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(02-03-2018, 02:33 AM)Jags02 Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-02-2018, 03:21 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]There's nothing new in here. It's the same old political football that Trump has been kicking around to try and kill the Mueller probe for over a year now. Even the details on how the FISA courts work are really nothing new or shocking in the slightest.

To borrow a phrase from 90% of this forum, it's a "nothing burger". It's only relevant if you're a far left looney and it hurts your feelings, or if you're a far right looney still butthurt about 66% of America thinking your orange boy isn't the savior.

There's nothing new because we all already knew the DNC was behind the attempted election sabotage. This memo merely proves it. 

How? The memo doesn't offer any proof, just hearsay and accusations.

Show me proof. I'm not saying the memo doesn't contain the truth. In fact, I'm fairly sure that a lot of what's in there is true, but show me proof.
Release the Kraken!
(02-03-2018, 08:00 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]Why the Nunes memo makes no sense.


A lot of spin in that article. For example, claiming that the FISA application using the known phony "dossier" was OK because it was subsequently re-approved, which requires new evidence. We don't know that there was any new evidence, since the secret FISA judge could have allowed it without any new evidence. Further approval would never even have happened if not for the initial approval, which required the "dossier." It is an indictment of the whole FISA court process.

Victor Davis Hanson has a long article explaining the significance.

The full article

The key comment:

Quote:If all this is not a scandal — then the following protocols are now considered permissible in American electoral practice and constitutional jurisprudence: An incumbent administration can freely use the FBI and the DOJ to favor one side in a presidential election, by buying its opposition research against the other candidate, using its own prestige to authenticate such a third-party oppositional dossier, and then using it to obtain court-ordered wiretaps on American citizens employed by a candidate’s campaign — and do so by deliberately misleading the court about the origins and authors of the dossier that was used to obtain the warrants.
Only a far left lunatic wouldn't feel frightened at the implications of this.

Because the far left lunatic is happy that his party was able to get these things done... even if unsuccessful. Shows how deeply Obama screwed us with his only appointing people who believe in far left lunacy.
(02-03-2018, 10:25 AM)MalabarJag Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-03-2018, 08:00 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]Why the Nunes memo makes no sense.


A lot of spin in that article. For example, claiming that the FISA application using the known phony "dossier" was OK because it was subsequently re-approved, which requires new evidence. We don't know that there was any new evidence, since the secret FISA judge could have allowed it without any new evidence. Further approval would never even have happened if not for the initial approval, which required the "dossier." It is an indictment of the whole FISA court process.

Victor Davis Hanson has a long article explaining the significance.

The full article

The key comment:

Quote:If all this is not a scandal — then the following protocols are now considered permissible in American electoral practice and constitutional jurisprudence: An incumbent administration can freely use the FBI and the DOJ to favor one side in a presidential election, by buying its opposition research against the other candidate, using its own prestige to authenticate such a third-party oppositional dossier, and then using it to obtain court-ordered wiretaps on American citizens employed by a candidate’s campaign — and do so by deliberately misleading the court about the origins and authors of the dossier that was used to obtain the warrants.

I can't disagree with you here, and I don't really want to. What is apparent, based more on the Democrats' and especially the FBI's push to keep this memo under wraps is that the FISA court system was abused.

Secret courts that exist outside of the Constitution being abused by the party in power? [BLEEP], where have we seen that before?

If nothing else comes of this, and I'm not convinced that much will given the immediate efforts (and, apparently, success) of the MSM to marginalize and discredit this memo entirely--shame on Nunes for not releasing the FISA documents to support it--I hope we get a broader, public, open review and dismantling of the FISA court system. This is America, dammit. We're supposed to be better than secret police and shadow courts. The intelligence state needs to be torn down, and if it takes two more years of Trump to make that happen, then so be it. Never before have we seen such clear evidence that the shadowy intelligence state is being abused by those in power for political gain, and if that doesn't scare a person, they don't deserve to call themselves an American.
(02-03-2018, 01:38 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-03-2018, 10:25 AM)MalabarJag Wrote: [ -> ]A lot of spin in that article. For example, claiming that the FISA application using the known phony "dossier" was OK because it was subsequently re-approved, which requires new evidence. We don't know that there was any new evidence, since the secret FISA judge could have allowed it without any new evidence. Further approval would never even have happened if not for the initial approval, which required the "dossier." It is an indictment of the whole FISA court process.

