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Did you guys know that Vic is back online? He posts answers to questions on Mondays and Thursdays on his own website. https://www.askvic.us/
I think he was run out of D.C. relating to the Redskins' draft selection of Robert Griffin III.

Best Moment: He's gone.

Worst Moment: Strutting into the Jaguars' locker room and chiding Jaguars' players - taunting Chris Clemons he was going to be released by the team just to intimidate him. 

Absurdity: Constantly using his column width to expound upon his OWN personnel ideas. Almost all of his recommendations turned out to be half-baked concoctions generated by the well-greased pan of play-ola antics reaching the point of questioning if he was deliberately trying to sabotage the Jaguars.

Glaring evidence of unlearned-ness: Informing Jacksonville Jaguars' fans that any given draft was a great chance for the Jaguars to add to their depth at a position. The Jaguars should  use their third round pick to take Johnny Xyz of Haahaaawah University to add depth...
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