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Full Version: Jags blew it (refs or not)
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(01-26-2018, 09:58 PM)ricko1112 Wrote: [ -> ]The Steelers' board looked exactly like this one last week. The refs screwed the Steelers while turning a blind eye to numerous game changing penalties committed by the Jags. That's human nature. When the Giants beat the Pats, Eli was clearly "in the grasp" before his lucky TD pass and the intentional grounding by Brady in the 2nd game, was never, in the history of football, ever been called before. Brady heaved the ball, not out of bounds or into the ground, but deep down the middle of the field! See how that works?

The bottom line is that if you take care of business, you don't need to leave anything in the hands of the refs. To think that the NFL would help the Patriots in ANY way is simply nonsense.

No one cared about the tuck rule when it cost the Patriots a game against the Jets. When it helped the Pats? Change it!
No one cared about aggressive defensive back play until PEDton Manning's pillow soft offense couldn't beat the Pats. Change it! Those PI calls wouldn't have been called pre-Colts' SB.
No one cared about the location of cameras until NE did it. Since filming signals has never been against the rules, every team did it each and every game. As soon as the Jets complain... SPYGATE.
No one cared about the common ineligible receiver play until NE used it against the Ravens. Change it! Yet Harbaugh tried the exact play 3 times after the rules changed.
No one cared that weather decreases PSI. Everyone knows it happens. Suddenly, the NFL denied it. That made as much sense as saying gravity doesn't exist.

When the NFL tries so darn hard to prevent the Patriots from winning, how can anyone say the league is rigged so that the Patriots win? You can't have it both ways...

So now you resort to lying? The Jags had 3 penalties to the Steelers 4. That's a lot more equal than they were vs. the Pats, and the penalties vs. the Steelers cost the Jags more yardage. I don't remember any Steelers fans complaining about the penalties, the main complaints (justified IMO) were about Tomlin.

Your list just shows that playoff game calls are taken more seriously than in-season calls.

I agree about the ball deflation. Sure the commissioner had it in for Brady back then, but with the dismal ratings of this year there was a lot more incentive to keep the team with the smallest fanbase out of the Superbowl than there was to screw over Brady, at least in this game. I doubt the NFL actually conspired to throw this game, but there was a definite disparity in the referee calls in favor of the Pats. It's not just the Jags fans who are seeing that. So whether or not you think it was the NFL or just the refs, there was an obvious effort to help the Pats in the way the game was called.

And yes, the Jags should have won in spite of the refs. The Jags play calling on both offense and defense in the fourth quarter was pathetic. But the Jags also would have won had the refs called even one of those blatant NE pass interferences in the 4th quarter.
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