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Technically late Baby Boomers, born roughly 1955 - 1965.  I am one of this group but did not know it had warranted a separate designation.  I did know I never felt like a Boomer, but we always got lumped in with beatniks, Woodstock, civil rights, etc.  I was too young for any of that.  By the time I hit the job market the post-war economic boom was well over and a pretty serious depression was starting.  Not that life wasn't good - it was.  But it was kind of a limbo in American history.  Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter.  Too late for radical activism but too early for greed.  If you had said "greed is good" in 1976, people would have run away.  We played at dressing like hippies, but the real hippies had either gone back to the land or had become associate professors at the universities they used to burn down.

Generation Jones never really made its mark on history.  It largely just went to work and didn't rock the boat.  Wikipedia says marketing people are very aware of this demographic and that this generation currently has quite a lot of political power and has provided key swing votes in several recent elections.  I suppose that power will shortly pass to GenX before we realize we ever had it.  That's the way it goes for Gen Jones.