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Full Version: Rebuild 4.0 time
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Time for this coaching "era" to end...


When does Khan finally fire Bradley?

After The Thursday Night game. Gives Marrone 10 days to prep for the Chiefs
4:40pm today?


Too late?

When is it enough? I have never witnessed what i did today. If this does not make you fire Gus then I will lose all faith in you as the owner of this team. This was an embarassment. I am sick to my stomach. You should also take a look at Dave Caldwell also. His first round picks have been putrid and missed on the most important position with taking Blake. Please do something.

Any decent NFL HC has this team at 4-2...a rebuild is not needed...just a competent HC

Quote:When is it enough? I have never witnessed what i did today. If this does not make you fire Gus then I will lose all faith in you as the owner of this team. This was an embarassment. I am sick to my stomach. You should also take a look at Dave Caldwell also. His first round picks have been putrid and missed on the most important position with taking Blake. Please do something.

This team is easily a 9 win team with the right coach. Hell, last year was an 8 win team with a different coach.

Quote:Any decent NFL HC has this team at 4-2...a rebuild is not needed...just a competent HC
Not with Bortles. Hes ruined. Forever and ever
That's the saddest part of this whole thing.  By keeping this incompetent coaching staff, you've ruined Bortles so now you're going back to the drawing board for the most important position in the NFL.  


Had you fired Bradley in the offseason, maybe Borles could have been saved and we would be talking playoffs this year.  


It all comes down to Khan's refusal to hold anyone accountable.  

Let Bortles tank for one more year and rebuild around Marqise Lee and Lamar Jackson.
Quote:When is it enough? I have never witnessed what i did today. If this does not make you fire Gus then I will lose all faith in you as the owner of this team. This was an embarassment. I am sick to my stomach. You should also take a look at Dave Caldwell also. His first round picks have been putrid and missed on the most important position with taking Blake. Please do something.
Pay attention before you repost a thread that got merged. 
Who's on board for a new QB in the top 10 this year!
Quote:Who's on board for a new QB in the top 10 this year!

No thanks, the QBs in the draft are trash this year. Tank one more year with beer belly Bortles and draft Lamar Jackson 1st overall.
Quote:4:40pm today?

Too late?

By 20 minutes..
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