Victor Davis Hanson has a long article explaining the significance.

The full article

The key comment:

I can't disagree with you here, and I don't really want to. What is apparent, based more on the Democrats' and especially the FBI's push to keep this memo under wraps is that the FISA court system was abused.

Secret courts that exist outside of the Constitution being abused by the party in power? [BLEEP], where have we seen that before?

If nothing else comes of this, and I'm not convinced that much will given the immediate efforts (and, apparently, success) of the MSM to marginalize and discredit this memo entirely--shame on Nunes for not releasing the FISA documents to support it--I hope we get a broader, public, open review and dismantling of the FISA court system. This is America, dammit. We're supposed to be better than secret police and shadow courts. The intelligence state needs to be torn down, and if it takes two more years of Trump to make that happen, then so be it. Never before have we seen such clear evidence that the shadowy intelligence state is being abused by those in power for political gain, and if that doesn't scare a person, they don't deserve to call themselves an American.

It's incredibly frightening. It needs to be removed... and no wonder neither party wanted Trump in power. Everyone else would have allowed the status quo to continue.
(02-03-2018, 01:38 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-03-2018, 10:25 AM)MalabarJag Wrote: [ -> ]A lot of spin in that article. For example, claiming that the FISA application using the known phony "dossier" was OK because it was subsequently re-approved, which requires new evidence. We don't know that there was any new evidence, since the secret FISA judge could have allowed it without any new evidence. Further approval would never even have happened if not for the initial approval, which required the "dossier." It is an indictment of the whole FISA court process.

Victor Davis Hanson has a long article explaining the significance.

The full article

The key comment:

I can't disagree with you here, and I don't really want to. What is apparent, based more on the Democrats' and especially the FBI's push to keep this memo under wraps is that the FISA court system was abused.

Secret courts that exist outside of the Constitution being abused by the party in power? [BLEEP], where have we seen that before?

If nothing else comes of this, and I'm not convinced that much will given the immediate efforts (and, apparently, success) of the MSM to marginalize and discredit this memo entirely--shame on Nunes for not releasing the FISA documents to support it--I hope we get a broader, public, open review and dismantling of the FISA court system. This is America, dammit. We're supposed to be better than secret police and shadow courts. The intelligence state needs to be torn down, and if it takes two more years of Trump to make that happen, then so be it. Never before have we seen such clear evidence that the shadowy intelligence state is being abused by those in power for political gain, and if that doesn't scare a person, they don't deserve to call themselves an American.

I agree with all of this, especially the highlighed clause. I'd be surprised if it hasn't been done in the past, but this time it's out in the open for everyone to see. I'm shocked that some people here are defending it.
(02-03-2018, 02:56 PM)MalabarJag Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-03-2018, 01:38 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]I can't disagree with you here, and I don't really want to. What is apparent, based more on the Democrats' and especially the FBI's push to keep this memo under wraps is that the FISA court system was abused.

Secret courts that exist outside of the Constitution being abused by the party in power? [BLEEP], where have we seen that before?

If nothing else comes of this, and I'm not convinced that much will given the immediate efforts (and, apparently, success) of the MSM to marginalize and discredit this memo entirely--shame on Nunes for not releasing the FISA documents to support it--I hope we get a broader, public, open review and dismantling of the FISA court system. This is America, dammit. We're supposed to be better than secret police and shadow courts. The intelligence state needs to be torn down, and if it takes two more years of Trump to make that happen, then so be it. Never before have we seen such clear evidence that the shadowy intelligence state is being abused by those in power for political gain, and if that doesn't scare a person, they don't deserve to call themselves an American.

