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17-9 jags
cold blooded Smile
I have to predict a Jags win, but there is no way I see us scoring over 20, so 16-9 Jags win. Big Ben has a terrible, no good, awful day. Bell looks good on the ground but can't get it in the endzone, and once the Steelers go down they revert straight to 2 minute offense before throwing a bunch of INT leading to their loss and Big Bens retirement. Everyone wondes why they didn't run Bell more after the game, but Tomlin still returns next year. The Jags score early on Bortles arm before basically shutting him down and letting Fornette do the rest. 3 FG 1 TD for the jags.
30-27 Jags (in honor of 1996).
Steelers are -7 the books think they will put 24 on us.
62-7 Jags
Going to be cold, and windy. Run game needs to be yuge.

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34-10 steelers. BB5 is a complete head case. Big Ben won't be throwing 5 picks again. Great season nonethless. Go Jags!!!
0-0 first minute of play. (Smile)
Can’t see us winning but you never know
I predict wait for for it,wait for it,wait for it.

I will make a video for next weeks game.
6 - 3 Jags
24-10 Steelers
(01-07-2018, 07:35 PM)Jagsfan32277 Wrote: [ -> ]6 - 3  Jags

What year did we win 9-3 against Pitt on Sunday night or something?
Jags 23 Steelers 22
I don't know if I can even force myself to watch the game.

I probably will on the strength of the defense, but I don't expect 5 more picks from the hot tub rapist.

Edit: oops: wrong guy. He was in GB. I think his rapes took place outside of hot tubs.
I don’t know about the score, but I have a bad feeling we’ll have over 100 penalty yards against us for some reason or another.
The weather will be a huge factor. Steelers have big edge with Brown appearing to be 100% and Shazier's improvement should inspire the team. The Jags running game was terrible today and unless it shows a vast improvement, the more rested Steelers should win easily. Jags defense keeps them in the game early, but the final should be something like 30-13.

Still a great season for the Jaguars with 10 regular season wins and 1st playoff win since 2008-09. The future is very bright.
I want us to win, but I'm not feeling good about this one. Big Ben wants revenge and they've improved as their season progressed. Us? Not so much...
We have always matched up well against them, ever since 1995. I think we'll win, but Hackett has to open up the offense in the beginning of the game. I don't care what the weather is like, we need to start out by throwing to set up the run. Running against 8 or 9 in the box just won't do. If BB5 starts out great by throwing passes, Pittsburgh will be forced to get out of the 8 or 9 in the box and play base coverage and then the running game will get us there. I really don't think this will be a high score game, based on the forecasted weather, but of course today was supposed to be in the high 50's and it certainly wasn't.
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