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Lousy prevent defense where neither DB on that side knew who was going deep so they both stopped. Pretty stupid. Didn't happen just once it happened twice during clutch time... inexcusable but swept under the rug because we won.
It looked to me by some of Church’s reactions that someone was out of place on each of those.
It didnt look like prevent defense to me

On the 2nd 4th TD pass by Wilson, we had Poz defending Lockett, why is Poz even on the field and why is he defending the fasting WR so our slowest LB on their fastest WR, Wilson gonna see that all day

(12-10-2017, 09:18 PM)MojoKing Wrote: [ -> ]Looked like Poz on the first and Ramsey on the 2nd.

Really we should've not played prevent defense against Wilson, that was the ultimate mistake

Also, we really need to keep in mind that both Church and Gipson aren't very reliable in open field situations

It was not prevent, if it was prevent they would not be able to throw deep like that, and Poz wouldnt be on the field
(12-10-2017, 09:19 PM)imtheblkranger Wrote: [ -> ]Also, I know Telvin was out, but in what universe should Poz be covering Baldwin? Lol

Poz actually had him smothered. It wasn't until he pushed off of him that he had enough separation.
It wasn’t prevent and Church got exposed on both. He was to be over the top and got caught coming up.Poz covered as best he could as mismatched as it was.
I suspected they were getting gassed too, but then remembered our offense had 2 smothering drives for 6 and 8 minutes, and I'm pretty sure we got points on those. Long drives that increase the score differential should not be alternated with exhausted defense. There was plenty of time to rest up and at least hold for more than 3 total plays on 2 complete drives where Seattle stole 14 pts off us. Those were baffling.

So I think it has to be more confusion than exhaustion. Our D has had to take the field in some games for substantially longer and held up better physically. We've all seen games where our D was on the field far too long cuz our O couldn't get anything going for more than 2 minutes. Our D has had to carry and endurance was not such an issue.

We just need to train prevent scheme more. It's probably something we just never had as much use for in the past because we typically don't have enough of a lead to warrant. But this year is very different with multiple blow-outs in our favor. But we cannot take those for granted. Teams will rally against us late in games, and we need to never turn into the last Super Bowl's Falcons.
Isnt the point of prevent to stop long passes though?
(12-10-2017, 10:16 PM)Senor Fantastico Wrote: [ -> ]It looked to me by some of Church’s reactions that someone was out of place on each of those.

^^ This and the announcers called it out as well on the broadcast.  POZ didn't get the right depth and Church had to try and close up the mistake but couldn't get there in time.  First TD was like that as well.  Probably missing a bit of Telvin Smith's speed.  We said all last year POZ on WRs wasn't a good idea and it still isn't.
Thankfully we don't play anyone like Wilson in the AFC Playoffs. I know the turnovers came on some of Wilson's extending ability, but those easy deep touchdowns are inexcusable. I could even understand one, then correct the mistake, but two back to back is ridiculous. Thankfully Bortles is playing close to lights out, along with a strong running game today.
It was not prevent. It was one slot receiver running a post and one slot receiver running a flag route. That is a weak point with Cover - in the seahawks system which is what the Jags defense is based on.

It requires a perfect handoff and also hopefully some jamming inside of 5 yards. The first one I think one of CB/Safeties had him first but the center deep guy reacted late because he was too worried about the boundary. On the second one, Poz had no chance and should have switched off him at LOS. I don't think that was Churches cover deep though. I think it was the CB.
Church was responsible for Lockett and just let him run by him.

Gipson was alone with Richardson, and he was playing about 5 yards back.

Brown looked to be responsible for Baldwin's TD, and Church had to cross the field to make an effort.

Baldwin's deep catch inside to 20 was interference and Poz would likely have stopped it otherwise.

To me, it looked like the safeties made a couple mistakes, but Brown allowed one while the Poz catch shouldn't have happened. Overall, they weren't bad. Two bad plays in a game with far more good ones. The Seahawks got away with a lot of uncalled penalties that would've ended some of the plays before they were made. I can't see the name but the Seahawks RT holds the DE on the Baldwin TD. The Seahawks RT also holds Campbell on the Richardson TD. Both defenders had a clear shot at Wilson, and the holds were obvious to anyone looking. It may not reflect it on paper, but the defense did a lot better than the score shows.
(12-11-2017, 02:18 AM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]Church was responsible for Lockett and just let him run by him.

Gipson was alone with Richardson, and he was playing about 5 yards back.

Brown looked to be responsible for Baldwin's TD, and Church had to cross the field to make an effort.

Baldwin's deep catch inside to 20 was interference and Poz would likely have stopped it otherwise.

To me, it looked like the safeties made a couple mistakes, but Brown allowed one while the Poz catch shouldn't have happened. Overall, they weren't bad. Two bad plays in a game with far more good ones. The Seahawks got away with a lot of uncalled penalties that would've ended some of the plays before they were made. I can't see the name but the Seahawks RT holds the DE on the Baldwin TD. The Seahawks RT also holds Campbell on the  Richardson TD. Both defenders had a clear shot at Wilson, and the holds were obvious to anyone looking. It may not reflect it on paper, but the defense did a lot better than the score shows.

I agree the refs were horrible and choked on their whistles many times in regards to blatant offensive holding (which is why I don't feel bad at all about Colvin tackling his receiver at the end of the game).  However, that's what the refs have done to us many times this year.  I still don't want to see blown coverage like we did today.  It's one thing to give up a big play every now and then (like Ramsey did last week) but to give up several in a row is something I'm sure they'll fix ASAP.
Lack of communication for that particular defense. Then you had guys just leaving monster cushions and being afraid to stop because no one could trust the other guys in the secondary. It's a really stupid idea. I understand maybe playing back a bit but we had some funky zone going on where only one guy was going to play up and apparently Ramsey wasn't getting the memo. If I ever see that again it will be too soon. I don't care if it's 40-3 you can't risk making it that easy for them. I'm sure a lot of fans almost had a coronary.
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