I agree with all of this, especially the highlighed clause. I'd be surprised if it hasn't been done in the past, but this time it's out in the open for everyone to see. I'm shocked that some people here are defending it.

Imagine the scope of corruption in our government today if the queen of skullduggery had pulled off the election.  Snuggled in bed with the MSM who provided cover and bodyguard-like slander on their political opponents, the dems were on their way to having complete control.  Now it's all crumbling around their feet.
(02-03-2018, 01:58 PM)TrivialPursuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-03-2018, 01:38 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]I can't disagree with you here, and I don't really want to. What is apparent, based more on the Democrats' and especially the FBI's push to keep this memo under wraps is that the FISA court system was abused.

Secret courts that exist outside of the Constitution being abused by the party in power? [BLEEP], where have we seen that before?

If nothing else comes of this, and I'm not convinced that much will given the immediate efforts (and, apparently, success) of the MSM to marginalize and discredit this memo entirely--shame on Nunes for not releasing the FISA documents to support it--I hope we get a broader, public, open review and dismantling of the FISA court system. This is America, dammit. We're supposed to be better than secret police and shadow courts. The intelligence state needs to be torn down, and if it takes two more years of Trump to make that happen, then so be it. Never before have we seen such clear evidence that the shadowy intelligence state is being abused by those in power for political gain, and if that doesn't scare a person, they don't deserve to call themselves an American.

It's incredibly frightening. It needs to be removed... and no wonder neither party wanted Trump in power. Everyone else would have allowed the status quo to continue.

If Trump's presidency somehow results in the dismantling of the intelligence state, the NSA, everything on down the line and the "security is greater than freedom" mentality, then it's a successful one.

As long as he doesn't get us all blown up or taken over by Russia in the process.
(02-03-2018, 04:07 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-03-2018, 01:58 PM)TrivialPursuit Wrote: [ -> ]It's incredibly frightening. It needs to be removed... and no wonder neither party wanted Trump in power. Everyone else would have allowed the status quo to continue.

If Trump's presidency somehow results in the dismantling of the intelligence state, the NSA, everything on down the line and the "security is greater than freedom" mentality, then it's a successful one.

As long as he doesn't get us all blown up or taken over by Russia in the process.

How could he if he's working for them?
(02-03-2018, 04:42 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-03-2018, 04:07 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]If Trump's presidency somehow results in the dismantling of the intelligence state, the NSA, everything on down the line and the "security is greater than freedom" mentality, then it's a successful one.

As long as he doesn't get us all blown up or taken over by Russia in the process.

How could he if he's working for them?

Good point.
(02-03-2018, 08:00 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]Why the Nunes memo makes no sense.


There are  a lot on the left that are trying to dismiss this memo as out of context or nothing to see here.  If there is nothing to see here then why is McCabe on vacation/retired list.  Why did Bruce Ohrr get demoted twice.  The fig leaf that the left is hanging onto after the memo came out is that The initial counter intelligence investigation was initiated because of George Papadapolous, they neglect to mention that the FBI agent that initiated the whole thing was the same one caught on text messages with his Mistress talking about his open hatred for Donald Trump and the need for an insurance policy against his presidency.  

Peter Strozk initiated this entire investigation based on hearsay of an inconsequential campaign staffer.  This is the same Peter Strozk who worked with JAmes Comey to write an exhoneration for Hillary Clinton before she was ever interviewed by the FBI.  this is the Same Peter Strozk who tried to investigate Michael Flynn based on the Logan Act, a 200 year law designed to keep state legislators from negotiating on behalf of the federal government, not the Presumptive National Security adviser from discussing policy with his foreign counterparts.  After nearly a year of investigations we see that just before Mueller's appointment he didn't even want to be part of the investigation because "I don't think much will come of it."  

