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(12-03-2017, 11:57 AM)DragonFury Wrote: [ -> ]War with North Korea is a strange game, the only winning move is not to play.

I agree, but we may have no choice if he actually does something stupid. There is no way he fires in our direction and we don't retaliate. And has been mentioned, NK has no business having a nuke nor any capability of the destruction of another nation. What do we do to keep him at bay other than play some sort of 'game?'

Hard decisions.
I don't think anyone wants a war but how many threats must be absorbed before something needs to be done? The CAN has been kicked down the road for years and the problem is that the CAN has gotten bigger and more dangerous. To sit by and think Nk isn't stupid enough to launch a missile our way is ridiculous. That regime doesn't make a habit of being embarrassed and most times do what they say they will do even when wrapped up in a riddle. Numerous examples since 1953 to show that Nk regimes will and have pushed back with near impunity. They do not fear retaliation.


1965: Two Nk Migs attacked a U.S. reconnaissance plane
1967: Nk sinks a South Korean ship with artillery rounds (39 killed)
1968: Nk team is almost successful assassinating South Korean President
1968: USS Pueblo attacked and captured
1969: Nk commandos kill a South Korean police officer and seven U.S. soldiers at DMZ
1969: U.S. reconnaissance aircraft shot down (31 dead)
1969: Four more U.S. soldiers killed at DMZ
and more...
The axe murder incident is a really, really strange story.

Based on the events and Americans killed, captured and tortured by them.... we should have gone to war with them decades ago.

It really is time to put an end to this..
War with NK would be catastrophic. The US would prevail of course but the war would likely follow a similar course as the original conflict, only on a larger scale. I have to think that no one really wants this. Well maybe Putin, but no one else has anything to gain.
I like the cartoon I saw recently.

The Joint Chiefs are sitting around a map/table and a general says: "We could charge him with sexual harassment."
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