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Quote:Exactly. His windup is messing with the timing. He's off on slants, out routes and missing on a ton of deep routes. It's letting DB's get the jump on and be near or at the ball on passes.


Is it poor coaching? Playing to much in his head? I have no clue but the mechanics are the reason he's stinking it up. 

These are good points.  Unfortunately he's unlikely to fix it this season, and that could stunt his growth in other areas.  He's going to need another offseason.  


The sad thing is that Greg Olson has been a quarterbacks coach for almost 20 years.
Quote:You're absolutely right.

It's incredibly asinine that Bortles or who ever his mentor is decided "your tech is fine after just ONE year of changing your whole setup, let's focus on the playbook because it's so unique and varied"

Of COURSE Bortles was going to revert back to how he's played his whole life, one year of technical focus is not going to fix a life's work of bad technique.

Just so dumb. Bortles needs a better teacher.

Yea, I don't know who is to blame for this.  I think when Bortles was asked, he said nobody told him anything was wrong with him mechanics.  I think Greg Olson said his mechanics weren't the problem (But has to know something is wrong).  And I don't even know what Nathaniel Hackett does if it's not telling Blake something's wrong with his mechanics.   
Quote:Yea, I don't know who is to blame for this.  I think when Bortles was asked, he said nobody told him anything was wrong with him mechanics.  I think Greg Olson said his mechanics weren't the problem (But has to know something is wrong).  And I don't even know what Nathaniel Hackett does if it's not telling Blake something's wrong with his mechanics.   
It's seriously hard to imagine a QB Coach, an OC and the QB himself can watch game tape and not see how slow and awkward his windup is or how rarely he sets his feet and squares his shoulders and on and on and on. 
The issue is Bortles is not the guy.
Quote:Exactly. While we're over here sopping up all this philosophical non-sense over the last four years. We've had to sit back and watch teams like the Redksins, Raiders, Vikings, Chiefs, Cardinals & now most recently the Eagles turn things around rather quickly. None of those coaches in Gruden, Del Rio, Zimmer, Reid, Arians & Pederson inherited perfect football teams by any means. They all had glaring holes and fundamental issues somewhere on their roster and they addressed it and got it going. Even before then with Seattle under Carroll. Carroll may have gotten lucky a few years earlier on playing in a then, weak NFC West. But at least his teams were capable of flirting with 7 - 9 all year. Under Bradley in four years this team has never completely finished a game or looked competent from start to finish over any two week period. And that speaks volumes.

yep... when we sign successful free agent after free agent and they come here and under perform.. what does that tell you?  No, not every single one of these guys is lazy and stops trying... it is our losing culture and lack of coaching.


It again brings me back to my thought's that Khan is actually trying to move this team eventually... not now, maybe not next 2 years... but something isn't right.


This guy knows what success is, but he is letting literally the worst coaching the NFL has statistically ever seen continue to coach here... before that with Gene Smith being allowed to screw us over for 4 years.  This team is ACCEPTING of losing.


Something isn't right... Now the players are talking down on the fans as if we are the problem... it is all spiraling out of control fast and I smell something fishy going on
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