that had multiple site designs and votes ready to go to move forward.  Stan is a snake.


I understand about the Jacksonville situation being apples to oranges though.  The STL lease deal always had a poison pill in it that favored the owner instead of the city.
Quote:lol no they won't. This is our once chance at a NFL team.

Fact. Love em or lose em
Quote:You aren't kidding. Ask St Louis how it works in the NFL.

Exactly. There are plenty of other cities ASKING for the opportunity.
Quote:Honestly, I think that social media is ruining the "fandom" part of the game.  Players, the organization, the media and fans spend way too much time "twitting".


It used to be that fans were fans of the team no matter what.  Today's generation gets too "offended" if a player, organization, etc. "twits" something that they don't agree with.  By the same token, the players, especially the younger ones probably get "offended" by "twits" regarding them from the "fans", and it probably gets into their heads.
The changing technology is what can make Jacksonville's grasp on this franchise tenuous in the minds of many.


Prior to cable television, the internet, and NFL Sunday ticket, pretty much the only way you could keep up with your team was through the newspaper or various team publications.  If you moved to another NFL  town (especially one with an NFL team not aligned with your team's rival's), it would be easier to simply follow the local team.  Had Jacksonville gotten an expansion team when Tampa did, a lot of the transplants that moved here might have evolved into Jaguars fans due to that same dynamic-assuming of course the Jaguars product was palatable enough to attract fans.


However, with the advent and proliferation of the various technologies listed above, it's much easier to follow a team outside of the local market than it ever was before.  Now, watching a winning team or learning about its players and history are a change of the channel or click of a mouse away.  That can work for you if you are a winning team, but against you if you are a team like the Jaguars in a small market as is. 


People like to be associated with winners.  The teams with the biggest nationwide fan bases are typically the most successful ones.  That's no coincidence. 


When the Jaguars lose, they lose fans.  I'm not just talking about the once loyal STHs disgruntled by the team's failures.  I'm talking about the youth who are forming their football identities.  I'm talking about those kids who are deciding with which teams their allegiance will reside. 


When Malik Jackson observes the large numbers of Raiders fans in attendance at the game, it exemplifies what I have explained above.  The Raiders are some 35 years older than the Jaguars.  Even despite their decade or so of down in the dumps play prior to this year, they still remain among the most storied and successful NFL franchises around.  Most of their success happened prior to the advent of most of those technologies I mentioned above, and were sustained for a long period of time.  They had generations of fans before we were even born, and they had kids who they raised to be Raiders fans.


Our fans have not had the luxury of supporting a super successful team.  We don't have old highlights of our games narrated by John Facenda.  We don't have the big gaudy rings and shiny Super Bowl trophies.  We don't multiple players in Canton.  We don't have any of those things.  Without the Super Bowl wins to draw fans early on, with the prolonged losing (and really BAD losing of late), there is nothing to retain the enthusiasm or loyalty of current fans, and little to nothing to earn the loyalty of the kids coming up now.  They don't want to be teased because of their team. It isn't just kids, either.  How many of us wear our Jaguars stuff in public only to hear some unsolicited smart [BAD WORD REMOVED] remark about how bad the team is?  Those attacks are a form of tax on our allegiance.  Instead of dealing with this crap, kids would rather be Patriots, Steelers, Packers and Raiders fans.


I don't know if Jackson and the other players realize how this dynamic works.

This team is so bad that any of my Jaguars coffee mugs/cups have to stay at home.  There is no way I can bring one of those to work and have people laugh at me because of the joke our franchise is right now.  And for any Jaguars shirts, I'm barely bold enough to cut grass in them lol.

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