This is one of the biggest con jobs ever perpetrated on the American people.  If you go to the basic foundations of the whole narrative the DNC Servers were never actually examined by the FBI.  We know it's Russia essentially because Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the company she hired said so.  Mind you this is a company that has already been shown to get it wrong falsely blaming Russia for computer intrusion.  The most damning episode is the Trump Jr. Meeting and that was initiated by representatives of a woman who was affiliated with the same company that was paid for the Steele Dossier.  Mueller Himself was interviewed and rejected for FBI director THE DAY BEFORE he was appointed as special counsel and now he is creating an endless number of process crimes in the investigation of the president that rejected him and the firing of his protégé and friend.  

This is ridiculous.  

Lying to a federal judge to surveil a presidential campaign is orders of magnitude worse than what happened at the Watergate.
(02-03-2018, 07:02 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-03-2018, 08:00 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]Why the Nunes memo makes no sense.


There are  a lot on the left that are trying to dismiss this memo as out of context or nothing to see here.  If there is nothing to see here then why is McCabe on vacation/retired list.  Why did Bruce Ohrr get demoted twice.  The fig leaf that the left is hanging onto after the memo came out is that The initial counter intelligence investigation was initiated because of George Papadapolous, they neglect to mention that the FBI agent that initiated the whole thing was the same one caught on text messages with his Mistress talking about his open hatred for Donald Trump and the need for an insurance policy against his presidency.  

Peter Strozk initiated this entire investigation based on hearsay of an inconsequential campaign staffer.  This is the same Peter Strozk who worked with JAmes Comey to write an exhoneration for Hillary Clinton before she was ever interviewed by the FBI.  this is the Same Peter Strozk who tried to investigate Michael Flynn based on the Logan Act, a 200 year law designed to keep state legislators from negotiating on behalf of the federal government, not the Presumptive National Security adviser from discussing policy with his foreign counterparts.  After nearly a year of investigations we see that just before Mueller's appointment he didn't even want to be part of the investigation because "I don't think much will come of it."  

This is one of the biggest con jobs ever perpetrated on the American people.  If you go to the basic foundations of the whole narrative the DNC Servers were never actually examined by the FBI.  We know it's Russia essentially because Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the company she hired said so.  Mind you this is a company that has already been shown to get it wrong falsely blaming Russia for computer intrusion.  The most damning episode is the Trump Jr. Meeting and that was initiated by representatives of a woman who was affiliated with the same company that was paid for the Steele Dossier.  Mueller Himself was interviewed and rejected for FBI director THE DAY BEFORE he was appointed as special counsel and now he is creating an endless number of process crimes in the investigation of the president that rejected him and the firing of his protégé and friend.  

This is ridiculous.  

Lying to a federal judge to surveil a presidential campaign is orders of magnitude worse than what happened at the Watergate.

You're assuming that the double-secret probation judge wasn't fully aware of what was going on and/or in on it.
(02-03-2018, 07:02 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-03-2018, 08:00 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]Why the Nunes memo makes no sense.


There are  a lot on the left that are trying to dismiss this memo as out of context or nothing to see here.  If there is nothing to see here then why is McCabe on vacation/retired list.  Why did Bruce Ohrr get demoted twice.  The fig leaf that the left is hanging onto after the memo came out is that The initial counter intelligence investigation was initiated because of George Papadapolous, they neglect to mention that the FBI agent that initiated the whole thing was the same one caught on text messages with his Mistress talking about his open hatred for Donald Trump and the need for an insurance policy against his presidency.  

Peter Strozk initiated this entire investigation based on hearsay of an inconsequential campaign staffer.  This is the same Peter Strozk who worked with JAmes Comey to write an exhoneration for Hillary Clinton before she was ever interviewed by the FBI.  this is the Same Peter Strozk who tried to investigate Michael Flynn based on the Logan Act, a 200 year law designed to keep state legislators from negotiating on behalf of the federal government, not the Presumptive National Security adviser from discussing policy with his foreign counterparts.  After nearly a year of investigations we see that just before Mueller's appointment he didn't even want to be part of the investigation because "I don't think much will come of it."  

