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An FBI agent wrote this: 


"After more than a decade of service, which included investigating terrorism, working to rescue kidnapping victims overseas and being special assistant to the director, I am reluctantly turning in my badge and leaving an organization I love. Why? So I can join the growing chorus of people who believe that the relentless attacks on the bureau undermine not just America’s premier law enforcement agency but also the nation’s security. My resignation is painful, but the alternative of remaining quiet while the bureau is tarnished for political gain is impossible."

"Political operatives are weaponizing their disagreement with a particular investigation in a bid to undermine the credibility of the entire institution. “The system is rigged” is their slogan, and they are now politicizing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act process used to collect critical intelligence about our adversaries."

"The assumption among confused and dismayed F.B.I. employees is that the attacks are meant to soften the blow should the investigation by Mr. Mueller, the special counsel, lead to additional charges. However, these kinds of attacks by powerful people go beyond mere criticism — they could destroy the institution. Although those critics’ revisionist supporters claim their ire is reserved for institutional leadership and not the rank and file, it is the F.B.I. agent on the street who will be most severely affected as public support for federal law enforcement is sacrificed for partisan gain."

"These political attacks on the bureau must stop. If those critics of the agency persuade the public that the F.B.I. cannot be trusted, they will also have succeeded in making our nation less safe."


My comment:   Trump supporters will do anything to defend Trump, including but not limited to destroying our nation's top law enforcement institutions.   It's pure Johnny Cochran.   He put law enforcement on trial to save OJ.  Now Republicans are doing the same thing.  

J. Edgar Hoover made the FBI into this cesspool of political garbage. Back in his day it was far right. Now it's far left. It all sucks.
Perhaps this article could be more accurately titled: "How I Turned My Pre-planned Career Change Into a Whiny Political Treatise"

I don't know where you've been for the last year, but this tact doesn't work anymore, Marty. No one holds the rank and file in contempt for the politicization of the FBI's leadership. I'm sure this is good theater for you Rachel Maddow acolytes, but it's just more drama queen fodder for citizens who want answers.
Go cry me a river.

Another NY Times article not worth the time to read. 
A lot of winning... Not any dispute of the material facts asserted in the NUNES memo.
"This memo has damaged our ability to illegally spy on Americans, and that makes me a sad panda."

If the type of agent we're losing is the type that thinks that way, then screw 'em. Armed security guards get paid $15/hr. in California, and there are lots of mini-storage lots that need protection.
Why isn't he blaming the leaders at the top who politicized the FBI and did illegal stuff?

I say good riddance.
(02-03-2018, 12:00 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]Perhaps this article could be more accurately titled: "How I Turned My Pre-planned Career Change Into a Whiny Political Treatise". 

I don't know where you've been for the last year, but this tact doesn't work anymore, Marty. No one holds the rank and file in contempt for the politicization of the FBI's leadership. I'm sure this is good theater for you Rachel Maddow acolytes, but it's just more drama queen fodder for citizens who want answers.

Like I said...
Where did you come down on IRS abuses and the pleading the 5th and protected pension for Lois Lerner? The rank and file are hard working and people know it. I wanted Ted Cruz and was stuck with Trump at the end of the process. This crap started in 2016 how the heck is it even remotely the Trump administration. Seriously where was this quitter when the top ranks acquitted and covered up for multiple investigations into classified information stored illegally? Where was this quitter when all of the leakers were purposely feeding classified information to the press?

Americans are getting screwed by their government and one party wants more of it and the other doesn't really object all that much. I really wish the libertarians weren't all about dope and letting people out of prison because we sure could use a third choice at this point.
please make me a drone robot paddler, this must be a neutral spanker adorned with a blind fold, then input the data and unleash this drone Spanker
This will eliminate this problem