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Andrew McCabe, who is abruptly stepping down today as the FBI's deputy director, has been the target of criticism by President Trump. But he was also involved in an incident with the White House early last year that raised questions about whether he and the bureau were trying to damage the president.

In an excerpt from my new book "Media Madness: Donald Trump, The Press and the War Over the Truth," I describe events that unfolded last year, beginning with a conversation between McCabe and the then-White House chief of staff: 

Reince Priebus was chairing a 7:30 a.m. intelligence meeting when one of the participants, Andrew McCabe, asked to speak to him privately.

McCabe, the deputy FBI director, closed the door and told Priebus: “We want you to know that everything in this New York Times story is bull--.”

The Times had quoted unnamed sources in reporting that Trump campaign aides and associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials. CNN had carried a similar report.

Priebus pointed to the three televisions on his office wall: “Here’s my problem, they’re going 24/7. Can the FBI say what you just told me?”

McCabe said he would have to check. Priebus thought he might come out of this a freaking hero.

A few hours later, McCabe told him the bureau couldn’t start the practice of commenting on newspaper stories or it would never end.

“Give me a break,” Priebus said. “I’m getting crushed all over the place, and you won’t say publicly what you told me privately?”

James Comey called later. “We really can’t do anything about it,” the FBI director told him. But Comey said he’d be willing to tell the Senate Intelligence Committee that the charges were bogus; he was sure its members would repeat that for the cameras.

Now, a week later, CNN was airing a breaking news story naming Priebus. According to “multiple U.S. officials,” the network said, “the FBI rejected a White House request to publicly knock down media reports about communications between Donald Trump’s associates and Russians known to U.S. intelligence.”

Priebus was stunned by the implication that he was pressuring law enforcement. Had he been set up? Why was the FBI leaking this information when one of its top officials had initiated the conversation?

Comey assured Priebus that afternoon that he hadn’t done anything wrong, but the story reverberated for days. “Is Reince Priebus Lying About the FBI?” Slate asked. “Reince Priebus Should Resign,” a Boston Globe columnist demanded. The damage was done.
(01-29-2018, 07:42 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-29-2018, 06:43 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]1.) I said that because you made it seem as though he disparaged law enforcement and that doing so is dishonorable. My point is that liberals don’t often defend law enforcement unless convenient. Maybe I misunderstood your point and if so that’s my bad. 

2.) If Trump is innocent, he’ll certainly believe he’s being attacked. You may think he’s guilty, but there’s been no evidence of criminal activity. I don’t think it’s entirely unreasonable for someone to be as defensive as he has been if he’s being falsely accused.

Aren't you a cop? Do you really think we've seen all of the evidence? Is that how your investigations work?

Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know I had to clarify that we haven’t seen evidence of criminal activity based on the evidence presented to the public

Speaking of my investigations, I’ve never handled one so poorly so maybe I’m not the best person to ask.
(01-29-2018, 04:34 PM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-29-2018, 04:19 PM)The Drifter Wrote: [ -> ]From the article:

Republicans have questioned McCabe’s ties to the Democratic Party, considering his wife ran as a Democrat for a Virginia Senate seat in 2015 and got financial help from a group tied to Clinton family ally Terry McAuliffe.

Okay, first you said "from the Clinton campaign" then you said, "from a group tied to Clinton family ally Terry McAuliffe."   Thank you for the correction.  The contribution did not come from the Clinton campaign.   The PAC tied to Terry McAuliffe gave the same level of contributions to several different democrats, not just her.  McCabe was not deputy director of the FBI when the contribution occurred.   And his wife had already lost the race when he got promoted. 

Now if you think the guy is going to try to indict the President of the United States because some other person gave his wife a campaign contribution a few years ago, that's kind of implausible don't you think?  

I think the McCabe is retiring because the President is a childish brat who throws mud at law enforcement every chance he gets, which incidentally is what guilty people do to try to discredit an investigation that they think might find something.   I think he's just sick of being attacked by the very person who is supposed to be backing up law enforcement, not throwing mud on it.
I bet if the Clinton cash had tracking chips mounted,it would be easy to show how the dots connect, rather than put it in words for you for yenzes To comprehend that the Clintons and all the deep state should be shot  at sunrise for their TREASON on the 4th of July
Ok Game changer Fox News reports
“President Trump has five days to decide whether he has any objections to the release”
And The Dems say
“risking national security by releasing it.
“Monday that the memo’s release could compromise sources and methods.”
The lol the methods the whole point of the Treason
(01-29-2018, 02:49 PM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-29-2018, 02:25 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]A source confirmed to Fox News Andrew McCabe is taking "terminal leave" – effectively taking vacation until he reaches his planned retirement in a matter of weeks. As such, he will not be reporting to work at the FBI anymore.


He's probably just tired of serving a President who is constantly calling the FBI corrupt.

If the shoe fits.....
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