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Full Version: Clinton emails reveal more unsavory facts about the way they "earned" their wealth
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Quote:Is this supposed to hurt my feelings? Everybody is a tough guy behind a keyboard these days.

You name call all the time. Are you a tough guy?
Quote:You name call all the time. Are you a tough guy?

Where and when?
Not bothering to read the entire thread but it is interesting to read the Clinton's "unsavory" method of acquiring wealth when Donald has 3500 lawsuits against him for not paying contractors. Makes one wonder where integrity fits in between either.


Regards...................the Chiefjag

Quote:Is this supposed to hurt my feelings? Everybody is a tough guy behind a keyboard these days.

Nope, just pointing out the obvious.
Quote:Nope, just pointing out the obvious.

Your opinion is noted. Based on the amount of likes of my posts its not shared by all.
Quote:Your opinion is noted. Based on the amount of likes of my posts its not shared by all.

You can see the liked posts of any member on the board, I'm sure if you looked at americus 2.0's you'd notice the post she made calling you a whatever that bad word removed was, is on that list, and I'm betting it was liked more than once.
Quote:You can see the liked posts of any member on the board, I'm sure if you looked at americus 2.0's you'd notice the post she made calling you a whatever that bad word removed was, is on that list, and I'm betting it was liked more than once.

Thanks for the info. Really I just do not care, but could guess who they were too. I'm ok with not having the support of that group.
Quote:Thanks for the info. Really I just do not care, but could guess who they were too. I'm ok with not having the support of that group.

You know you're in someone's head when they have to go back nearly 30 minutes later to completely rewrite their post...bwwahhh!!!

Quote:I am sure it was. Can more than guess who they were too. I am ok with it.
The hypocrisy of the liberal machine is undeniable. When Comey broke from FBI operating procedures by making a statement that he would not recommend charges for the witch earlier in the election cycle not a peep from the clinton camp or left. Actually the opposite, there was praise of him for clearing the air.


Now, not so much, they are some actually stating he broke federal laws by his announcement that they will reopen the investigation of the walking colostomy bag that is shrillary.


Can you imagine charges being brought against him while that skank walks around free. Freaking comical if it wasn;t so [BLEEP] sad.

Quote:You know you're in someone's head when they have to go back nearly 30 minutes later to completely rewrite their post...bwwahhh!!!



It took him 30 minutes to realize he didn't care. Liberals don't think as quickly as the rest of us.
Possibly 650,000 emails, many of which contain clinton.com(treasonous, illegal server) metadata. Could very well contain the  " 33,000 Deleted" emails.

 The laptop had been used to back-up Huma's phone on occasion.

Quote:Possibly 650,000 emails, many of which contain clinton.com(treasonous, illegal server) metadata. Could very well contain the  " 33,000 Deleted" emails.

 The laptop had been used to back-up Huma's phone on occasion.

Good news. This is one prisoner I wouldn't mind my tax dollar supporting.
Quote:Possibly 650,000 emails, many of which contain clinton.com(treasonous, illegal server) metadata. Could very well contain the " 33,000 Deleted" emails.

The laptop had been used to back-up Huma's phone on occasion.


Those are the key words.

Heck "possibly" the FBI already has reviewed them.

Nothing wrong with checking them out and seeing what is there. It's done one thing good for Hillary. It has galvanized her base and ensured they will show up on the Election Day.

My guess is regardless who wins the country will have a new FBI Director in 2017.
Quote:Your opinion is noted. Based on the amount of likes of my posts its not shared by all.
It's not a competition, but okay.
Quote:It's not a competition, but okay.
Good lord. Problem solved
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