This is one of the biggest con jobs ever perpetrated on the American people.  If you go to the basic foundations of the whole narrative the DNC Servers were never actually examined by the FBI.  We know it's Russia essentially because Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the company she hired said so.  Mind you this is a company that has already been shown to get it wrong falsely blaming Russia for computer intrusion.  The most damning episode is the Trump Jr. Meeting and that was initiated by representatives of a woman who was affiliated with the same company that was paid for the Steele Dossier.  Mueller Himself was interviewed and rejected for FBI director THE DAY BEFORE he was appointed as special counsel and now he is creating an endless number of process crimes in the investigation of the president that rejected him and the firing of his protégé and friend.  

This is ridiculous.  

Lying to a federal judge to surveil a presidential campaign is orders of magnitude worse than what happened at the Watergate.

No, you're one of the easiet marks of the biggest con job ever perpetrated on the American people,.
Yeh, doing what he campaigned on. What a con job.
The real con job is expecting people to believe Putin owns Trump because some Russian hookers peed on a hotel bed.
(02-03-2018, 09:08 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-03-2018, 07:02 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]There are  a lot on the left that are trying to dismiss this memo as out of context or nothing to see here.  If there is nothing to see here then why is McCabe on vacation/retired list.  Why did Bruce Ohrr get demoted twice.  The fig leaf that the left is hanging onto after the memo came out is that The initial counter intelligence investigation was initiated because of George Papadapolous, they neglect to mention that the FBI agent that initiated the whole thing was the same one caught on text messages with his Mistress talking about his open hatred for Donald Trump and the need for an insurance policy against his presidency.  

Peter Strozk initiated this entire investigation based on hearsay of an inconsequential campaign staffer.  This is the same Peter Strozk who worked with JAmes Comey to write an exhoneration for Hillary Clinton before she was ever interviewed by the FBI.  this is the Same Peter Strozk who tried to investigate Michael Flynn based on the Logan Act, a 200 year law designed to keep state legislators from negotiating on behalf of the federal government, not the Presumptive National Security adviser from discussing policy with his foreign counterparts.  After nearly a year of investigations we see that just before Mueller's appointment he didn't even want to be part of the investigation because "I don't think much will come of it."  

This is one of the biggest con jobs ever perpetrated on the American people.  If you go to the basic foundations of the whole narrative the DNC Servers were never actually examined by the FBI.  We know it's Russia essentially because Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the company she hired said so.  Mind you this is a company that has already been shown to get it wrong falsely blaming Russia for computer intrusion.  The most damning episode is the Trump Jr. Meeting and that was initiated by representatives of a woman who was affiliated with the same company that was paid for the Steele Dossier.  Mueller Himself was interviewed and rejected for FBI director THE DAY BEFORE he was appointed as special counsel and now he is creating an endless number of process crimes in the investigation of the president that rejected him and the firing of his protégé and friend.  

This is ridiculous.  

Lying to a federal judge to surveil a presidential campaign is orders of magnitude worse than what happened at the Watergate.

No, you're one of the easiet marks of the biggest con job ever perpetrated on the American people,.

Let go of the hate.

Dude.. your Messiah tried to DESTROY this country.
Now that they've release the Republican authored memo, I wonder if they will release the Democrat memo. Seems only fair to me. But I doubt they will, because this isn't really about getting at the truth. It's about protecting Trump.
(02-04-2018, 10:58 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]Now that they've release the Republican authored memo, I wonder if they will release the Democrat memo.   Seems only fair to me.   But I doubt they will, because this isn't really about getting at the truth.  It's about protecting Trump.

Once the dems are finished composing their memo, they may look to release it.

What value could a dem memo possible offer?
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