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Full Version: One big contributor to the loss - Pass rush vanished in second half
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(01-23-2018, 10:42 AM)jagfanthrutherottenyears Wrote: [ -> ]NE knew they weren't going to get called for holding, so they just made it blatant in the 2nd half because that's the only way they were keeping our D-line off of Brady. And yeah, our D line was gassed at the end of the game because they spent the whole game trying to play while being held. Any d line in the league would be gassed from that.

its the playoffs as a 3rd party i feel like the refs have been letting the teams play more. They werent calling holding on either team. 5 of the 6 penalties were no brainers really.

1 false start
1 illegal shift 
1 delay
1 helmet to helmet
2 PI  one Ramsey had the guy in a headlock 

so really it could have been 3 penalties if not for pres nap crap that is the fault of the jags only.
(01-22-2018, 11:40 PM)Darth Hoodie Wrote: [ -> ]How many offensive holding calls were called on Jacksonville? I'll wait.Biggest penalty in the game was the delay of game penalty AFTER A TIME OUT, that negated a first down in field goal territory late in first half and gave ball back to Patriots. How many times does NE do that? I'll wait. Excuses are for losers. Your team is good. They likely will be for a while. It sucks to lose a big game like that. They played well. But excuses are for losers.

Posting on the other team's board is for losers.
3rd and 18:

[Image: DUZNaSdUQAAlg20?format=jpg&name=large]
(01-25-2018, 12:47 PM)knarnn Wrote: [ -> ]3rd and 18:

[Image: DUZNaSdUQAAlg20?format=jpg&name=large]

Lol, not one... But TWO guys getting held from behind. They were "letting them play", except when a flag would really help out NE. How Pats fans can't see that is unreal. Hell Jags have won tons of games when I was thinking "Man we got some help with that one".. Nope, not Pats fans. It's always that they're more disciplined and other teams fans are cry babies lol.
(01-25-2018, 12:47 PM)knarnn Wrote: [ -> ]3rd and 18:

[Image: DUZNaSdUQAAlg20?format=jpg&name=large]

Where are the artards?
(01-23-2018, 10:37 AM)sfljaguarsfan Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-22-2018, 06:38 PM)jaguarmvp Wrote: [ -> ]The pass rush vanished in the second half.  Brady sat back there comfortable on almost every throwing following the half.  Then he sits back there for a 3rd and 18?  The same thing happend against Pittsburgh last weekend.  The pass rush was strong in the first half and weak in the second half.  Just an observation the team kinda ran out of gas in the second half of these games.

Haaa, the holding just got stepped up. On THAT EXACT PLAY I have a screenshot of THREE jags D lineman getting held FROM BEHIND. Not one, not two, but THREE of them. I cma share if you'd like... It's completely absurd that there wasn't one holding penalty the entire game on them as I saw many times Jags players were basically tackled.

What play was this in your signature?
I haven't done much since Sunday, but think about, talk about or research the game.

We could have won despite the refs. But there is no way New England could have won this game without the refs. 

The Bouye PI started it. Til that point the Pats had no momentum. If he's the greatest, he had plenty of time to earn the yardage for that first half score. 

From that point on the refs did everything they could to help. The defensive holds got ridiculous and the 4th quarter is littered with non calls that essentially ruined the integrity of the game.

Two holds, one egregious, on 3rd and 18? If you're not going to call it then, why even have the flag in the first place. Eric Rowe hugs Dede for 8 yards. Patrick Chung has a fist full of jersey. Nope. Because that would be a new set of downs and more time off the clock.

And then they celebrate with them? C'mon. Try not to be so obvious. The "greatest" can win without all the help. The Jaguars didn't just lose because the Pats are "the greatest".
I think a lot of the pass rush struggles in the second half can be attributed to injuries to Yannick, Campbell, Dareus, and Jack. Toss in the lingering ankle issue for Gipson in the secondary and you can see where the breakdowns occurred.
(01-25-2018, 02:21 PM)FBT Wrote: [ -> ]I think a lot of the pass rush struggles in the second half can be attributed to injuries to Yannick, Campbell, Dareus, and Jack. Toss in the lingering ankle issue for Gipson in the secondary and you can see where the breakdowns occurred.

This as well.  Fighting through blatant holds will sap you as well.  The screen shot in this thread looks like a facemask on Campbell as well.  The PI call on the sideline ticked me off big time because of where the ball was in relation to both guys hand checking.
Having gone back and watched the game again, I think that Gronk getting hurt really threw the Jags for a loop on defense. They had obviously planned very well for what the Patriots were going to do with Gronk in the game and just never quite looked the same after he got hurt. The Patriots obviously made the adjustments they needed while the Jags did not. I'm sure the accumulation of injuries added to their issues in the second half, but I just never saw them as having the same edge as they did before Gronk's injury.
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