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Now I can see why you guys are so hard on Bortles. Wow, he is all kinds of terrible. 

Quote:They are abusing us. And no one cares.

This is what pure apathy looks like, ladies and gentlemen.
Quote:Does this go down as the most embarrassing loss in Jags history?
I think it will someday be remembered as the most embarrassing win in Jags history.
And their pumping up the Texans game... what an [BLEEP] joke.

Quote:Damn Kelvin

lol my bad, Telvin
On another note, with that fumbled punt, I am just a "Blake Bortles end zone interception" away from getting a Jaguars BINGO!

Any bets that Mularkey gets the game ball?
I love this excuse we now suck on purpose to sabotage the coach lol.

Here's some hard truth they are not trying to suck....
Quote:On another note, with that fumbled punt, I am just a "Blake Bortles end zone interception" away from getting a Jaguars BINGO!

Gotta actually get within striking distance again first...good luck with that.
Quote:My wife is actually just chillin' checkin' out dank memes...

I think I may very well be able to stay up and watch the rest of this...

I'm not sure how to feel about that...
Alualu is soooooo bad,they literally run at him every play.
Quote:Now I can see why you guys are so hard on Bortles. Wow, he is all kinds of terrible. 

Thanks for the confirmation.
lets start a drinking game for this team... every incomplete by bortles=drink... every three and out= drink... every penalty on us=drink... every point scored against us= drink... every time announcers degrade the jaguars=drink.

Quote:On another note, with that fumbled punt, I am just a "Blake Bortles end zone interception" away from getting a Jaguars BINGO!

I'm pullin' for ya, man!!
HOLY [BLEEP] a personal foul that we didn't do!

Wow so that's what a coach is supposed to look like after a personal foul
@markschlerth If The Jags moved to London and didn't tell anybody would NFL fans notice?
Mularkey looks like throwing his Play sheet
hahahah mike mularkey was just miced saying stupid [BAD WORD REMOVED]


favorite part of the game so far

Any other former coaches on the schedule that can humiliate us? Yikes

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