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Full Version: 76ers Refuse To Let Singer Perform Anthem Due to "We Matter" Shirt
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Quote:Probably calling more attention to it now that they did this than if they would have let her sing.

p.s.- the NBA sucks. 85% of the teams have no shot at the Finals before the first game of the season is played.

Umm, and the NFL is any different, how? Looking forward to this answer..


Also, officiating has removed any remaining parity there was in the NFL.

Quote:Umm, and the NFL is any different, how? Looking forward to this answer..

Also, officiating has removed any remaining parity there was in the NFL.
You're kidding right? Every year there's significant turnover in who even gets to the playoffs. There is significantly more parity in the NFL, than there is in the NBA where you can pretty much pick 4 teams and guarantee one of them wins the title.

Plus any sport where you really only need to watch the last 5-7 minutes sucks.
Quote:I've tried to watch soccer with him...just can't do it!
I've gotten to be more of a fan of soccer on TV since the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics this year; yes it's a little slower than most sports, but i like that fact that the clock doesnt stop and the game is played in real time, tho at first that used to drive me crazy.  Learning more about it and why players are considered great in the sport helps.
Quote:Adam Silver (NBA Commissioner) was on Mike & Mike the other day and stated that he addressed the National Anthem with all of the players & coaches.  He informed the players that there were several different ways to help the community without taking actions during the National Anthem that fans consider to be disrespectful.  He stated that the NBA and sports in general have been very good to the black athletes so they need to foster their opinions in a positive manner.
I cannot think of a single more patronizing, backwards way to handle the situation. "We feed you, we clothe you, we give you shelter, now get back into the fields, pick my cotton and quit having an opinion."
Quote:I cannot think of a single more patronizing, backwards way to handle the situation. "We feed you, we clothe you, we give you shelter, now get back into the fields, pick my cotton and quit having an opinion."

That's funny because that isn't how I see it.


I see it as, "We sign those paychecks, so don't do anything stupid enough to embarrass our endorsers." You know, like how most employers treat their employees. But I guess it's easier for you to simply dismiss a very logical stance as racist. 
Quote:I cannot think of a single more patronizing, backwards way to handle the situation. "We feed you, we clothe you, we give you shelter, now get back into the fields, pick my cotton and quit having an opinion."

Can you start a protest of any kind at your place of work and not suffer any repercussions? Athletes are still employees, no matter how talented they are.
Quote:Can you start a protest of any kind at your place of work and not suffer any repercussions?
There was that time my boss brought in ice cream for the office, but didn't buy any sprinkles. That was almost a riot.
Quote:i like baseball cause its fun to gamble on

Flashback ...... I have Gamblers Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome from betting on baseball !!! 


I grew up kind of poor but i never knew it because most everyone in my community was kind of poor.  Anyway, during my 2nd year in college I bet $50 on Game 7 of the 1985 World Series.   I took the Cards and their ace Andujar vs the Royals and Saberhagan.   We were so NL in Pittsburgh I really didn't even pay attention to Saberhagen but I knew Andujar was the best pitcher in baseball .... right?   Anyway 5 innings later the score is 11-0 Royals !!   


For a kid who snuck out sandwiches from the cafeteria and would load up the bar on Dime Draft Night  ..... losing $50 was devastating --- I'm still recovering (mentally)
Quote:There was that time my boss brought in ice cream for the office, but didn't buy any sprinkles. That was almost a riot.

Well, that's completely understandable.
Quote:Well, that's completely understandable.
All I got was a, "You're right, I should've bought sprinkles. Next time, I'll be sure to include everyone's needs in my plans" Dude must've been a millennial.
I brought doughnuts into the office last week.

One of my employees, a Bernie Bro said, "I'm diabetic, could you bring something I can eat next time?"

I said, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one."

Good times.
Quote:baseball is just pure. it doesn't rely as heavily on officiating whereas NFL and NBA it's literally every play or drive to the basket where a foul is called

Are you kidding?  Baseball relies on officiating far more so than any other sport and will continue to do so until balls and strike are determined electronically. 
Quote:I brought doughnuts into the office last week.

One of my employees, a Bernie Bro said, "I'm diabetic, could you bring something I can eat next time?"

I said, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one."

Good times.
"I'm diabetic."

"Good, you shouldn't be eating donuts anyway."
Quote:I brought doughnuts into the office last week.

One of my employees, a Bernie Bro said, "I'm diabetic, could you bring something I can eat next time?"

I said, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one."

Good times.

It's only logical.   :thumbsup:
Quote:I brought doughnuts into the office last week.

One of my employees, a Bernie Bro said, "I'm diabetic, could you bring something I can eat next time?"

I said, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one."

Good times.

Confucious say, "The one who eats many donuts soon outweigh the many."
Quote:Are you kidding? Baseball relies on officiating far more so than any other sport and will continue to do so until balls and strike are determined electronically.

MLB has the technology and has tried incorporating it several times. At least for balls and strikes, and even a motion sensor on the foul poles. Just FYI
Quote:Are you kidding? Baseball relies on officiating far more so than any other sport and will continue to do so until balls and strike are determined electronically.

Chipped baseball technology dates back to the 70's
Quote:MLB has the technology and has tried incorporating it several times. At least for balls and strikes, and even a motion sensor on the foul poles. Just FYI
Camera technology has improved tremendously in recent years and fair/foul calls can be made fairly accurately with the instant replay, plus the need for such a call doesn't arise all that frequently.  Balls and strikes, on the other hand, are a game-long controversy.  How often have you heard an announcer comment on AL v. NL strike zones or speak of a pitcher, catcher or batter "learning" what a strike is on any given night?


That's the one change I'd like to see in baseball. 
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