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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Bills 2018 AFC Wild Card Playoff Game Thread***
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Only 25 % of the play book being used again today huh
Holy [BLEEP] just hit the [BLEEP] screen. He is missing everyone
Who doesn't want Alex Smith?????
Bortles smh
Bortles needs to settle down.
Bad Bortles so far, come on guys
Bad Blake is back.
Bortles sucks.
Looks like Bad Blake today
Bortles sucking today
Get Bortles out of Jacksonville
Bortles with 2 terrible throws in a row. Ugh

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Wow Bortles is living up to the trash talk
Is there anything else to do today.

I just may take a nap or something.
I know Nantz,, "2 really errant throws in a row."

Bortles HAS to settle down.
Bortles confidence is SHOT. Maybe consider Henne?
looks like the wind pushed both those passes he has to adjust for the wind
Simmer down Blake and hit your bleeping man!!!